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  1. CharmicsMods
    • premium
    • 36 kudos
    A couple of PSAs for everyone having trouble: 

    Firstly, if skill leveling doesn't seem to be working, there's a quick fix. Check your current level. Let's say you're level 5, for this example. You want to add 1 to your current level and then subtract it. To do that, you would then open the console and type player.setlevel 6, enter that, close the console and make a save, and then open the console again and type player.setlevel 5 to return your character to the correct level. Save the game again, and you should be set to go. Strictly speaking, the saving isn't necessary, but in my experience it makes the fix more reliable. This should only need to be done once per character, unless you reinstall the mod.

    Second thing. If you have trouble gaining any XP at all, or you're not gaining amounts that make sense, try restoring your configuration to default (you can redownload the mod) and then change one setting at a time. You may need to perform the procedure I described above. Make sure that any values you adjust retain the correct format with a decimal place. For example, instead of setting a value of "1", set a value of "1.0". You can also do this with the MCM version, just ensure that you are only changing one value at a time and confirming that each change is successful

    Last thing. This mod does NOT have a way to adjust fXPLevelUpBase and fXPLevelUpMult currently. Here's a mod I made specifically for this purpose (as far as I know, the only one available for SSE at the moment):
    1. linkmahboi
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Woah man, that actually worked ! Thank you so much ! :)
    2. rileymil
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      Probably redundant to say this but after a few hundred hours with this mod I experienced the skill leveling cap bug as you mentioned here, and the fix worked perfectly. Saved to be safe first, then setlevel to 82, saved, setlevel to 81, saved, and it was all fixed. Easy peasy for anyone experiencing the same! Thanks Charmics!
  2. z4x
    • premium
    • 327 kudos
    3.4.0 - Killing module changes

    Replaced most changes from previous update with player damage tracking. The system is now similar to Fallout4 with configurable damage threshold. The difference is that any damage dealt to the player's combat targets is considered player damage.

    • Damage done by player controlled actor (e.g. player ref), player teammate (followers, some quest NPCs) and actors commanded by player (summoned or reanimated) is considered as damage done by player.
    • Damage done to targets that are in combat with player is considered as player damage.
    • Environmental damage is still considered as player's as long as the target is in combat with player.

    3.3.0 - Killing module changes

    The level multiplier formula has been changed as per enzovolpe’s suggestion:

    LevelMult = (EnemyLevel / PlayerLevel) ^ LevelFactor
    The multiplier is based on level proportion rather than level difference between the player and the enemy. The formula is slightly more aggressive at low levels but doesn’t output 0 XP for targets below certain level threshold (20 by default).
  3. dizzyb2u
    • premium
    • 22 kudos
    thanks for keeping the 3.2.0 version still available, I personally prefer it over the newer version (and due to mod compatibility as well)
    1. z4x
      • premium
      • 327 kudos
      I would say that 3.2.0 is less compatible because it doesn't have several bug fixes implemented in newer versions.
    2. dizzyb2u
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      well too bad because the mod that I used (a synthesis patcher that edit the experience ini) is made for 3.2.0 ini structure and since newest version has different ini structure I supposed it wouldn't be compatible with the old ini. I will just stay on 3.2.0 unless that mod is updated as well (probably never will tho)
    3. z4x
      • premium
      • 327 kudos
      These patchers are used to generate Races/Actors INI files which have unchanged structure since version 2.0.0. As far as I know Experience.ini is usually not generated by patchers, but other than 3 settings the structure of main INI is also unchanged.
    4. dizzyb2u
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      quick question, if I want XP to be the same no matter what level enemy is what setting do I need to put for fLevelFactor?
      in the old ini structure, if I want XP to be the same and doesn't care about levels I would have put iXPLevelRange = 65535.
      Idk what to put for the new ini tho
      Edit: got it. any values to the power of 0 = 1
      so fLevelFactor = 0 will make XP stays the same no matter what level the enemy is
    5. wbell03
      • supporter
      • 24 kudos
      I also have this same question. I play an unleveled playthrough, so all the enemies from the start of the game could be any level. I would love to not get 200 xp from killing things early on in the game, so I had to downgrade back to 3.2.0

      Is there a way we can edit the killing module while keeping the newer version changes?
    6. dizzyb2u
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      got it. any values to the power of 0 = 1
      so fLevelFactor = 0 will make XP stays the same no matter what level the enemy is
  4. Trace9854
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    To anyone still having issues try reinstalling the latest version of Microsoft c++ redistributable if you can and restart your computer that's what worked for me
    1. wcpaeb
      • supporter
      • 28 kudos
      I can confirm that.

      I had the same issue with the latest version of Experience (3.4.4), Mod Organizer gave me the .dll error.
      But installing the latest version of Microsoft C++ Redistributable solved the problem.

      I run the game and MO2 under linux, so for the user Shademanv39 who is using linux and anyone else with linux you can easily install the file via the Terminal. 
      Fist download the latest Microsoft C++ Redistributable.

      Then you can install the file, pointing where steam, the game's compatdata location, version of proton you are using and VC_redist.x64.exe are located. For me these are at:

      STEAM_COMPAT_CLIENT_INSTALL_PATH=/usr/bin/steam STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=/Games/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/489830/ ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ -\ Experimental/proton run ~/Downloads/VC_redist.x64.exe
      Where all these are located depends on the linux distribution you are using, the steam client you have installed (flatpak version or whatever), if you have changed the downloads directory in steam setting etc.  If you are not sure where steam is installed try in the Terminal:

      whereis steam

      Make sure you have written the correct path for everything.
      The Backslash (\) character is used if there is a space in the dir or file name. I use Proton Experimental to run Skyrim. The actual dir name is Proton - Experimental

      So i had to write in the Terminal

      Proton\ -\ Experimental

      I hope it helps.
  5. Enojitothebrave
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    If anyone wants to get a little XP from skills, I've uploaded a version of my mod Get Skill Experience With Experience which only does that while otherwise preserving the pace of Experience. Check out GSEWE Lite here:
    1. Enojitothebrave
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      I missed one set of multipliers in GSEWE Lite, that's now fixed.

      Apologies to the 7 of you that grabbed it yesterday.
  6. Shademanv39
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I am having the same issue as a few other people have posted with the latest version of the Experience mod having a fatal .dll error upon loading. Can't speak to the C++ redistributable matter since I am running this on a Linux distro, but what I can say is that my Experience.log in the "My Documents" folder was also blank, and that the immediate previous version of this mod was not crashing upon startup.
    1. z4x
      • premium
      • 327 kudos
      Game version?
    2. Shademanv39
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      According to my game menu, 1.6.1170.0.8.
  7. AxDivinity
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Vortex says that a 'fatal error occurred while loading (the) plugin' (Experience.dll). I have made sure I selected AE and have the All in One Address Library for AE. How do I fix?
    1. z4x
      • premium
      • 327 kudos
      Can you paste content of Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE\Experience.log on pastebin and post the link?
    2. AxDivinity
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Not sure if this should be correct, but the document contains nothing in the log. All other mods have content in their log while Experience has nothing?
    3. z4x
      • premium
      • 327 kudos
      The file last modified time is current date? Can you delete the file and see if it gets re-created? What's your game version?
      Do you have Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable installed?
    4. Eyre11
      • premium
      • 23 kudos
      I have met with the same problem, and there is nothing in the log too.
  8. LittleFighter
    • supporter
    • 20 kudos
    Mod Organizer 2 is giving me a warning about an outdated dll for the latest AE version.
    1. z4x
      • premium
      • 327 kudos
      Can you paste content of Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE\Experience.log on pastebin and post the link?
  9. 0x81
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Sorry if this has been asked before, but how does Experience interact with XP bonuses? Akatosh's blessing in  SimonRim's Pilgrim mod gives you a 10% xp boost. Does that boost actually modify the gained xp while using this mod? or is it ignored? Thanks!
    1. dizzyb2u
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
    2. z4x
      • premium
      • 327 kudos
      There is no character XP bonuses in Skyrim, only skill XP bonuses and they are unaffected by this mod.
  10. commandermerik
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Unable to launch game. Trying to do so causes a pop-up named "SkyrimUncapper" to appear with the following message: 

    The integrity checker has determined that the patch ImproveLevelExpBySkillLevel was partially or completely overwritten by a conflicting plugin. This is fatal. Please disable the conflicting plugin or modify the INI file to disable this patch. 

    Known conflicts: Zax's Experience

    Closing this pop-up causes a second to appear, also named SkyrimUncapper
    panicked at 'Patch integrity verification found one or more instillation errors', lib\libskyrim\src\

    The Uncapper mod I'm using, Skyrim Skill Uncapper for SE and AE, does list the Experience mod as being a known conflict, with the solution being to "Set bUsePCLevelSkillExpMults to false in the skyrim uncapper INI file to disable the conflicting patch." I have done so, but it doesn't seem to prevent this issue. 
    1. z4x
      • premium
      • 327 kudos
      bUsePCLevelSkillExpMults is Uncapper's setting not mine, but if you set it to false and it still reports the same error perhaps you are editing the wrong file that gets replaced by MO2 or something?
  11. TrickWolf401
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Does this mod work with the lastest version of Skyrim?
    1. Tharaghos
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    2. TrickWolf401
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Thank you nice to know that the lastest version of Skyrim hasn't broken the mod
    3. MARCE1957
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      With 1.6.1170 version the mod is broken.
      i have tried ignoring the .dll issue and loading the game and I gain no experience.
    4. Tharaghos
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      False cause i got 1.6.1170 and it works
    5. TrickWolf401
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Great now i don't know if its safe to update.
    6. MARCE1957
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos

      I checked if had something wrong and no way to have a working experience mod.
      Looking for solution I have found the link above.  the mod is uo to date.
    7. nexusguy
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Something wrong with your game mate, I'm on the latest version of Skyrim and it works fine.
    8. SpiceLagz
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Tested with Skyrim SE 1.6.1170 and works just fine. Using Mod Organizer 2 with 200+ mods.
      I actually had an error with the mod Skyrim Uncapper for SE and AE on the load of the plugin, but the solution was on the same modpage.

      If you are using Skyrim Uncapper with Experience just modify on SkyrimUncapper.ini:
      bUsePCLevelSkillExpMults = false

      Hope this helps! 🤝
    9. MARCE1957
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I have tried with the lastest SKSE and All in one Address Library (Anniversary Edition) and nothing else instaled.
      Experience doesn't work because of .dll error.
    10. fierry
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      This is the only post I can find about someone having the same issue as me :( still looking for a fix
    11. Cadwat
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I’m using the latest version of Skyrim SE and it wasn’t working for me at first but then I changed Experience versions. I was using 3.4.3 but now I switched to 3.2.0 and it’s working just fine.
    12. z4x
      • premium
      • 327 kudos
      What dll error are you guys getting with 1.6.1170? Can you post the error text here?
    13. hanageboubounosuke
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      SKSE plugin loader 2.2.6 reports: "Experience.dll: disabled, fatal error occurred while loading plugin"
  12. DylanBlake0811
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Unable to increase skill levels past 100. I've changed the max skill level in the MCM to 300, but still cant go past 100. Do i have to go into a specific .ini file to change it or is this feature just not working? I'm also on game version 1.597 with the Nolvus Ascension mod pack.
    1. z4x
      • premium
      • 327 kudos
      To increase the skill level you need the Uncapper, this mod doesn't do that but is compatible.