About this mod
The gods are watching. Before, you could receive blessing after blessing from the deities that watch over Tamriel, no matter what crimes you committed. Now, every action you take will be judged by them and they will decide whether you are virtuous, amusing, or interesting enough to be granted their boons.
- Requirements
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- Polish
(This is the description for the 3.0 Version. For the 2.x Versions, look at the LE Page)
This mod adds an entirely new role-playing game system that allows you to pray, worship, or otherwise invoke the deities that watch over Tamriel.
Your actions, including the choices you make during quests; how you approach combat; your crimes, both noticed and unnoticed; what groups of people you've allied with, and which you've become enemies of; the spells you learn, the weapons you use, the armor you wear; the time of day, month, or year you spend worshipping, all of that will determine how the deities perceive you: as either virtuous, sinful, amusing, curious, or boring, which will determine whether or not they decide to aid you in your adventure, or if they decide to punish you.
Currently, you can pray to and worship the Nine Divines, the 16 Daedric Lords, the 13 Constellations, and several other Ancient Spirits, including Sithis, Magnus, Y'ffre, the All-Maker, Ebonarm, and racial Ancestors. Below I detail how these deities behave, how they will judge you, and what gifts they can bestow upon you.
You will interact with all the deities through either a shrine, or through a lesser power that deity gifted you. The lesser power is granted through a vision, see below. You will either be able to Start Worship, Ask for Guidance, or Ask for a Boon. Divines will also give you the option to repent for your sins, and Daedric Princes will give you the option to ask that they remove one of their gifts from you. The Constellations behave much differently, see below.
Worshiping or praying to a deity will slowly increase their disposition towards you. The amount of in-game time you spend at a shrine will determine your disposition (remember, you can press T to wait and pass in-game time). You can increase how effective your worship is by wearing equipment related to the deity you are worshiping, and worshiping in locations related to that deity. However, it will still likely take several in-game weeks of worship to make any significant progress with a deity, so you are expected to worship your deity while you are on your holy/heretic adventures, rather than replacing your quests outright. Remember, your actions will always outweigh your words.
Asking a deity for guidance will increase the chances you will receive a vision from them in the following nights. Like worship, this can be more effective if you are in the right place, or you are wearing the right equipment. Additionally, reading books related to that deity, or visiting locations associated with that deity, will also increase your chances of receiving a vision. These visions will give you clues on how to please your patron deity, and might even lead you to some vanilla quests. Additionally, you may be granted a lesser power through a vision that allows you to worship your deity anywhere. Sound cues will play if you are about to receive a vision.
Asking a deity for a boon, blessing, or gift will have different consequences depending on what group that deity is a part of. For most deities, if they value you worthy enough, they will grant what you ask for, and if they don't, they'll simply ignore you. Others may become annoyed with your request, and will decide to curse you if you are too bothersome. Asking for a boon more than once per day won't work, and will likely annoy the deity your pestering. Similar to guidance, a sound cue will play if you have been gifted something, but a different cue will play if you haven't been gifted something.
If you are trying to gain the attention and favor of a particular deity, you should seek out everything you can about them. Seek out and visit their temples and shrines, talk with and aid their priests, find any books you can mentioning them. Eventually, they will reach out to you.
The patron gods of the Cyrodilic Empire are the most reliable and favorable for the heroes of Tamriel. They all praise those who aid others, while damning those who steal and murder. Additionally, most will condemn those infected with diseases beget by Daedric Princes, like Vampirism and Lycanthropy. However, the Divines are also forgiving, and will readily accept your repentance.
You can repent for your sins at any time, through a shrine or your prayer lesser power, and the Divines will forgive you for the moment. However, if you keep performing sinful actions, you will eventually have to bear a curse, or abandon that Divine altogether. All of the Divine's curses will decrease your regeneration rates for Health, Magicka, Stamina, and make you more vulnerable to Poisons and Diseases. Additionally, while you are cursed, you will not be able to receive blessings from any Divine. Once the curse has run its course, you will again be forgiven of all of your sins. The duration of the curse is dependent on all of your sins; if you manage to get yourself cursed twice by the same Divine, you will have to bear the curse for all of the sins you have committed, even the ones that have been forgiven by the previous curse.
If you avoid sinful actions, and spend your time helping others, then you will eventually be seen as virtuous by at least one of the Divines, and they may bestow a blessing on you if you ask it of them. The strength of the Divines is limited compared to the other Deities, so the amount of strength they lend to you varies, depending on your virtuous actions, how dire your situation is, and whether or not you are wearing an amulet that connects you to one of the Divines.Keep in mind, these blessings will be stunted, or simply won't activate, if you have been cursed by a Divine or have been granted a gift by one of the Daedric Princes.
The blessings of the Divines can therefore be organized, depending on how virtuous you must be to receive it, and what needs to happen for the blessing to activate:
- First, you will be cleansed of diseases if you are deemed even remotely virtuous.
- Second, you will be given a blessing that will revitalize you if you are about to fall in combat. This blessing is the same for all Divines, and you cannot have more than one of the Divines grant you this blessing at the same time. It will not reveal itself until you need it.
- Third, you will be given a minor blessing that makes you stronger in some aspect, such as increasing your resistance to some form of magic, increasing one of your attributes like Stamina, Magicka, or Health, or some other minor strength. These blessings are simple, and can likely be recreated through potions or armor enchantments. These blessings will slowly decay over time, and become less powerful, though you can renew their strength by asking your Divine to bless you again. Yet, these blessings can also become stronger if you are about to fall in combat, or if you are wearing the Divine's associated amulet.
- Fourth, you will be given a major blessing that makes you stronger in some unique way. The effects of these blessings vary wildly, but none of them can be recreated by mundane magic. However, these blessings will only be activated if you are in dire straits, or if you are wearing an amulet. They will become stronger if both conditions are met. Like the previous set of blessings, these will also decay over time.
- Finally, you will be marked by your Divine, and they will come to aid you if you are about to fall in combat and have their amulet equipped. The manner in which they aid you depends on the Divine. Some will utterly destroy your enemies through you, others will give you strength the likes of which you've never seen. This will only happen once each time you are marked by a Divine, and you will have to go and ask to be blessed again to regain that mark.
The Priests of Akatosh Say:
Akatosh wishes us to protect this realm from otherworldly threats. We are to keep the Dragonfires lit by stopping any and all travel between Nirn and the planes of Oblivion. We are to avoid the temptation of Daedric Princes, and we are to stop the rituals of their worshipers whenever possible.
If we do this, and he determines us worthy, he will bestow the following on us:
Blessing of Scales
Akatosh grants you the armor of his children; increasing Fire, Frost, and Shock Resistance by 5-90%.
Blessing of Wings
Akatosh grants you the strength and dexterity of his children; reducing fall damage by 10-80%, and increasing the stagger from your attacks by 10-80%.
Blessing of Voice
Akatosh shows your enemies a glimpse of his awesome power and anger; all enemies, except dragons, flee in terror for 60 seconds.
The Priests of Arkay Say:
Arkay wishes us to protect the innocent souls of this world, and ensure their passage onto Aetherius. We are to seek out and destroy any forms of undead to free the souls bound in dead flesh. We are to seek out and stop the rituals of necromancers and free their victims from their corrupted rule.
If we do this, and he determines us worthy, he will bestow the following on us:
Blessing of Life
Arkay grants you a stronger life-force and increased vitality, increasing your Health by 10-150 points, and Health Regeneration by 10-180%.
Blessing of Spirit
Arkay has blessed and strengthened your spirit, allowing you to deal 20-120% more damage to Undead, and take 10-60% less damage from Mortals.
Blessing of Death
Arkay wrenches the forces of life and death to aid you, stealing and siphoning 50 points of Health per second from all nearby enemies to you for 5 seconds.
The Priests of Dibella Say:
Dibella wishes us to help bring beauty into this world, no matter what form it takes. Be it our music, our art, our eloquence, our garbs and jewels, or our forms themselves; we are to make this world a wonder to behold.
If we do this, and she determines us worthy, she will bestow the following on us:
Blessing of Vigor
Dibella grants you a more versatile body, increasing Stamina by 10-180 points, and Stamina Regeneration by 10-180%.
Blessing of Lust
Dibella has blessed your body, distracting your opponents, allowing you to get 10-120% better prices, bribe for 5-60% less, and take 5-60% less damage from people of the opposite sex.
Blessing of Passion
Dibella swings the emotions of all near you, overwhelming them with waves of passion, knocking them off their feet and out of their clothing.
The Priests of Julianos Say:
Julianos wishes us to understand this world. We are to study all that can be learned from the past. We are to explore all that can be learned from the wise. We are to investigate all that can be learned from the magic flowing from Aetherius. From this, we will know how to shape this world for the better.
If we do this, and he determines us worthy, he will bestow the following on us:
Blessing of Knowledge
Julianos grants you a fraction of his knowledge; increasing your Magicka by 10-180 points, and Magicka Regeneration by 10-180%.
Blessing of Wisdom
Julianos grants you a portion of his wisdom; allowing your spells to be 10-120% stronger, last 10-120% longer, and allowing you to learn 5-60% more from them.
Blessing of Enlightenment
Julianos grants you a vision of true reality, and how to manipulate it, allowing you to cast any spell without requiring Magicka for 30 seconds.
The Priests of Kynareth Say:
Kynareth wishes us to explore and respect this world. We are to seek out all the hidden places she has carved into land. We are to be grateful of the game and herbs that grow, and to know that it is limited.
If we do this, and she determines us worthy, she will bestow the following on us:
Blessing of the Road
Kynareth ensures the path you travel is easy to traverse, allowing you to carry 2-50 points more, and allowing you to move 2-50% faster.
Blessing of the Journey
Kynareth has blessed your gear against the wilds you must traverse, allowing you to deal and block 10-120% more damage when facing wild animals, and allowing you to collect twice-three times as many ingredients from wild plants.
Blessing of the Storm
Kynareth brings forth her fury in the form of a raging storm, draining enemies' Stamina, and slowing all enemies, even elemental creatures, to a crawl.
The Priests of Mara Say:
Mara wishes us to love and understand one another. We are to avoid violence, aggression, and inebriation, no matter what form they take. We are to find the love of our life, and live peacefully until the end.
If we do this, and she determines us worthy, she will bestow the following on us:
Blessing of Purity
Mara grants you protection against some of the impurity of the world, increasing your Poison and Disease Resistance by 5-90%.
Blessing of Protection
Mara shields you from the some of the danger and pain of this world; decreasing both physical and magical damage taken by 5-60%.
Blessing of Peace
Mara comes forth in your time of need, calling for an end to the fighting, and calming all nearby entities almost indefinitely, until they are attacked again.
The Priests of Stendarr Say:
Stendarr wishes us to ensure this world is stable and protected. We are to quell uprisings and capture criminals that threaten the stability of the Empire. We are to foil attempts to overthrow the status quo. We are too seek out and destroy the monsters that would bring us to our knees.
If we do this, and he determines us worthy, he will bestow the following on us:
Blessing of the Barrier
Stendarr grants you a barrier against the dangers of this world; increasing your Magic Resistance by 5-75%, and increasing your Armor Rating by 10-150.
Blessing of the Bulwark
Stendarr strengthens your arms, allowing you to block and bash 10-120% better with shields , weapons, and magical wards, as well as maintain wards with 5-60% less Magicka.
Blessing of the Bastion
Stendarr erects a bastion of holy justice around you, protecting you from any and all damage for 30 seconds, and momentarily knocking back your enemies.
The Priests of Talos Say:
Talos wishes us to test ourselves. We are to seek out challenges against our might and mettle, and to succeed honorably and valiantly. We are to aid those weaker than us, and face the threats that they cannot.
If we do this, and he determines us worthy, he will bestow the following on us:
Blessing of the Fighter
Talos has granted you the instincts of a fighter, allowing you to swing your weapons 5-75% faster, and utilize your Thu'um 5-75% more frequently.
Blessing of the Warrior
Talos has blessed you with the strength of a holy warrior, allowing you to deal 10-120% more damage with your weapons and spells to unholy beasts and unintelligent creatures.
Blessing of the Conqueror
Talos comes forth through you, imbuing your spirit with the might of a great conqueror, allowing you to decimate any being that you don't consider a brother or sister.
The Priests of Zenithar Say:
Zenithar wishes us to be productive. We are to work with great passion, for our works are worth such passion. We are to aid those who aid the world with their crafts and services. We are to ensure everything occurs as the law demands it to be.
If we do this, and he determines us worthy, he will bestow the following on us:
Blessing of the Journeyman
Zenithar grants you with more spirit and strength to continue your craft, allowing you to barter for 10-200% better prices, and ignore 5-100% of the weight of worn items.
Blessing of the Craftsman
Zenithar blesses you with the skill of ancient craftsmen; mixing potions and poisons, tempering weapons and armors, and recharging weapon enchantments are all 10-120% more effective.
Blessing of the Artisan
Zenithar, the Master Artisan comes forth and perfects your weapons himself; recharging their magical enchantments, sharpening them to ignore all armor, and causing them to retain poisons for three times as many strikes.
The lords and princes of the Planes of Oblivion are first and foremost dangerous. Their tempers and emotions can vary wildly and quickly, and have no qualms punishing those they find annoying, or even simply boring. Because of that, their worshipers are the most devout of any set of deities. Many will spend hours praising their lord each and every day to keep their disposition favorable. Additionally, there are many rivalries between the Daedric Lords, so worshiping more than one at a time may result in nasty consequences.
The gifts the Daedric Lords offer their worshipers are incredibly powerful, but always come with some price or consequence, and are permanent. Some may require actions on your part before they activate, others will require actions to prevent detrimental effects, still others will act on you seemingly at random. Additionally, if you ask a Daedric Lord for a gift, but they don't find you amusing enough, they will simply give you a gift that is solely detrimental to you, and amusing for them. Because of this, you may need to have one of these gifts removed. The only way to do this is to plead with the Daedric Lord that cursed you.
The Daedric Lords don't follow any set of morals or principles like the Nine Divines do. Each is their own entity, grouped together solely by the fact that they all reside in the Planes of Oblivion.
The Worshipers of Azura Say:
Call upon the Queen of Dusk and Dawn if you live for beauty and purity. She will give you purpose, as she is the most pure, and the most beautiful in existence. Lead your life free of disease and deformity, dress yourself in gleaming jewels and soft fabrics, but still know that whatever form you take is nothing compared to the Mother of the Rose. So worship her, worship the pinnacle of beauty that is Azura of the Crimson Gate.
If you call upon her, and she deems you pleasing enough, she may bestow the following on you:
Gift of Starlight
Take in the light of the Stars; their power will amplify the strength of magic used on yourself. Worship thy goddess, and the effects may strengthen.
Gift of Moonlight
Take in the light of the Moon; her foresight will grant you visions of your future, allowing you to evade attacks. Worship thy goddess, and the effects may strengthen.
Gift of Twilight
Take in the shadows of Twilight; their connection will allow you to shift between realms, rendering you invulnerable. Worship thy goddess, and the effects may strengthen.
If you call upon her, and she deems you disgusting, she will bestow the following on you:
Gift of the Rose
Take in the aroma of the Moonshadow Roses; their scent will cause those nearby to forget you ever existed. Worship thy goddess, and the effects may diminish.
The Worshipers of Boethiah Say:
Know the true workings of this world through the teachings of Boethiah. He will tell you of the lies of society. The codes of law and honor and all such things are for naught. They are only meant to protect the weak and the pitiful from the strong and the cunning. She commands you to break them. Kill without honor, slay without mercy, break any and all oaths you have with this so called justice.
If you call upon him, and she deems you strong or cunning, then he may bestow the following on you:
Gift of Cunning
People are fools, those that know this can get away with many things; if you walk through crowds with your weapons sheathed, any that are searching for you will lose you.
Gift of Deceit
Bonds of trust, such easily exploitable farces; those that falsely trust you will fall easily to your strikes. However, if you are too weak to kill them outright, they'll be granted strength instead.
Gift of Treason
Flimsy barriers of law and order...break them down; commit crimes in the open and you will be rewarded with greater strength and vitality.
If you call upon her, and he deems you pitiful, then she will bestow the following on you:
Gift of Conspiracy
People are cowards, a mere rumor can cause crowds to watch a suspect like a hawk, and merely pulling out a weapon could drive them to fight or flee.
The Worshipers of Clavicus Vile Say:
The Lord of Wishes is not like the other lords of oblivion. Lord Vile is generous beyond reason, and will grant you anything you desire purely for his own amusement. If you come seeking power, wealth, or any other gift, he will grant it to you almost without hesitation. Though your spirit will need strength enough for your words to reach him.
If you ask it of Lord Vile, he will bestow the following on you:
Gift of Power
Power, such a simple and unimaginative wish. Your vitality, strength, and intelligence is increased beyond what most could hope for. You never know when you will need it most.
Gift of Affection
Affection, an honest and heartfelt wish. You will find those you meet become increasingly affectionate towards you, until your very presence puts in them in a daze of delight.
Gift of Strength
Strength, a straightforward wish. You will find your strength is beyond what any could handle; your weapons will strike harder and will crumple the armor of your enemies.
Gift of Wealth
Wealth, an incredibly self-centered wish. You will find additional coins in your endless quest for loot. Who can say who they belonged to?
The Worshipers of Hermaeus Mora Say:
It is impossible to truly know the Master of the Tides of Fate, yet those who seek to discover everything that can be known will find solace under its watchful eye. If you pursue the forgotten, dangerous, and mind-shattering knowledge etched into the foundations of the world, then Hermaeus Mora will guide you and watch you with intrigue.
If you ask it for aid, and it finds your ambitions and accomplishments amusing, it may bestow the following on you:
Gift of Intuition
You have been granted the intuition of others; your weapons will strike with extreme precision, and your body will dodge many attacks. At times your limbs will be guided without action; giving extreme lethality and dexterity.
Gift of Knowledge
You have been granted the knowledge of others; secrets in combat, magic, politics, and other skills are revealed to you. At times, foreign thoughts will flood your mind, leading you to teriffic techniques.
Gift of Wisdom
You have been granted the wisdom of others; your attacks and incantations will become easier to perform. At times your body may find strength and energy it didn't know it possessed.
If you ask for aid, and it finds your life uninteresting and fruitless, then it will bestow the following on you:
Gift of Memory
You have been granted the memory of others. At times the sights and sounds of their past will flood your senses, leaving you vulnerable.
The Worshipers of Hircine Say:
If you seek the thrill of the hunt, or being hunted, then Hircine will welcome you with open arms. If you have felt the exhilaration of escaping pursuers, or the euphoria of slaying towering beasts, then the Huntsman will reward you for joining his pack. He will lead you on great chases, pit you against great challenges, and grant you grand abilities.
If you call upon our lord, and he finds you a worthy predator, then he may bestow the following on you:
Gift of the Wolf
Accept the spirit of the wolf; ravenous, and ferocious. As you take damage in combat, you will move faster, and strike more ferociously.
Gift of the Bear
Accept the spirit of the bear; hardy, and determined. As you become exhausted in combat, you will become more guarded and take less damage.
Gift of the Stag
Accept the spirit of the stag; wizened, and unrelenting. As you take damage and become exhausted in combat, your attacks become more precise and deadly.
If you call upon our lord, and he finds you useful only as prey, then he will bestow the following on you:
Gift of the Rabbit
Accept the spirit of the rabbit; weak, and feeble. Your vitality and strength are drained, for the hunt is on. You are the prey.
The Worshipers of Malacath Say:
The oppressed; the spurned; those that know of cruelty without rhyme or reason, and those that derive their strength from this cruelty, these are the children of Malacath. If you know the feeling of cuffs around your wrists, or suspicious gazes on your back, then Malacath will see you welcomed amongst his children. With like-minded wounded souls, you will be taught how to shoulder the curses laid upon you.
If you call upon Malacath, and he finds you strong enough to shoulder such curses, he may bestow the following on you:
Gift of Anguish
Know the Anguish of the Orsimer; just as their pain gives them strength, the excruciating pain from your wounds will give you strength and energy to continue the fight.
Gift of Scorn
Know the Scorn of the Orsimer; just as they are shunned from this world, you too will be ignored and rejected. Take hold of this new anger, and use it fling your enemies away.
Gift of Hate
Know the Hate of the Orsimer; just as they are attacked with ferocity for their appearance, so will you feel your enemies' rage. Stare down this prejudice, and your enemies will falter.
If you call upon Malacath, and he finds you a weakling, ill-fit for the life of an Orc, he will bestow the following on you:
Gift of Injustice
Know the Injustice of the Orsimer; just as blame was placed on them for the world's woes, blame will be placed on you for the crimes committed throughout the land.
The Worshipers of Mehrunes Dagon Say:
This world will never be still, for the Lord of Change wills it so. Kings will be killed and overthrown, leaders will change in times of chaos, and, at all times, the lesser lords will always vie for higher rungs. Rebellions will always be imminent, and destruction of empires and kingdoms will always be impending. For Nirn is the realm of Mehrunes Dagon, and it obeys his whims. If you understand this, and know the chaos inherit in this land, then Mehrunes Dagon will reward you.
If you work to bring change to this land, and upheave chains of command, then the Lord of Ambition may bestow the following on you:
Gift of the Inferno
Feel the power of the Inferno; a link is formed between your soul and Infernace, rendering you immune to fire. Yet, if you are weak and fall, the Atronachs will invade your realm through that link.
Gift of the Blizzard
Feel the power of the Blizzard; a link is formed between your soul and Takubar, rendering you immune to ice. Yet, if you are weak and fall, the Atronachs will invade your realm through that link.
Gift of the Storm
Feel the power of the Storm; a link is formed between your soul and Levinace, rendering you immune to lightning. Yet, if you are weak and fall, the Atronachs will invade your realm through that link.
If you do not show any ambition, and attempt to prevent change to this world, then the Lord of Destruction will bestow the following on you:
Gift of the Abyss
Feel the power of the Abyss; a link is formed between your body and the Deadlands. If you are weak and fall, the Dremora will invade your realm through that link.
The Worshipers of Mephala Say:
The web of the world will be revealed to you, and the thin threads keeping the world in balance will be yours to twist and turn to your whim, for The Queen of the Eight Shadows takes amusement from the grief and strife you will commit. Deceive your allies and allegiances; betray your oaths and bonds; kill cleverly, without your victim ever seeing your blade. The lord of lies and murder will enjoy your slaughter.
If you call upon Lady Mephala, and she finds you amusing, then she may bestow the following on you:
Gift of Eight Eyes
The weakest points of the body are revealed to you, such that treacherous and precise strikes are much more deadly. Yet, this sight comes at a cost, and you will find your weapons and spells requiring more strength and focus.
Gift of Eight Claws
The inner workings of the body are revealed to you, such that you can steal the vitality of others. Still, it is a difficult feat to perform, as it requires several quick strikes that most are unable to make.
Gift of Eight Legs
The skills of master poisoners have been revealed to you, such that you can coat your weapons with great precision. Yet, only those with great stamina and focus can work with poisons in such a manner.
If you call upon Lady Mephala, and she finds your acts uninteresting, then she will bestow the following on you:
Gift of Eight Threads
The whispers of your arrival travel far ahead of you. Those that wish you harm will have suspicions of your presence before you even set eyes on them.
The Worshipers of Meridia Say:
Know the purity and power of the light flowing from Meridia. Pledge yourself to her, and her alone, and work to cleanse the world of corruption. Bring rest to the living dead, bring light to the thievery and bribery defiling the world, and give your praise to Meridia, and Meridia alone, for she is the only light in the world that can truly bring purity and permanence to it.
If you call upon her, and Meridia finds you pure, then she may bestow the following on you:
Gift of Radiance
Be filled with light, let it flow from you to drive the shadows from the darkest tombs and crypts. Your vitality keeps the spark alive; if you lose your strength the light will diminish.
Gift of Brilliance
Take in the light around you, and release it upon your allies and enemies, let it strike down the undead that haunt this world, and let it protect the allies that have chosen to aid you.
Gift of Resplendence
Take in the light around you, let it strengthen you against the physical and magical forces of this world. If the light diminishes, your own strength will be weakened.
If you call upon her, and Meridia finds you tainted, then she will bestow the following on you:
Gift of Effulgence
Take in the light of the Sun, let it sap the energy of those who have sinned, and let it burn the flesh of those that have dared to oppose the righteousness of the light.
The Worshipers of Molag Bal Say:
Approach the Prince of Rage only if you have strength and power, and the will to dominate. For only then will he accept your offer of servitude. He will see the natural balance of this world restored, with the strong dominating the weak. Work towards that goal, and decimate all before you. Seek out sources of power, find the strongest forces this world has left to offer, and decimate them in Molag Bal's honor. If you are strong you will prevail; if you are weak, you will fall.
If you call upon Molag Bal, and he finds your deeds proof of your strength, he may bestow the following on you:
Gift of Oppression
The strong shall oppress the weak, it has been decreed; the weaker enemies you face will be stunned in fear of your power, leaving them vulnerable to your judgement.
Gift of Intimidation
The strong shall terrorize the weak, it has been decreed; the weaker enemies you face will flee in fear of your power, dropping their arms in their reckless terror.
Gift of Domination
The strong shall dominate the weak, it has been decreed; the weaker enemies you face will be driven into a frenzy and, if killed by their allies or your minions, will rise as shades to do your bidding.
If you call upon Molag Bal, and he finds you and your deeds pitiful, then he will bestow the following on you:
Gift of Weakness
The weak shall be punished, it has been decreed; you shall be known as a weakling, and any you face will be immune to any feeble attempts to influence them.
The Worshipers of Namira Say:
Approach the Lady of Decay if you know yourself to be disgusting, pitiful, and miserable, for Namira treasures creatures such as you beyond measure. Do not search for wealth or glory, for those things do not last, and will not sustain. Disease, crime, corruption, cannibalism; these will keep you alive, and make you known. Know your place below the heel of Lady Namira, and she will see you sustained.
If you approach our lady, and you show yourself to be truly wretched, then she may bestow the following on you:
Gift of Disease
Revel in your disease, for you truly are a revolting creature. The festering sores and rashes slows you and weakens your body to other ailments if not properly covered, but the putrid smell calls the vermin of the world to protect you.
Gift of Pity
Revel in your pitiful existence, as you truly are a miserable weakling. Your ragged clothing will convince the people of your plight, and will grant mercy on you in whatever way they can.
Gift of Disregard
Revel in your insignificance, for you truly are a worthless worm. Ragged clothing and empty hands will convince the people of this, and they will cease their attacks if you throw yourself to the floor like the worm you are.
If you approach our lady, and you have even a shred of dignity or honor left in your hide, then she will bestow the following on you:
Gift of Disgust
Revel in your disgust, as you truly are a disgusting wretch. Know that the people now see you for what you are, and will not deal with you unless you are robed as such.
The Worshipers of Nocturnal Say:
The Night Mistress is all things unknowable, unreachable, and unfathomable. Any attempt by us mortals to understand her depths is folly. Yet, she will embrace those who accept her. Kneel before her, give her your praise, your faith, your life, and she will come before you in time.
If you call upon her for aid, and she has indeed welcomed you, then she may bestow the following on you:
Gift of the Augur
Remain with the shadows, tell them of your deeds. Given time, they will spread whispers into awaiting ears, clearing your name of your criminal actions.
Gift of the Shroud (To Be Added)
Gift of the Gloom (To Be Added)
If you call upon her for aid, and she has not seen your worth, then she will bestow the following on you:
Gift of the Shadows
Remain with the shadows, let them know of your deeds, and they will slowly seep the essence from your body. It is a just price for your actions.
The Worshipers of Peryite Say:
The Taskmaster ensures the natural order of this world is maintained. Lord Peryite knows that only the threat of the end keeps us from devolving into chaos, as pestilence and disaster so often brings the masses together to work and toil, and so he brings disease and death upon us due to his love for us. We must work to spread his plagues wide, so they are always a threat, and we must work to end lesser threats to this order; from simple highwaymen, to long reaching war, those conflicts must be ended to ensure order remains.
If you work to bring order to this world, Lord Peryite may bestow the following on you:
Gift of Affliction (To Be Added)
Gift of Contagion (To Be Added)
Gift of Infection (To Be Added)
If you lay about lazily, avoiding work and toil, then Lord Peryite will bestow the following on you:
Gift of Contamination (To Be Added)
The Worshipers of Sanguine Say:
Live for revelry and pleasure, that is what Sanguine asks of us. He sees us bound by laws and customs, prevented from obtaining our most carnal desires. Sanguine offers escape; he tells us to ignore those rules, to live freely, to take what we want because we want it. So drink and feast to your taste's content, take and steal what you will, let your emotions run uncontrolled and unrestrained, and Sanguine will be pleased to see another spirit free.
If you live your life freely, as it is meant to be, then Sanguine may bestow the following on you:
Gift of Wrathful Gluttony (To Be Added)
Gift of Prideful Lust (To Be Added)
Gift of Envious Sloth (To Be Added)
If you live your life still bound by the laws set by other mere mortals, then Sanguine will bestow the following on you:
Gift of Greed (To Be Added)
The Worshipers of Sheogorath Say:
Come and have a chat with Sheogorath. He may love you, he may not; if it's the latter, you may be shoved into the oven to make crumpets. Ah but the former, the preferable, the beneficial, the slightly uncomfortable, that makes tea with him so almost enjoyable. For Sheogorath always brings gifts; he brings thoughts and ideas you never knew you needed, and perhaps you don't, but it would be rude to not accept them. And remember, the Mad God loves rain on his biscuits.
If you want to be a spoil-sport and take a look at your gifts before their given, fine, it's your loss.
Gift of Hysteria (To Be Added)
Gift of Mania (To Be Added)
Gift of Dementia (To Be Added)
Gift of Paranoia (To Be Added)
The Worshipers of Vaermina Say:
Only through pain and fear can we truly live; only when our heart is racing, as if each pulse could be its last, do we truly feel alive. The Goddess of Nightmares knows this, and each night brings us fear inconceivable, and pain unimaginable, such that each wakening is a new life for us. Rejoice in this fear, and welcome it; rest, and let Vaermina take you in. During your waking hours, spread this fear to others; attack without warning, without provocation, and leave them shuddering in pain and fear.
If you work to spread this fear, then Lady Vaermina may bestow the following on you:
Gift of Stupor (To Be Added)
Gift of Torpor (To Be Added)
Gift of Languor (To Be Added)
If you are merciful, and kill quickly or honorably, then Lady Vaermina will bestow the following you you:
Gift of Vapor (To Be Added)
While there are many pantheons of entities worshiped throughout Tamriel, most of those deities are simply other forms of the Nine Divines and 16 Daedra listed above. There are some exceptions, with a handful of deities only being worshiped by a single race or ethnic group. These remaining entities have considerably less power than the ones mentioned before, due to fewer individuals worshiping them or even acknowledging their existence, leading to them not communicating as directly or as frequently as the more well-known deities. However, they are still gods in their own right, and can offer power still incomparable to mortal methods.
These 'Ancient Spirits' as they have been loosely grouped together, are unique, in that they do not punish you for your actions. They simply determine if you are worthy of some of their waning power. Yet, due to the few groups that worship these deities, contacting them is nigh impossible, unless they contact you first. If you wish to gain the attention of one of these gods, then you should look to what remains of their worship, and what lore you can find on them. Eventually, if your actions earn their attention, they may reach out to you.
If you manage to gain the attention and favor of one of these deities, then they will reward you greatly, as one of their few worshipers, or, at least one of the few worshipers in the land you reside in. They will grant you the ability to call on them directly, to allow their power to flow through you with force and power unmatched by any other gift or blessing shown so far. This power may be called upon once, and cannot be called upon again unless the deity grants it to you at another time. Additionally, once you have been granted this power, the deity will be unlikely to grant you more until some time has passed.
On Our Ancestors
The remnants of our parents, and grandparents, and ancestors further into the past hold some latent power, despite not being gods in their own right, that they can grant to their still living descendants. How they view their descendants is debatable, and almost certainly depends on each individual. Generally, it seems that ancestors view their descendants highly if they pursue the skills and abilities that their kind is most known for.
If an individual manages to gain the respect of their ancestor, then, depending on your race, you may be granted the following:
To Be Added
On the All-Maker
The All-Maker is solely worshiped by the Skaal, Nords living on the northern tip of the island of Solstheim. Very little is known as about this entity and whether the rituals the Skaal perform actually please him. A common thread amongst the rituals are the visiting and preserving of the six standing stones on Solstheim, and preserving the cycle of life. From this, it can be surmised that anything that disrupts the soul's travel to and from life and death, such as certain practices in the Conjuration school, would be seen as unfavorable. It is also worth noting that the mythology behind the All-Maker matches other mythologies descriptions of either Anu or Lorkhan, and it is likely the All-Maker is a manifestation of one of those two entities.
The Skaal also speak of certain gifts the All-Maker can grant the shaman of the village in times of need:
To Be Added
On Sithis
It is almost without doubt that Sithis, possibly a manifestation of Padomay, is one of the oldest beings in existence, the other being Anu, and possibly Anuiel. He is described as a primal force of chaos, change, and death. The only form of his worship is in the practices of the murderous assassination groups: The Dark Brotherhood, and, at some point in the past, The Morag Tong. From this association, it is clear that murder and death are at least some of the things that please this primal force. If there is more to him than that, only the assassins know.
A handful of accounts from inside the assassin groups describe some powers that were granted to the strongest in their orders:
Shroud of Execution
Invoke the power of the void. The eternal darkness will shatter the minds of the mortals around you, crushing their skulls in a a shower of blood.
Shroud of Mortification
Invoke the power of the void. The chaotic totality will violently rip apart the flesh of any mortals around you, leaving naught but bones behind.
More To Be Added
On Magnus
The et'Ada Magnus is thought to be one of the main architects to the creation of mortal reality. He wrote the schematics of the world, and the rules of life and magic, if the mythology is to be believed. He is often venerated in Elven pantheons, but is not often mentioned in the religions of Men. If the elves are to be believed, Magnus merely wishes us to understand the rules and laws of the world he created, most of them explored in various schools of magic, irrespective of the fact that he likely regrets his creation.
It is often said that Magnus can enter the body of a powerful mage, and lend him his power directly. Written accounts detail some forms of this power:
To Be Added
On Y'ffre
The first Elhfoney, or Earth Bone, is said to be the Bosmeri deity Y'ffre. He is said to be the being that allowed animals, and eventually Men and Mer, the ability to retain their shape. He is also primarily associated with the Green-Pact, a set of hard rules obeyed by the Bosmer in Valenwood. Outside of that, he is also known to be a patron of songwriters and story-tellers.
The Bosmeri faithfuls describe his power over shape and form, and how certain worshipers were granted that power themselves:
To Be Added
On Ebonarm
Reyman Ebonarm, the God of War, is a mysterious entity. He was a prominent symbol for the Fighters Guild, especially in the Illiac Bay up to the end of the Third Era, where his worship appeared to evaporate. It's possible that this change can be attributed to the Warp in the West, but there is little to support the claim. From what remains of his mosques in Alik'r Desert, we can see that his followers had a fierce hatred for Daedra and Daedric Lords, note these accounts predate the Oblivion Crisis.
It appears that some high-ranking members of the Fighters Guild in the Illiac Bay region were gifted incredible powers by Ebonarm:
To Be Added
The Thirteen Star-Signs are an enigma. They are not gods by any means, and there is a lot of contention on whether or not they have any form of sentience. Still, there is power to be found with them. There is the obvious connections between the Sign under which an individual is born, and their life throughout having similarities with others born under the same sign, most prominently shown in the Argonian population, with the existence of Shadow-Scales. There is also the connection between the Thirteen Star-Signs and the corresponding Thirteen Standing Stones of Skyrim, which are also thought to hold some latent power for worthy individuals.
There exists another form of power found with the Constellations, a ritual derived from the original Nedes of the Merethic Era. Among what remains of their culture, we know the Nedes worshiped the stars, and what they thought were sentient manifestations of the Constellations, which they called Celestials. More so, it appears that some of the Nedic peoples attempted to commune with these Celestials. In doing so, they apparently grew stronger and more skilled in the aspects those entities represented.
More remnants from the Nedes reveal the Celestials had their own sets of pantheons within them, divided among the Warrior, the Thief, the Mage, and the Serpent. The first three, called the Guardians, each had three additional Celestials under their care, called Charges, which they protected from The Serpent. While those 12 Celestials each have an associated season, The Serpent does not have an associated season, but wanders across the sky, apparently seeking to undermine the other Celestials in some eon-long cosmic upheaval. Much of this likely sounds familiar, as our understanding of the Constellations and their pantheons is still retold today, though the idea of them being entities unto themselves is not.
From this idea of Pantheons among the Celestials, we understand other patterns of the Nedes communion. They only appear to commune with the Celestials of one Pantheon at a time, as attempting to commune with another severs your connection to the former, removing any strength you gained from them. Whether or not any of this has any validity, the only way to find out would be to try to commune with such a Celestial. Visiting an associated standing stone, especially during their associated season, may be the best bet. With all of that said, the actual strengths and abilities granted from this communion has been discovered, and written accordingly:
If you commune with the Warrior or his charges: the Lady, the Lord, and the Steed, then you may achieve the following:
The Warrior
Your communion will increase your skill with two-handed weapons, your skill in heavy armor, and your effectiveness in tempering armor and weapons.
The Lady
Your communion will increase the rate at which you recover from injuries, the speed with which you swing your weapons, and your skill in light armor.
The Lord
Your communion will increase your resistance to physical attacks, your effectiveness at blocking attacks, and your skill with one-handed weapons.
The Steed
Your communion will increase your ability to sustain wounds in battle, the weight you can carry without faltering, and your skill with bows and crossbows.
If you commune with the Mage or his charges: the Apprentice, the Atronach, and the Ritual, then you may achieve the following:
The Mage
Your communion will increase your effectiveness of spells in the Destruction, Illusion, and Restoration schools of magic.
The Apprentice
Your communion will increase the rate at which you recover from spell-casting, your skill with alchemy, and how fast you can run away.
The Atronach
Your communion will increase your resistance to both physical and magical attacks, and your effectiveness of spells in the Alteration school of magic.
The Ritual
Your communion will increase your pool of magicka, your skill at enchanting objects, and your effectiveness of spells in the Conjuration school of magic.
If you commune with the Thief or her charges: the Lover, the Shadow, and the Tower, then you may achieve the following:
The Thief
Your communion will increase the weight you can carry without faltering, your effectiveness of removing items from pockets, and how fast you can run away.
The Lover
Your communion will increase your eloquence in speech, the rate at which you recover from exhaustion, and your skill with bows and crossbows.
The Shadow
Your communion will increase your skill in remaining concealed, your pool of stamina, and your skill in hand-to-hand combat.
The Tower
Your communion will increase your skill with alchemy, your skill with light armor, and your skill in lockpicking.
Finally, if you commune with the Serpent, and the Serpent alone, you may achieve the following:
Your communion will increase your resistance to Flames, Frost, Lightning, Disease, and Poison.