This page was last updated on 05 June 2024, 7:43PM
Version 2.0.0 RC3
Fixed studies not properly finishing in RC2.
Fixed some calculations with time modifiers.
Version 2.0.0 RC2
Couple of additions to the Manual Stop mode:
-> Progression messages will show periodically every 1 real time minute while studying.
-> Session will automatically finish when progress reaches 100% and the spell is learned.
-> You can now cancel the current session by reading the spelltome as well.
Version 2.0.0 RC1
New study method available under optionals. (called Manual Stop)
--> Clicking on the spell tome will promp your current process and if you want to study.
--> The studying will then happen in real game time (you can use the wait menu to speed up the process or just stand there watching your character read).
--> The session will finish when you move.
Changed some lines from hours to % of book memorized.
Version 1.4.5
Updated DEST API to version 1.2.2 (including support for SkyrimSE 1.6.629+)
Added generic prompt for studies longer than 60 days (no more thousand days of study).
Fixed "Exhaustion per hour" label wrongly saying "Experience per hour" in the MCM Helper version of MCM.
Removed "MCM helper.esp" as requirement from the MCM helper config file.
Version 1.4.1
Fixed Fomod displayed version
Version 1.4
Added support for AE.
Added Exhaustion per hour configuration in the MCM.
Added support for Vampires while using SunHelm.
Version 1.3
Fixed missing VR option in 1.2
Added suport for Sunhelm Survival, just like with the CC Survival Mode, studying will increase fatigue (Is not heavily tested since I don't use Sunhelm, please report any issues)
Version 1.2
Slight formulaic change to avoid overflow. Feedback is appreciated.
Check pictures, your knowledge in the specific school of magic will reduce the time needed to learn the spell exponentially. While a Novice spell might take you from 12 to 2 hours depending on your knowledge, a Master lvl spell might still take you a day of study even at lvl 100 (they're supposed to be really hard spells, learning them in an hour wouldn't feel right)
Version 1.1
Updated to latest version of DEST, including compatibility with Skyrim VR
Version 1.0
Added First Person messages back
Reading a book will now grant a small amount of XP to that School of Magic (configurable in the MCM)
Removed ESL flag since it causes issues in specific load orders, records are compact tho, so if you don't have issues, you can safely set the ESL flag back on
Changed layout of MCM
Version 0.9
Some code cleaning and reworking
Message options will not exceed the time needed to learn the spell (if only 3 hours are needed to learn a spell, the prompt will show the 1, 2 and 3 hours options only)
Version 0.8
"Force Third Person" replaced with "Play Animations", when a spellbook is read in 3rd person, camera will remain like that, if it's read in first person, camera will go 3rd person, play the animation and return to 1st person like it does in the vanilla game.
Added options to study 5, 6 ,7 and 8 hours.
Version 0.7
Magicka and Spell School requirements can now be modified in the MCM
Version 0.6
Added option to forget known spells by reading the spell book, deactivated by default, can be activated in the MCM
Version 0.5
MCM added
Whitelist implemented. Books added to this formlist will be ignored and its spells will be learned immediatly
Version 0.3
Fixed reading progress bleeding to other tomes
Fixed other several bugs
Unfinished studies will now only reset if you actually start reading a new spell tome (starting a new study and then not reading the new spell tome will keep the old study progress)