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Created by

TheForkOnTheLeft - TabulaSmaragdina

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About this mod

This mod attempts to add lots of ground over and different grass types to your game world. Lots of grass variety that you could get lost in.

Permissions and credits
This is a complete overhaul of Viscous Grasses. I redid all of the grass types for each area. I combined the short grasses, undergrowth, and rocks to have a better ground cover effect and make everything seem more believable. added more windspeed effect for a lot of the taller thinner looking grasses to better simulate that they do get thrashed around in the slightest breeze. I hope you guys enjoy this grass mod.
Hopefully I can get this stuff compressed and merged for more people to use it easier. That will take time though.


  • Download this mod with your mod manager and allow it to do it's thing.
  • If you are manually downloading then go ahead and drop the contents into your skyrim data folder. Be sure that you do not have any grass mods or grass related textures and meshes in your game.

Do NOT mix this grass mod with any other. It wont break your game but it will cause tons of grass issues. I switched some grass texture's names around
It seems my grasses may be dark for some ENBs. So try and keep that in mind when using this grass mod.

Required mod for better tundra with my mod
Tundra Texture Transplant - This mod makes the landscape blend better with my green tundra. Give the author some kudos and an endorsement for this mod.

Load Order

-Random Mod.esp

-Other Random Mod.esp


-Some important mod like DynDoLOD

Recommended Settings:



turn on - off the grass shadows



iMinGrassSize=60 - 100

- iMinGrassSize can be set between 0 and 100. The lower the value, the more grass and less performance.