About this mod
This patch uses grasses from Veydosebrom Regions, Folkvangr, Cathedral 3D Pine Grass and Depths of Skyrim to overhaul the landscape of Skyrim.
See screenshots for an idea of what the grasses will look like in-game
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- French
Please ensure you endorse each mod as the patch would not have been possible without them!
Install the following:
- Depths of Skyrim - v1.1.7
- Folkvangr v.1.3
- Veydosebrom Regions v1.2.1 FOMOD instructions: Mod Organizer 2 > Fresh Install > High Quality > Dense Landscape > Default
- Cathedral 3D Pine Grass - Full 3D Coverage v.0.462
- My Patch
An ini file with a couple of grass settings is included, although you may need to update your No Objects in Grass settings as that overrides any other ini settings
The patch was created after ESL-ifying the master plugins (except for Depths of Skyrim). You should do the same to avoid xEdit spewing errors at you.
To compact FormIDs and flag as ESL do the following:
- Launch xEdit and ensure that the mods you wnat to change are ticked before clicking ok.
- Right click the plugin in the left pane and select [Compact FormIDs for ESL].
- Select [Yes] if prompted with a warning.
- When this completes left click the plugin in the left pane
- In the right pane, right click the field next to [Record Flags] (do not click on Record Flags, but the field to the right of it).
- Select [Edit], check the [ESL] box in the pop-up, then click [OK]. Exit SSEEdit.
(Instructions adapted from the SkyREM guide courtesy of DrPharmDawg)
My patch forwards the correct records to its plugin so it's probable that LOOT rules don't matter, but grass can behave a bit strangely at times. As it's only a 10 second job I recommend you add some manual LOOT rules.
The LOOT Rules to add are as follows:
Folkvangr > Load After > Depths of Skyrim
Veydosebrom Regions > Load After > Folkvangr
Cathedral 3D Pine Grass > Load After > Veydosebrom Regions
QW's Grass Patch > Load After > Majestic Mountains.esp (if you use it)
To add LOOT rules launch LOOT
- Find the plugin you want to add the rule to in the right hand list
- Click the three vertical dots and click Edit MetaData
- In the new box that has popped up click Load After
- Click Add New Row
- Under File Name start typing the name of the plugin you want to load after. It should appear so click on it.
- Add something to the Display Name field (I just copy/paste the previous box)
- Click Save
- Repeat this for all plugins
- Use LOOT to sort your load order
You may also want to consider other LOOT rules depending on the other mods in your load order (use xEdit to check if any plugins are overwriting mine and make a judgement call)
You will need to visit Skurkbro's patch page here, download and install the patches for Cathedral 3D Pine Grass, Folkvangr, Veydosebrom and QW Grass 1. Make sure each patch loads after their respective master.
Also make sure you follow the instructions on Skurkbro's page to get it working
As per user request I have added a version that uses the rocks from Cathedral Rocky Shores. This combines the river bed edge grasses that were already present in the patch with the 'rock' grass type from the Cathedral mod.
This does not require the original Cathedral Rocky Shores mod. It does require Depths of Skyrim however.
Thanks to the Cathedral team for the Rocky Shores mod and for the open perms allowing me to add directly to the patch without adding another master.
- I downloaded and tested around 20 grass mods until I narrowed it down to the 4 previously stated mods
- ESL'd each of these mods so they do not take up a spot in the load order (you will need to do the same for my patch to work correctly - instructions below)
- Tested each one to see which grass mod I liked for a particular region (tundra, marsh etc.) and forwarded those records to my patch
- Removed any plants/grasses/flowers that I did not like (these were mostly the more 2D looking grass types that I felt didn't belong in a 2021 game)
- Adjusted densities of grasses*
- Added select Cathedral plants to the pine grass areas
- Sizes and colors of the Cathedral plants were then adjusted
- Patch was sent to testers and updated based on feedback
For full information of what I did in each region see the full description below
*Veydosebrom Regions is set up to look good at iMinGrassSize=20, whereas Folkvangr is set up to look good at iMinGrassSize=60. I have adjusted the densities of all grasses to look good at iMinGrassSize=20. This does not mean it will be more performance heavy!
Mod Used: Folkvangr
Changes - Removed Twig_Pale, Flower_White_Clover, Twig_Pile_01, Twig_Pile_02, Twig_Pile_03, Flower_Pink, Plant_Fern01, Plant_Fern02, Flower_Bluebells, Twig_Green, Plant_WhiteleafedDeadnettle, Flower_Pink, Twig_Dark, Flower_WoodAnemonewhite, Flower_MeadowSaxifrage, Flower_Yellow, Flower_Dandelion,
I have adjusted the densities of every grass type to look good when using iMinGrassSize=20
Mod Used: Cathedral 3D Pine Grass
Changes - I have used the following plants from this mod: Berry_2030, Berry_1416, Berry_0030, ThalictrumFendleri_1530, FernBraken5Light_0045, FernBraken5Light_1230, FernBraken, FernBracken3, FernBraken5,
Adjusted the heights of all these plants inspired by Origins of Forest.
I love Origins but felt that the increased heights of the plants was not always practical. My plants are generally smaller and less dense than in Origins.
I have also made the plants from 3D Pine Grass more common/dense in areas where the grass from Folkvangr is shorter (such as areas with pine cones, leaf piles and clovers).
In areas of the pine forest where there is longer grass, Cathedral plants are less common.
Mod Used: Veydosebrom Regions
Changes - Removed: Flower05, Flower06, Flower07, Flower08, Plant34,
A mix of greens and browns. If you've used the latest version of Veydosebrom Regions you will know what to expect.
Mod Used: Folkvangr
I have adjusted the densities of every grass type to look good when using iMinGrassSize=20
As per standard Folkvangr for the Snow grass
Mod Used: Folkvangr
Changes - Removed Flower_Purple, Twig_Pile_01, Twig_Pale, Tree_Aspen, Grass_Clump_Green_02
I have adjusted the densities of every grass type to look good when using iMinGrassSize=20
Otherwise as per standard Folkvangr for the Rift. I removed Grass_Clump_Green_02 for performance reasons.
Mod Used: Veydosebrom Regions
Mod Used: Folkvangr
Used Standard Veydosebrom and added the Driftwood from Folkvangr to this grass type
Mod Used: Veydosebrom Regions
Changes - Removed Flower02, Flower03
Otherwise as per standard Veydosebrom Regions for the Reach.
Mod Used: Folkvangr
Changes - Removed Plant_Water_Cattail_01, Plant_Water_Cattail_02, Flower_Blue, Twig_Swamp_01, Twig_Swamp_02
I have adjusted the densities of every grass type to look good when using iMinGrassSize=20
Otherwise as per standard Folkvangr for the Marsh
Mod Used: Folkvangr
I have adjusted the densities of every grass type to look good when using iMinGrassSize=20
As per standard Folkvangr for the Coast Beach
Mod Used: Veydosebrom Regions
Changes - Removed Plant14, Flower16
Grass mods tend to either heavily populate this area with grass or barely touch it at all.
I have used Veydosebrom Regions (which is by default dense in this area) and then reduced the density of all grasses used (but not the plants) by just over a third to give a slightly more sparse feeling.
Mod Used: Veydosebrom Regions
As per standard Veydosebrom Regions for Solstheim
Mod Used: Depths of Skyrim
Changes - Removed CoastDriftwood and CoastDriftwood2
I have adjusted the densities of every grass type to look good when using iMinGrassSize=20
Mod Used: Folkvangr (only used record for LRiverBottom01NoGrass)
I have adjusted the densities of the grass type to look good when using iMinGrassSize=20
All small rocks/pebbles removed from the game with the exception of those in water
Removed some River Bed Edge grass that was on the northern coast next to and growing through the Wreck of the Brinehammer. It just looked out of place.
I built this patch with a forthcoming upgrade in mind but could only benchmark on my current system.
My System: i5 4670, 16gb RAM, 1070 8GB, 1080p
My Skyrim: 4k-2k textures, Rudy ENB, Nolvus Reshade, Speed Trees, my grass patch, DynDOLOD Ultra
My Performance: I did not dip below 30fps on my system in any region with the above set up
Grass Cache: I did not run grass cache, although a couple of testers did and reported similar FPS drops compared to other grass mods
Changelog Notes
24/03/22 Some of the TNAM Texture Sets in the Folkvangr ESP are different to vanilla. I have carried forward the vanilla texture sets into my patch which may help some of you experiencing mismatching textures. Feedback is welcome
08/05/22 - NOTE - I have tested with the latest version of Veydosebrom (1.2.0 & 1.2.1) and all is working fine
12/05/2022 - Added Complex Grass patch created by Skurkbro! Give him a kudo and some love!
30/06/2022 - Removed wild edit. Thanks to Blackread for pointing this out! Safe to update if you really want to but all the wild edit did was to adjust the z-axis slightly on a piece of fog.
skylandfern.dds originally by Skyking
Thanks to the mod authors of the masters for their amazing work
Thanks to thronplunder for pointing me in the right direction with the CK
Thanks to the following awesome people who tested and provided invaluable feedback during the creation of this patch:
- amastermiind
- Ted R
- Discrepancy
- ye-reverend_grimm
Feel free to join the below Discord. A great place to discuss Skyrim modding whatever your level of expertise:
DrPharmDawg's SkyREM Guide - Here
Discord Invite - Here