Skyrim Special Edition


  1. TheBawb
    • premium
    • 223 kudos
    A fixed esp in 44 format is available in the Optional files section. I will also upload a main file including this esp but for those already running the mod the optional file provides a fix without needing to redownload the 2 gb zip.

    Update 1.3 (12/31/2018) - Additional MQ Fixes including but are not limited to:
    -Scene in MMQ09 when * dies getting hung up.
    - Rangers not following player in MMQ11
    - Containers in Playerhome resetting
    - Immersion-breaking package bugs in GSQ55
    - King's Messenger quest not closing
    - Being unable to leave the Sheriff post
    - Removal of unnecessary Scripts
    - Byrsael running away in MMQ01
    - CTD near Goblin Cave
    - Tinruth's loyalty quest freezing
    - Cleaned with SSE Edit
    With this update I will no longer be actively supporting The Shire. It's been one hell of a ride and I'm entirely grateful for everyone who shared in the experience. But it's time I took my love for game design to the next level. I am now dedicating my time to a Bioware-style fantasy RPG built on the Unreal Engine. Progress is slow but steady, and so far everything is coming together quite well! If you'd like to follow along I will be posting videos of the progress on my Youtube channel over the months to come.
    Be sure to subscribe!

    Stuck on a quest? Check out the spoiler before posting!

    GSQ12 Fur and Fangs -
    A wolf will occasionally fail to spawn. If the quest doesn't continue after killing the wolves use the command SetStage gsq12furandfangs 10.

    GSQ13 Little fiends -
    The point of entry is a little hard to find. For anyone having this issue; there's an activator using a boulder's mesh on the rightside of that entrance. Solving the riddle it provides will allow entrance to the cave.

    GSQ21 A Brash Rescue - The cave might be difficult to navigate. I have recorded a walkthrough for anyone lost.

    GSQ33 Hidden Communications: Pathmeet - I have heard reports that the Ruffians sometimes fail to spawn.
    SetStage GSQ33HiddenCommunicationsPathmeet 10 will force it to progress.

    MMQ06 - Lessons and council - The boulder is difficult to strike due to poor collision geometry on that mesh. Use a ranged attack if nothing else works

    MMQ09 - Descent into Darkness - Occasionally a scene with (Someone spoilery) dying will get hung up. "waiting" an hour typically rectifies this. Otherwise reloading the save is another possible fix.

    MMQ11 - In (Someone spoilery's) memory. Durusc and Tinruth may not follow the player through the cave system. If this happens use their editor ids to move them.
    For console command reference:
    prid 0a4d9466 (ID(s) may differ, click on actors to verify if not working)
    moveto player
    prid 0a4d9467
    moveto player

    Playerhome - If the option to purchase land only has a "cancel" selection you don't have enough gold. 5,000 is required.

    Finished the questline? Check out the alternative endings:
  2. ModEnjoyer52
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Fantastic mod. I wish the Skyrim guilds had the character interactions and meaning that the Shire has. The landscape is enjoyable to wander around without an objective. An experience to remember.
  3. Triberzis
    • premium
    • 39 kudos
    Loved the story. Loved the land. Loved the Voice Actors. Loved the Lord of the Rings references. What a project. Kudos to you.
  4. Sybastian
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    A high-quality adventure MOD. Full and vivid character design, just as Warden of the coast. Hope there will be more MOD like this.
  5. Malachias69
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Great world building! One of the best worldspaces from independent mod authors I have seen. I found a lot of different regions in this world space with very distinctive looks. Simply wonderful dungeon design as well :-)
    Endorsed for the great world space!

    Sadly the quests ... I am not a fan of those.
    I did not quite finish the main quest line because the tasks I was given and the lines from which I had to pick answers made less and less sense to me. So the only way to stay true to my role playing was to leave the quest giver standing, giving no answer at all and just walk away.

    One more thing because the mod's author did not menion it:
    It looks to me that you can not expect to get into the Shire at level 1.
    I have not figured out what level would be good, but you should be able to kill a Thalmor patrol troop.
  6. Dudewithcandy
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    How do you marry Byrsael? 
    1. Trentckx
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      that's the fun part
    2. Whiskymaniac
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      you dont
    3. GeneralVonGelre
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Actually you can, it's just not very obvious how
    4. Dudewithcandy
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Brother, please, I need to know.
  7. sinsinat
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I converted shire to esm from esp, but the npcs dont have voice, any workaround?
  8. discotutoss
    • supporter
    • 15 kudos
    The Shire Unofficial Patch fixes and more
  9. VRStu71
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Trying to finish building my player home.
    Man, it's intense!
    Where can I find shears? They are needed for lots of items.
  10. AveryAttack
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    So I've got this and the patches and all installed, but I'm getting blue bodies for all races of my player character when I go in the make a new one.  I'm guessing it comes from the additions of dwarf and hobbit races, but I'm not totally sure.  Is there a patch or something I'm missing to fix this?  I've read through the description and other posts, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if I missed something obvious.
  11. FermentedWalnut
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is this compatible with the middle earth mod as well? and have you ever had anyone add this mid-game? im trying to decide if i should wait to add it in.