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About this mod

A collection of mesh/model/skin replacers for Odahviing, with upscaled textures and new eye models and textures, and enhanced gameplay if you choose so.

Permissions and credits


Just pick and choose your Odahviing replacer between the 9 available ones! All of them will have 4x the poly count of the original Odahviing, textures 4x the resolution, a head based on real dinosaurs, many teeth, more robust bodies, fuller wings, and longer tails. Combine with Majestic Dragons for increased epicness.

I also included an optional file with several gameplay changes:

1) Ohdaviing will have lots more health now (about 6000)
2)Ohdaviing will level with your character no matter how much level you are, with a minimum of lv 20.
3) Ohdaviing won't have access to drain vitality shout anymore.
4) Ohdaviing will always be a fire dragon, and the breath and fireball attack damage will scale with your character level.
5) His breath will explode in a 20 ft area and leave lots of firewalls in the ground that will deal damage if you step on them.
5) All his melee attacks will stagger and deal extra firey attacks, and will knock down npcs.
6) Some minor speed acceleration and collision changes.
7) A firey aura will emanate from him dealing damage to nearby enemies.
8) He won't be vulnerable to frost anymore.

1) Three horned Odahviing

2) Spikey Odahviing

3) Ancient Odahviing

4) Blood Odahviing

5) Royal Odahviing

6) Prince Odahviing

7) Slim Odahviing

8) Crowned Odahviing.

9) Revered Odahviing


Step 1:
Choose your favourite Odahviing.
Step 2: Download said Odahviing and OPTION 1) Extract the content of the zip folder in your game's data folder.
OPTION 2) Use a mod manager (RECOMMENDED) and choose download and install with manager option. I recommend mod organizer 2.


This mod doesn't have any requirements other than the base game.