About this mod
Aonghus' House is a small cottage farm player home between Whiterun and Riverwood on the slopes of the river surrounded by mountains and forests with an amazing view of Dragonsreach.
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Aonghus' House
Between Riverwood and Whiterun, along the river, is a small settlement owned by a legendary Nord named Aonghus. Though he has recently moved on, his home remains and in your name. Aonghus (pronounced Angus) was a warrior and his home is perfectly suited for the next one to call it home.
This property comes with a working farm for you to grow ingredients, a full smithing area, interior crafting from potions to enchanting, sleeping, eating, and cooking. In the basement is a complete armory for you to place your trophies, weapons, armor, and other bits and bobs you find throughout your journey. Lastly, the property comes with a caretaker, Jen, who comes from a long line of caretakers of the farm. She'll ensure the place is kept neat while you're away, but don't forget to tend your garden and help around with chores when you're home.
When you get the house, use the ledger inside to purchase farm additions like the smithing area, armory, stone bridge, farm, and more...

Compatibility With Other Mods
There are a few mods that have appeared over time that occupy the same cells as this mod. StoneSpiralGaming has created a few patches with more on the way. If you need patches, get that mod!
Mod Compatibility Patches
To Get The Home
To gain this as your home, read the note on the front porch and then go about your day. A courier will deliver the house key to you.
- Private bridged entrance to keep out Khajiit solicitors and squatters
- Beautiful stone bridge crossing over the river onto property
- Amazing views of Whiterun and Dragonsreach
- Balcony views of Skyrim
- Stunning river complete with calm pools and rushing waterfalls
- Practice dummies
- Garden that you can plant anything in
- A fully functioning stable with 2 stalls
- Full smithing forge
- Upstairs loft, perfect for followers or children (When Bless Home is Added for SSE)
- Complete master suite for you and your partner
- Candle lit reading nook complete with book shelves
- Multiple weapons racks throughout the interior
- Armor mannequin
- Complete eating area including cooking fire and rack
- Large dining table for the whole crew
- Alchemy table for mixing the perfect potion
- Amazing amount of storage containers inside and outside the home
- Beautiful old growth forest on the property
- Easy access to Whiterun, Dragonsreach, Riverwood, and beyond
- Horse stalls where you can keep your horses now
- Basement Armory
- Hearthfire style menu to build the exterior of the farm. Choose from additions like a garden, blacksmith area, mill, firepit and more!
8.0 Update
- Added a follower bedroom in the armory
- The armory is now always accessible your follower can get to their bedroom
- The armory will be empty with crates before purchasing armory and then populated with its usual clutter after purchase
- Cleaned up scripts
- When purchasing from the ledger, the ledger will now tell you if you already bought something instead of removing it if you've already purchased that option.
- Edited the letter on the front porch to explain Jen's existence better
7.9 Update
Fixed exploding and floating items on shelves.
Removed collision boxes.
Adjusted lighting upstairs
Download and install with MO2 or Vortex or download manually and place file in the Skyrim Data folder. After install, follow load order procedure.
Load Order:
Place with other player home mods. Not compatible with mods that place objects or modify the same cells.
Marriage | Adoptions | Followers | Pets
Works with the "Bless Home" mod.
Special Thanks
To Veez for all of their invaluable help. The ideas and creativity took this player home to a new level. Thank you very much!