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Version v1.2
Increased Level cap of Animal Allegiance, Disarm, Dismay, Kyne's peace to affect monsters up to 75-100 just for the sake of high level enemies mods and to be useful late game and to counter that I increased the cooldown , because disarming high level monsters should have a drawback.
Version v1.1
Did a lot of small nerfs to the shouts so that people don't find it broken when used with mods like ordinator that scale the shouts.
Too many changes to list, I just updated the description.
Version v1.0
Old Version v1.0
********** Vanilla Dragon Shouts **********
It wasn't a good enough shout as a reward for completing the main quest, so I modified it that the hero you summon stays permanently unless you use other shouts.
Compared to other shouts that we use to enhance our character, this shout is too weak, especially in higher difficulties so I decreased cooldown greatly and boosted its damage combined with "Yol the fire within" the complete shout deals 1.000 damage so the early words are not broken but yet the complete shout can 1 shot like how its supposed to be
Also it was disappointing how soul tear was stronger than fire breath
The purpose of this shout is to take an enemy out of the fight for a bit of time so I nerfed the damage for such an utility shout and lowered duration/cd (Nerfed it a bit, Paralysis OP)
It was already so strong in vanilla, but it was missing the feeling of stopping time, now it literally stops time if you use the complete shout. but had to nerf it if I do so.
Storm Call
Lvl 1: Damage per thunderbolt: 40->40 Dur: 60sec->60secCd: 300sec->120sec
Lvl 2: Damage per thunderbolt: 60->60 Dur: 120sec->120sec Cd: 480sec->180sec
Lvl 3: Damage per thunderbolt: 80->80 Dur: 180sec->180sec Cd: 600sec->240sec
Made it a powerful shout the way it was supposed to be.
================ Black Book Epistolary Acumen Shout Abilities ================
Dragonborn Force
- Your Unrelenting Force shout does 3 times as much damage.
As I changed the unrelenting force damage, this will apply on the new damage.
Dragonborn Flame
Made no changes, because I boosted the fire breath shout too much already, this was used as a finisher to summon the wymer, now you just 1 shot and still summon it.
Dragonborn Frost
- Your Frost Breath Shout encases foes in ice for (15/15/15->5/5/5) seconds.
Okay let's face it, freezing an enemy completely for 15seconds while you heal yourself or kill others? sounds smart but 15 seconds was too long considering that the shout has it's own damage, utility and this is just a bonus to the shout.
No donations accepted
First of all thank you for checking the mod, please take a look at the description before you decide to install
Compatibility This mod should work fine with other mods even the ones that change Shouts, but you load the one that you want to take over last, for example if you want my Shouts but you have a mod that modifies Slow time shout, load it after mine.
It is strange how weak the shouts are in vanilla, your strength is supposed to be your tongue and voice on top of your sword and shield, this mod fixes this.
It wasn't a good enough shout as a reward for completing the main quest, so I modified it that the hero you summon stays permanently unless you use other shouts.
It is one of the balanced and useful shouts, but people tend to leave it once they get artifacts or enchanted weapons so I buffed it's effectiveness a bit to make it strong enough to build around.
Compared to other shouts that we use to enhance our character, this shout is too weak, especially in higher difficulties so I boosted its damage combined with "Yol the fire within" the complete shout deals 1.000 damage so the early words are not broken but yet the complete shout can 1 shot like how its supposed to be Also it was disappointing how soul tear was stronger than fire breath
The purpose of this shout is to take an enemy out of the fight for a bit of time so I nerfed the damage for such an utility shout and lowered duration/cd so that it can be cast more often, putting an enemy out of the battle for 60seconds was too long and not needed
It was already so strong in vanilla, but it was missing the feeling of stopping time, now it literally stops time if you use the complete shout. but had to nerf it if I do so.
Storm Call
Lvl 1: Damage per thunderbolt: 40->40 Dur: 60sec->60secCd: 300sec->150sec Lvl 2: Damage per thunderbolt: 60->60 Dur: 120sec->120sec Cd: 480sec->200sec Lvl 3: Damage per thunderbolt: 80->80 Dur: 180sec->180sec Cd: 600sec->250sec
================ Word Meditation Shouts Abilities ================
Fus: Force Without Effort
- You stagger 25% less and foes stagger 25% more. (Augments power attacks and Unrelenting Force shout.)
Unchanged. It's powerful enough
Feim: Eternal Spirit
- While Ethereal, you recover health (25%->100%) faster. (Only active and visible on Active Effects menu when using Become Ethereal shout.)
Now being ethereal can be useful to regenerate health then get back to battle.
Yol: The Fire Within
- Fire Breath shout deals (25%>100%) more damage.
People all the time pick Fus over Yol so I had to buff it to make it even with the counterparts I buffed this hard because I wanted to buff the fire shout further but that would break the early game so I buffed this one to sync with the shout later on
Made it a powerful shout the way it was supposed to be.
================ Black Book Epistolary Acumen Shout Abilities ================
Dragonborn Force
- Your Unrelenting Force shout does 3 times as much damage.
As I changed the unrelenting force damage, this will apply on the new damage.
Dragonborn Flame
Made no changes, because I boosted the fire breath shout too much already, this was used as a finisher to summon the wymer, now you just 1 shot and still summon it.
Dragonborn Frost
- Your Frost Breath Shout encases foes in ice for (15/15/15->5/10/15) seconds.
Okay let's face it, freezing an enemy completely for 15seconds while you heal yourself or kill others? sounds smart but 15 seconds was too long considering that the shout has it's own damage, utility and this is just a bonus to the shout.