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  1. Lucaoys
    • premium
    • 200 kudos
    Which is your favourite odahviing? Share with us below!

    I personally prefer royal and prince, slim is a close second
    1. fittybitty
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      So prince and royal are YOUR personal favorites? Hmmmmm, I just might ACTUALLY get one of them myself later on for my next game ✌️😁👍
    2. Lucaoys
      • premium
      • 200 kudos
      Hope you like It!
  2. Geladaa
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I really love your dragon mods! awfully underrated compared to some others out on this side. Also good job on the cohesiveness between dragon types, love to see it.
    Since you have done some unique dragon models (including our boy Odavhiing), can we expect a Paarthurnax replacer too? 
  3. mastafaraj
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I love your mods. Can you make a mod that adds more shouts for the player?
    1. Lucaoys
      • premium
      • 200 kudos
      Thanks! But I'm afraid that's an awful lot of work, all the walls with the words of power, the voices and all... and my scripting is bad (non existant, really), so it sounds nightmarish
  4. corvonildo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Have you watched Castlevania Nocturne's second season, Lucaoys? There's a pretty cool dragon design in it. Just saying it could be a source of inspiration ;)
    1. Lucaoys
      • premium
      • 200 kudos
      I'll take a look!
  5. Noname365
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    Hi Lucaoys, love your dragon mods so far.
    found this in the gameplay changes option though. just letting you know.

    Checking for Errors in [FE 1FB] CYO Odahviing.esp
    [00:00] VoiceDragonFrostBreathEffect1 "Dragon breath" [MGEF:000549B4]
    [00:00]     MGEF \ Magic Effect Data \ DATA - Data \ Impact Data -> [FE1FB83E] <Error: Could not be resolved>
    [00:00] VoiceDragonFrostIceStormEffect "Ice Storm" [MGEF:000DD605]
    [00:00]     MGEF \ Magic Effect Data \ DATA - Data \ Impact Data -> [FE1FB83E] <Error: Could not be resolved>

    also using the revered(9th) one. They all look good but i like to see pointy
    1. Lucaoys
      • premium
      • 200 kudos
      Mostly leftovers of the edits I made, I'll fix It in the next update.

      Revered one is very unique looking, and It reminds me of Spinosaurus

      EDIT: It's fixed
  6. qnhin
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hi Lucaoys, thank you for these great dragon mods. I'm currently using Dragon models modernized and redesigned and noticed Odahviing in there has purple textures for the eyes when previewing the nif. Checking NifSkope, it looks like the texture is not there (I see blue, green, purple, red and yellow eyes in the textures). I swapped it in NifSkope so it looks good on my end but wanted to give you a heads up. Then again, I could just pick one of these Odahviing models and overwrite, which may have been your sneaky intent all along... Cheers :)

    Edit - Alduin will need as well for Dragon models modernized and redesigned
    1. Lucaoys
      • premium
      • 200 kudos
      Hi, thanks for telling me! No, that definately wasn't my intent haha, I just missed those couple textures, will update the mod right away

      EDIT: All should be good now
    2. qnhin
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you!
  7. kansas72
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    I went with Royal as it looks the closest to me to vanilla.  Ancient looks good too.  I would be leary of some of them with spikes.  Where would DG sit.   
    1. Lucaoys
      • premium
      • 200 kudos
      Royal is one of my favs, it looks very menacing for some reason
  8. DarkWandererAmon
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    1. Lucaoys
      • premium
      • 200 kudos
      Thank youu
  9. Lastman3000
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    These look great. I think my fav would be the Ancient & Crown. They look so cool 😀
    1. Lucaoys
      • premium
      • 200 kudos
      Thanks man!

      Yeah those certainly have their charm
  10. ImZaix
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Great mod! Patch for Ride Odahviing please!
    1. Lucaoys
      • premium
      • 200 kudos
      Alredy included in optional files!
    2. ImZaix
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      Thanks for the quick response king of dragon mods. Love all your dragon mods, Crowned Odahviing looks great!
      BTW, is it intended for the patch Ride Odahviing require your Gameplay changes as master?
    3. Lucaoys
      • premium
      • 200 kudos
      Yes It is, if you don't use the Gameplay changes the patch isn't necessary
  11. TyLuiss
    • supporter
    • 12 kudos
    luca do you have any plans to make a gameplay mod for the twin dragons, like you did for alduin and durnevir?
    1. Lucaoys
      • premium
      • 200 kudos
      Maybe once I get to fight them for the first time and knowing them!
    2. TyLuiss
      • supporter
      • 12 kudos
      I'll be waiting anxiously, your dragon mods are the best on the nexus by far
    3. Lucaoys
      • premium
      • 200 kudos
      wow that's a great compliment, thank you very much!