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Beofisch and couchwarriortv

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VANDER NIGHTBROOK Courier Replacer - Release Version 1.0

- Replaces the Vanilla Courier
- Edits slightly the Courier Quest (only to add Animations to Dialogue)
- Adds a "Dummy-Vander-NPC" to greet the Player in Riverwood
- Dummy NPC will be moved to a Holding Cell after Scene



- Needs to be loaded after all NPC-Overhaul Mods that touch the Courier
- same is true for the FaceGen-Date (Meshes/Textures) to not create a grey face bug

- NOT COMPATIBLY WITH Provincial Courier Service



Links to the Mods/Authors can be found on the Mod-Page

for Armor:
Letho’s Armor (Legacy, SSE Nif Optimized)
iamonewhoplaysgames - Mod Author of Lethos Armor
CD Project Red for allowing to use their assets
LOrdOfWar - for the meshses and textures

For Backpack:
Rerelease - Leather Backpack - Special Edition
LolzMan1325 for the SE port
theRoadstroker for the model
Tupii for the Original mod
CouchWarrior for the new Texture

For Vanders Face:

Fine Face Textures for Men SSE - Woodelf Texture Used
urshi - Mod Author of Fine Face Textures
Geonox for High Res Face Maps for Men
pikkatze for Smooth Faces for Ladies and Gents

Ethereal Elven Overhaul - tri Files used for Vanders Headparts
nuska - Mod Author of Ethereal Elven Overhaul