About this mod
Update the files for SSE. This is a resource with a small sample mod to show you what the plants look like in the game. The plants in game are on the grounds around Jorrvaskr.
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Author: Mentha
Version: 1.0
Oldrim Release Date: October 24, 2012
Skyrim SE Release Date: January 8, 2018
Category: Resources
Skyrim SE
This is a modders resource with a small sample mod to show you what the plants look like in the game. The plants in game are on the grounds around Jorrvaskr.
Now update for SSE.
More Colorful Ferns adds new colors to vanilla ferns using vanilla meshes with altered textures to make a bigger variety of ferns. I recolored these plants with my mod in mind. I decided to share these as I'm pretty pleased with (most) of the results. I realize that some of the colors are more whimsical, while others are more natural. Not all ferns are going to appeal to everybody.
Included in Version 1.0:
Sword ferns & clusters in 8 different colors
Reach ferns in 4 colors
Fall Forest ferns in 10 colors
sample esp
Any questions or problems, please contact me on Discord.
More Colorful Mods
More Colorful Critters
Over 150 more critters to shout at.
More Colorful Clothing
adds over 300 female clothes, shoes, boots, sandals, wedding wreaths, and gloves to the game all craftable
More Colorful Alchemy Plants
This is a resource with a small sample mod to show you what the plants look like in the game. Each plant has a corresponding ingredient. The sample plants are behind Jorrvaskr.
More Colorful Shrooms
This is a resource with a small sample mod to show you what the mushrooms look like in the game. Each 'shroom has a corresponding ingredient. The 'shrooms in game are on the road in front of Pelagia Farm.
More Colorful Ferns
This is a resource with a small sample mod to show you what the plants look like in the game. The plants in game are on the grounds around Jorrvaskr.
Markarth Botanical Gardens
An eye candy mod with a living area, new alchemy plants, and a new world space to call home. Live there, hunt there, or harvest and run.
Falkreath Overlook Farmhouse
A small house above Falkreath with lots of landscaping, new alchemy plants, and crafting and storage areas.
More Colorful Trees & Shrubs
Tree resource with a small sample mod to show the trees in game. Look on the road between the western watchtower and Whiterun stables.
Riften Well House
Argonian house next to Riften South Gate. Inspired by Wolverine Hall Well House by Korana for Morrowind.
Solitude Tree House Shack
(optional General Stores compatibility)
Small house with a lot of landscaping on the island next to Solitude Sawmill.
A Place to Stay
Inspired by "A Good Place to Stay" mod by Simstar for Morrowind. Adds a Dwemer house next to Pelagia Farm with mannequins for each of the types of armor in Skyrim with quite a few to spare for armor mods.
Fallout 3:
More Colorful Clothing FO3 Edition
Fallout NV:
More Colorful Clothing Fallout NV Edition
Fallout 4:
More Colorful Harvest & More
Adds wild plants, planters, terrariums, aquariums, benches, tables and more to the crafting menu.
Food Drive Favorites
What ever happened to all those cans of beans anyway?
More Colorful Bathroom Art
Which is correct, over or under? The world may never know.
More Colorful Commonwealth
Adds a little color to the grasses of the Commonwealth
More Colorful Fishy Stuff
More Colorful Potted Plants
More Colorful General Merchandise
Skyrim Special Edition:
Dunmer Ranger Armor SE
Adds 5 sets of light armor, each in the colors of a Dunmer great house
More Colorful Clothing SE
Adds over 300 different clothing, & shoe options for vanilla female body, also adds a few options for males
More Colorful Critters SE
over 300 different kinds of critters & plants to harvest
Skooma Activism Outfit
There has been a push for the emperor to legalize skooma in Tamriel, show your support with a legalize skooma shirt
A Place to Stay SE
Jaxonz Blink Teleport SE
Porting of my favorite spell to SSE
Markarth Botanical Gardens SE
Riften Well House SE
More Colorful Auroras
Makes the northern lights of Skyrim more vibrant
Solitude Treehouse Shack SE
More Colorful Solitude
Makes the Blue palace a bit more, well, blue
Riverwood Basement
Small player home under Hod & Gerdur's house in Riverwood.
Left Hand Mine Shack
Dark Dawnguard Armor
More Colorful Bug Jars
Dark Ancient Falmer Armor
More Colorful Ferns SE
More Colorful Trees SE
Largashbur Wise Woman's Hut
Ivarstead Overlook Manor
Dragon Bridge Boardwalk
Darkwater Hot Springs Shack
RIften Fisherman Shack
Green Briar Manor
Falkreath Overlook Farmhouse