Skyrim Special Edition
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  1. TheThirdRace
    • premium
    • 73 kudos
    This is the Skyrim Special Edition version. For the original Skyrim game, click here

    Any feedback is welcome here. If you don't like my work, I can respect that as long as you show respect in return. And if you have any suggestions, feel free to post them too.

    I've made clearer in the FILES section that the few people experiencing issues with the store not opening should try version 1.2.0 of the mod.

    Version 2.0 and 1.2 are basically the same mod beside 2 details: when exactly the store opens (before/after dialog) and how much gold can be replenished at a time (1x, 2x, 3x, 5x, 10x, 20x VS 1x only).

    Version 1.2 is a bit more annoying since you need to exit the store, back to dialog panel, and enter the store again. That's a small price to pay for those experiencing issues with version 2.0.
  2. rabbie86
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    Definitive answer on Ordinator Compatibility for anyone browsing/seatching for information as i was.

    They are 100% compatible out of the box (make sure this is below ordinator in the load order obviously), this mod will replace the Trade Prince perk (flat +gold to merchants) with the Master Trader perk from this mod.

    There are no negative consequences, they both perform the same role of increasing merchant gold.

    The only difference is that you need 100 speech to unlock this mod's version, and only 90 for ordinators. This is a very quick edit in SSEEdit to change this one's requirement to 90, if you lack that ability, you can accept the higher barrier for entry. A small price to pay for the main benefit of this mod as a whole. :)
  3. arbiter666
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello @TheThirdRace
    Sorry to bother you, but it seems like the speech perk trees now has a "Master Trader perk" (so far so good), but unfortunately that perk is placed BEFORE other perks with lower skill requirements.

    It's basically gatekeeping less powerful skills by being placed earlier on the "perk track": Master Trader requires a speech skill of 100, but the 2 branches it opens are "Black Market" (speech req: 40) and "Investor" (speech req: 80).

    To be fair, your excellent mod isn't the only one I'm running, so maybe it's nothing to do with it, but in your experience, is this a feature, a bug, or maybe an incompatibility with one of my other mods?

    (Sorry. I can't seem to screenshot the speech perk tree ingame, which might have helped.)

    Edit: I'm using the Optional files "Master Trader 10x" and installed it via MO2.
    1. TheThirdRace
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      Hi 👋,

      There's no bother, I'll try to help the best I can.

      Master Trader isn't meant to move the node anywhere so I'm a bit surprised to hear about the bug you're having. From that fact, we can proceed with the likely culprits...

      First, I would try to move the Master Trader at the bottom of he load order so it's loaded last. If there's a mod interfering with the positioning, maybe loading Master Trader last will fix it; although it's not a guarantee since Master Trader doesn't modify positioning... It's also usually the first step to try whenever any mod is giving you trouble.

      Second, I would try uninstalling the mod cleanly and re-install it:

      • uninstall Master Trader
      • Make sure there's no file left in the install folder (Master Trader's files of course, and I'm not sure if this is possible to check with Mod Organiser 2 either so if it's not just go next step)
      • Load in-game
      • Make a hard save (not quicksave)
      • Quit
      • Re-instal Master Trader
      • Load the game

      Third, I would try disabling every mod except Master Trader. If this does fix it, then re-activate half your mods and proceed again. If it works, re-activate half your remaining mods and proceed like before. If it doesn't work, this means the problem is in the first half of your mods that you just reactivated. I advise to go by "halves" so you can reduce the number of times you're gonna do this to figure out which mod is causing the issue.

      Come back to me with the results, no matter if the problem was fixed or not. If it's fixed, great! People will be able to see how you fixed it and apply it to their game. If not, I'll try to figure out what is the next step.
    2. arbiter666
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hello again!

      Thank you for still supporting this mod literally 7 years after releasing it!

      I was reassured to know that the master trader perk blocking the path is not "a feature", and followed through with your instructions. The culprit was actually not your mod (or at least not alone), but rather "Adamant - A Perk Overhaul" Nexus Link which also seems to be attempting to modify the same speech tree and ends up getting confused with the Master Trader perk (I don't know much about modding but I assume some overwriting is taking place out of order, even with your mod or Adamant loaded at the very bottom of the list and highest priority)

      I'm not sure it can be solved barring some sort of compatibility patch, which I wouldn't ask either of you to make :p
      I'll disable Adamant for the time being, after a few more tries with the load order. I'll get back to you in case I figure something out!

      Thanks again for your reply!
    3. TheThirdRace
      • premium
      • 73 kudos

      Glad to see you figured out what is causing the issue.

      Thanks for posting the results with so much details, especially the link to the mod causing an incompatibility.

      You could create a compatibility patch yourself by loading my mod in the Creation Kit and simply changing the skill level from 100 to whatever you need (40? 50?).

      Another option would be to use a tool to edit records directly, so you could edit my mod's `esp` file with it. I've been out of the game for a while, so I don't know which are the current tools for this though. Back in the days, I think it was xEdit and it would be as simple as load esp file, click on the value you want to change, change it, save.
    4. arbiter666
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I had no idea it was that simple!

      Thank you for taking the time to explain and assist!
  4. highstrungburrito
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    For some reason after doing the master destruction spell quest anytime I try to buy spells from Faralda the game crashes. All other merchants are fine
    1. TheThirdRace
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      Unfortunately, I can't really help you with this problem.

      This mod doesn't modify merchants or their merchandise. Or any quest for that matter...

      All this mod does is add money to the merchant when entering the barter menu and removing it when exiting it.

      If a merchant is acting up, it would most likely be a "normal" Skyrim savegame corruption, which happens to everyone once in a while, with or without any mods. Try with a previous savegame. If it doesn't work, it could be another mod so try with no mods and re-add some from there.
  5. speleologist
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Doesn't work with Skyrim Souls. The gold count briefly updates, but immediately jumps back to the amount it was after selling.
    Doesn't work with the bBarterMenu = false either, but granted that I have a rather big modlist (including Requiem), it's unlikely the mod's gonna work without all kinds of patches.
    I wish there was some kind of a simple SKSE-plugin preventing the merchants to ever run out of a set amount of gold in a barter menu :(
    1. TheThirdRace
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      I'm always torn with comments like this...

      On one hand, it shows a possible incompatibility with another mod, which could be an important information for users of this mod.

      On the other hand, the lack of etiquette is a bit appalling... There's no help request, just a "fear spreading" conclusion that my mod should be compatible with Skyrim Souls but isn't... There's no link to help me reply, I have to look it up myself and it seems the real mod name is Skyrim Souls RE - Updated, not Skyrim Souls...

      Reading the first line of that mod's description makes it 100% clear to me it will never be compatible with my mod:
      This mod unpauses Skyrim's game menus

      Well, the only thing I state is incompatible with my mod is those kind of mods that messes up with the barter dialogue, which is a menu itself... 🤷‍♂️

      So yes, my mod will not be compatible with Skyrim Souls RE - Updated. Although I'd argue it's Skyrim Souls RE - Updated that isn't compatible with my mod. They go nuclear on menus; things are expected to not work as intended...

      What bothers me the most is that I use a lot of finesse in my mods to minimize the possible incompatibilities, but there's always a modder somewhere that acts like a bulldozer and then point fingers at the other mod authors. No, we're not the problem, mods like Skyrim Souls RE - Updated are...

      In any case, about the bBarterMenu = false part, I read a bit on Skyrim Souls RE - Updated and their solution is to dump the problem on other modders. There was already an utility function called utility.waitmenumode(1) which sole purpose is to wait until the menu closes. All they had to do is to validate which menu we were currently accessing and adjust according to their bBarterMenu = false  configuration instead of inventing a new way of doing things. This way, they would be compatible with every mod, not just those that changed their perfectly fine implementation for the one required by Skyrim Souls RE - Updated. I'm not saying it would be easy, but this is what it means to act with finesse instead of using a bulldozer... 

      Sorry for the rant, it had to be said 😅
    2. speleologist
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Kind of a bold statement, saying that "it's Skyrim Souls RE - Updated that isn't compatible with my mod", when the former is more popular and more essential to the gameplay. Not to mention it's an SKSE plugin – which are inherently less demanding on a big loadorder than esp-based mods.
      But I do apologize if my post seemed harsh or offending to you. There was no such intention or salt behind it, and I'm sure your mod works great by itself and will be very helpful to most people.
      Because again, it doesn't work for me with SkyrimSouls completely disabled, too. If a merchant initially has, say, 5000 gold, I deplete it and refresh the barter menu, his amount of gold will now be ranging between 50-70 septims. I looked it up in SSEEdit, and the only conflict was in the LeveledItem "PerkMasterTraderGold" with Requiem - Trade and Barter patch. I tried adjusting the values so they match, didn't work. Oh well.
    3. TheThirdRace
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      Thanks for the apology, it's hard to figure out when people are trying to communicate or simply trolling. Many create accounts just to mess with mod authors, I got a few of them over the years, so while I'm always trying to give the benefit of the doubt, sometimes it's harder to stay neutral when I see the user only has 16 posts...

      I also apologize if my post seemed a bit more brutal than it should 😅

      it doesn't work for me with SkyrimSouls completely disabled, too. If a merchant initially has, say, 5000 gold, I deplete it and refresh the barter menu, his amount of gold will now be ranging between 50-70 septims. I looked it up in SSEEdit, and the only conflict was in the LeveledItem "PerkMasterTraderGold" with Requiem - Trade and Barter patch. I tried adjusting the values so they match, didn't work.

      The first thing to try would be to load my mod last to see if it does work for you when no other ESP file could overwrite the values.

      I would also validate the scripts are physically installed correctly. I've seen the NexusModManager skip some files sometimes back in the days, not sure how much of this is still possible with Vortex. But given it kinda is an evolution of NMM, I wouldn't put it past Vortex to have the same bug.

      Maybe remove any SKSE plugin to validate if it's something behind the scene that can't be controlled by an ESP file.

      Kind of a bold statement, saying that "it's Skyrim Souls RE - Updated that isn't compatible with my mod", when the former is more popular and more essential to the gameplay. Not to mention it's an SKSE plugin – which are inherently less demanding on a big loadorder than esp-based mods.

      Bold maybe, but I still stand by it. This mod was released at least 3 years prior to Skyrim Souls RE - Updated. I did the best I could to avoid conflict with any existing mods and used method to reduce the chances of conflicts with future mod. Skyrim Souls RE - Updated simply barged in and didn't take any care about the mods made before them. They consciously chose to break some game commands and then literally ask modders to adjust to their method... It is their mod that breaks mine, not the other way around 😜
    4. TheThirdRace
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      In case you're still interested, there's a post from Blackread down this page that has a fix for what you're experiencing.

      Basically, it adds the Skyrim Souls RE - Updated workaround in this mod's script and recompiled it. Instructions seems easy enough to follow.
  6. AyamePasse
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Experiencing the issue where I have no option to ask merchants what they have for sale. I'll try the old version, but I wish it had access to the higher gold amounts.
    1. TheThirdRace
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      This looks like either:

      • The files have not been extracted correctly, old bug from NexusModManager, don't know if the newer Vertex versions have that but I wouldn't be surprised
      • There's another mod conflicting with this one

      If it's the 1st option:

      • Uninstall the mod
      • Load the game
      • Same while in-game without the mod loaded
      • Install the mod again
      • See in-game if it's fixed

      If it's the 2nd option:

      • Move this mod to the last spot on the loading list
      • See in-game if it's fixed

      The 2nd option is more likely, what you're describing is looking like a mod conflict. 

      What puzzle me is how you can have absolutely no dialog option...🤔  This mod doesn't add or remove dialog options, it just add a script on the dialog option, which means it doesn't affect the dialog being there or not, just what it does when you click on it. So for the dialog option to not be there at all, you might have a corrupted save-game, which is very frequent even without mod. It's just that we don't usually see those corruptions because they're rare enough or not big enough to be of any consequences...

      Keep me updated if this solved the problem please.
    2. AyamePasse
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Thank you for the quick response! Sadly, I've tried both options and didn't get a fix. And strangely, it's only for SOME merchants. Lucan, Hulda, Saadia, so far all have the dialogue, but Belethor and Adrianne don't. They're all I've tried for now... I'm wondering if a different mod is to blame, but I've been trying to figure it out and as far as I know, I don't have anything else that modifies merchants in any way... I'll keep you posted if I figure it out, even if it's a different mod. ;)
    3. TheThirdRace
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
       I'm wondering if a different mod is to blame

      Further things you could try...

      Disable all other mods
      Disable all mods except Master Trader SE.  This could show if it's another mod that somehow interferes with the dialog option.

      Use a downloaded savegame
      Download a separate savegame from Nexusmods and try with that savegame instead.

      Why not just try a new savegame from your own installation? Weirdly enough, Bethesda games sometimes have weird corruption based on the actual system you're playing... I know it feels like it's impossible, but I've experienced it myself with Oblivion. No matter how many new games I started, the game would crash on loading the savegame. I re-installed the game, Windows itself, no custom config, all updated, pretty much anything you can think of. Bethesda itself worked 2 months on my savegames and couldn't figure out why... 😭  As soon as I downloaded a new savegame from the Nexus => 100% working, no bugs whatsoever! 🤷‍♂️

      I'm not saying you should start a new game, but at least testing a basic new savegame downloaded from the Nexus could help figure out if it's something in the game engine that conflicts with your hardware/software.
    4. TheThirdRace
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      Just had an epiphany after writing my last reply 💡

      Is it possible you have installed "too many" mods? (more specifically, too many mods with scripts)

      Bethesda, in their infinite wisdom 🤮, implemented the Papyrus scripting engine in a way that it will skip lines of code if the game lags too much.  😱😱😱

      Their reasoning is that no script should endanger the game so for performance reasons, let's skip some code randomly... What could go wrong?!?!  It's not like it could corrupt your savegames and you'd lose all your time investment... /sarcasm

      So yes, maybe it's not actually a mod conflict so much as you hit some hardware limitations on your system.

      It's totally crazy that modders have to deal with this stuff, but this is the feces reality Bethesda has thrown at us. The worst part is it varies from computer to computer because no one has the exact same hardware/software setup. I even saw modders that would be fine 95% of the time, but the game wouldn't work if some specific background task would start in Windows... It's absolutely batshit crazy, I just hope we, as a community, don't have to deal with this in Starfield and whatever comes next for Bethesda.
    5. AyamePasse
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      I have no clue what's going on, lol. This is a test game. It's probably my 20th restart of the game because I'd get a few mods working together, then start clean to try a handful more. So not many mods installed compared to most people's serious playthroughs: 87 esm/esps (most of which are related to Kaidan mods I'm testing, performance mods, and a few gameplay mods, such as this one), 104 esls (mostly things like hair/eyes, clothing mods, NPC replacers...). Then last night I suddenly dropped to 13 fps and nothing would fix it. So now I gotta work on that before I can continue testing this issue, and may have to start my 21st new playthrough too. :P
    6. AyamePasse
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Finally got my fps sorted, or at least bandaged, so I've been trying to figure this out again, but so far no answers. I'll lwt you know if I come up with anything.
    7. AyamePasse
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Got an update for you, I started a new playthrough and had much worse issues than before, this time with missing dialogue for EVERYONE, followers no longer engaging in idle chatter, skipping dialogue lines or backing out before a conversation was finished, which would be accompanied by fake corruption of all my saves.

      It took days but I finally realized I had a typo in my Engine Fixes .toml file that had been there in my previous playthrough, but caused far less issues. Corrected it and so far everything is back to normal, including the merchant dialogue issue I reported here.

      Endorsed, and thank you!
    8. TheThirdRace
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      Glad to see your issue has been resolved 🎉

      Also, a huge thank you for the follow up. Most people would have just left the issue in here without resolution, making others think there was something wrong with the mod... So yeah, a huge thank you for closing the thread on a positive note.

      Have fun!
    9. AyamePasse
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      You're very welcome! And thank you for providing this great mod. ;)
  7. DragosDrakkar
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Decided to try using this mod on Skyrim LE, and at first glance it seems to be working fine. The general store in Winterhold would come down to zero gold as I sold stuff to her, exit and reselect the dialog would bring her gold back up again. And the faster entry to the store works like a charm as well. Never realized how much of a delay there was until now.

    Using it some more, I have found that the Dawnguard merchants aren't affected by the extra gold, almost certainly because of their unique merchant dialog. The vampire merchants for that path would likely have the same result.
    1. TheThirdRace
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      Thanks for the notes, players will appreciate to know the mod will work with the Legendary Edition.

      While the mod will work with almost all merchants, somehow Bethesda made a very select few merchants not have "physical" references in-game?!?! That's why they don't work with this mod, they don't have a "body" to put gold in their pockets... It seems Bethesda did this mostly for the expansion merchants, maybe it was a different team and they cut corners 😅
  8. falloutgamer02
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    To give an idea of how much I needed this, the 20x version is about 4 times too small.  I can empty 20k gold with about 7 potions out of a stack of 80 which is one stack of about 8 lol  Ahh, the unlimited rings and amulets mod to give myself a dozen 25% better alchemy rings and necklaces lol
    1. TheThirdRace
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      Glad this mod could help you!

      As for the limits of the mod, the technical reason I didn't go over 20x is because of the gold glitch. If a vendor gets too much gold, he will still accept your items, but not give you any gold in return... nobody wants that!!!
    2. Hietanen
      • premium
      • 173 kudos
      There is a fix for the gold glitch today:

      Would be great to have much more gold. I am not sure, but the glitch may be repeated above 80.000, but maybe this was just me.
    3. ThePopulous
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
      The link you gave is for a se mod that will not work on AE, but thanks
    4. cmd673
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      The gold glitch is now fixed for AE 640 in the mod Bug Fixes SSE.
    5. bchirhart
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I noticed that when my character hits 20K gold I stop receiving gold from the vendor when I sell them something as well.  That started with this mod (I think...)
    6. TheThirdRace
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      I noticed that when my character hits 20K gold I stop receiving gold from the vendor when I sell them something as well.  That started with this mod (I think...)

      Actually, you're describing the gold glitch which is a known glitch of the game.

      Whenever the merchant goes over 32767K , it will take your item but won't give you gold in return. Effectively giving the item for free to merchants.

      The very reasons this mod exists are two-fold:

      • Being able to sell everything to the same merchant, no more merchant runs all over the map
      • Give you the ability to reset the gold of a merchant by getting out of the dialogue and back in

      You most likely sold too much to a merchant without resetting the gold and you went over the limit for that merchant. Unfortunately, since it's a game glitch there is nothing to do about it. That merchant will be corrupted for the remaining of your savegame.

      There are only 2 solutions to this:

      • Use another merchant
      • If you have a previous savegame that is not corrupted, I'd restart from there

      If this is not the actual problem, then I encourage you to give me more details so I can help you resolve the issue. I'd start by making sure this mod is loaded last just to check if you have another mod running interference with this one.
  9. lazyman12
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    really nice mod. but when belethor is dead, the shop is closed forever. i see it's because of this mod and i don't want to use version 1.2 so it's shame.
    1. TheThirdRace
      • premium
      • 73 kudos

      Allow me to highly doubt your claim, especially that this mod is causing a shop to close forever. 

      This mod won't affect schedules, the NPCs themselves, inventory or anything else for that matter.

      The only thing this mod affects is the dialogue system when you say the lines "Have you got something for sales" or a derivative.

      Given only a few dialogue lines are affected and I only added to their original script to manage the gold, I fail to see how this could possibly close a shop forever.

      There are a ton of possibilities as to why a dead Belethor could close the shop forever:

      • There's no one to take over the shop in the un-modded game, so the shop closes forever even without my mod
      • You might have a ton of mods installed and Skyrim is very finicky about a ton of its systems... meaning it's entirely possible you just got into a situation where your computer lags a tiny bit and Papyrus (the script engine) skips lines to make up for it
      • Your savegame is corrupted
      • Another mod could cause an interference with my mod, meaning that removing this mod instead of mine could make mine work as intented
      • etc.
      Given nobody has ever reported that kind of problems and this mod has been downloaded at least 35K times, I'm inclined to believe the problem is not with this mod.

      [ Possible Solutions ]
      There are still solutions to your problems, even if it most likely isn't caused by my mod...

      If Belethor dying is causing you much troubles, then simply resurrect him with the console. I don't remember the exact command, but you should be able to easily achieve this with a Google search.

      You could use another merchant, the game is full of them... I fail to see why 1 merchant dying means the mod is unplayable 🤷‍♂️

      [ Conclusion ]
      Mod authors are there to help, not to be pointed fingers at...

      There are no excuses for the way your formulated your comment, you were inappropriate...

      I would appreciate if you seek technical support for my mod instead of accusing it with a blank statement.
  10. CopperBoltwire
    • supporter
    • 13 kudos
    Suggestion: For your v2, why not update and make it so you can use the MCM menu to decide what you want? ie. x1 x4 or x7...
    Or is that to much work, code wise?
    1. TheThirdRace
      • premium
      • 73 kudos
      While I guess it would be a lot more easier now to integrate MCM now than it was back in the days, it would still require time I don't have. I already set my mind that my mods won't see any further development a couple years ago.

      That's not to say the suggestions aren't heard, I fully plan on integrating them when I create new mods for the next Elder Scrolls game. Or maybe the Starfield new IP if it ever come out...
    2. BlazeStryker
      • premium
      • 45 kudos
      There's also FOMOD...
    3. nexuskomrad
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Oh yes. The next Elder Scrolls game. It will arrive any minute!
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Any chance you can make a patch for Adamant? They would be perfect together!
    1. TheThirdRace
      • premium
      • 73 kudos

      Unfortunately not. My mod is stable and works just fine as it is.

      Although, Bethesda modding is flexible enough to allow you to use both. Just load my mod after Adamant and you should be fine. You do lose some changes from Adamant, but it's a choice left to the user.

      The same could be said from any user using a perk overhaul mod. They choose a particular mod over some other modifications, it wouldn't be realistic for modders to build patches for every mod in existence. As any other human being, we have time constraints 😅
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Thanks for this great mod, and the quick reply!
  12. IamTheSame2
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, does this mod level up the speech skill as well? Because I have another similar mod like this one but it doesn't increase my speech skill whatsoever
    1. TheThirdRace
      • premium
      • 73 kudos

      This mod doesn't change speech leveling progress, it's really just a way to give infinite gold to merchants without triggering the gold glitch.

      I don't remember if speech levels when selling stuff. But no matter if it did or not, this mod won't change the mechanic.