Skyrim Special Edition
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AndrealphusVIII and PlagueHush

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  1. EsseoS
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I love this mod, but there really should be a way to edit a container's weight manually through the console. Storing gold becomes a chore once you have 600 pounds worth.
  2. davidgilbertking
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Hi! First of all, awesome mod!
    I found a problem in my current playthrough. I'm using a mod called Convenient Horses, and my horse has certain carry weight that can be increased as you progress. The weight that she carries is quite realistic, it's as much as a horse can take. When you overemcumber her, she refuses to move :)
    Now, when I installed your mod, my horse's carry weight decreased dramatically, I think because it's technically a sack. One of the main reasons to own a horse is that she can carry your burdens. I absolutely don't want to uninstall your mod, but I'd like to find a way to make your mod not apply to my horse's sack.
    Is there a way to do so? 

    edit: just saw the same question in the Forum section. So there is no way to blacklist Convenient Horses? Only editing the horse container?
    1. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
      • 1,294 kudos
      Editing the container, like I explained on the Forum section, is the easiest way.
    2. davidgilbertking
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Thanks man
    3. davidgilbertking
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Hi Andrealphus, I would like to bring this topic up again.
      There are some mods, where the solution that we came up with, works. I increased the capacity of horse's sack in Convenient Horses and the carry load for the followers managed by Nethers Framework by editing the nif of the containers.
      However, there are a couple of mods that I use (and I'm sure there are many others that I don't use) where this solution is not as good.
      For example, there are two mods, both made by EnaiSiaion:
      Wintersun Faiths of Skyrim - if you are a wood elf and choose Z'en as your deity, you get access to an unlimited Merchant's Knapsack once you become a Devotee of that god.
      Odin Skyrim Magic Overhaul  (and Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim) - there is an expert alteration spell called Deep Storage, which gives you an access to - you guessed it - an unlimited storage.
      In both cases, the capacity is limited by this mod.
      I would like to know, if I create a new nif, say, UnlimitedChest.nif and place it in the folder that it should be, and then point Wintersun and Odin to that new nif, would your mod still limit it to 150?
      If yes, I guess the only other way would be to write an exception inside your script, so that it doesn't look at specific nifs.

      I'll be looking forward to your reply very much
    4. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
      • 1,294 kudos
      Yes, the limit will still be 150. This is specifically done to prevent any unlimited containers in mods like that. I have no plans on supporting any unlimited containers, as even one of them is enough to break this mod balance-wise and goes against the philosophy of eliminating unlimited containers.
      That said, I might add a bigger capacity (500ish, maybe even 1000.), but unlimited ones are a no-go.
    5. davidgilbertking
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Thank you for your swift reply!
      I think I just understood your point. It does break the balance. If there is some sort of magical container, either through a spell or a prayer (in case of Wintersun), it can be larger, but not unlimited.
      You did change my mind right now and it's amazing!
      Thank you, I'll be monitoring updates, or edit the script myself and compile it, if I finish my scripting tutorials earlier than you make an update.
    6. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
      • 1,294 kudos
      There's an update incoming pretty soon™, which will adress many points that have been raised. Also, I apologize for my agressive tone in the last comment. It was late and the lack of sleep was getting to me.
    7. davidgilbertking
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      No worries, man. You are listening to the suggestions and requests from users, and implementing those that don't contradict with your vision of modding. And that is super cool and respectful.
    8. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
      • 1,294 kudos
      In v3.0, I included 3 new containers, namely:

      • CWR/DummyContainer500.nif
      • CWR/DummyContainer750.nif
      • CWR/DummyContainer1000.nif
      They can hold 500, 750, 1000 respectively. You can use those if you want.
      You can now also fine-tine values in the JSON file.
    9. davidgilbertking
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Wow! That was quick!
      Amazing, thank you!!!
    10. davidgilbertking
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      On a scale from 0 to 10, how safe it is to upgrade mid-game?
      No scripts are deleted, they just get replaced, so it's no big deal, if the save is not midst opening a container, right?
    11. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
      • 1,294 kudos
      If 10 means no harm at all and a 0 would mean the save would get totally corrupted and crash. I'd say a 6 or a 7. If you're upgrading midsave, please make a backup save prior to doing this, just in case.
    12. davidgilbertking
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      I edited Odin to look at the new nif, but the container storage is still 150
      By the debug message in the top left ("Container: x of y") I can tell that the new scripts have loaded (it used to be "Space left in container...")
      I tried removing the Deep Storage spell via console, saving, closing and running the game again, and then adding the spell back. Still 150.
      I edited the unknown float in the json, and the Deep Container capacity changed, so that means CWR recognizes that container as unknown.
      Did I mess up with the nif editing? I tried "CWR\DummyContainer500.nif", "CWR\\DummyContainer500.nif" and "CWR/DummyContainer500.nif", but the result is the same.
      What can be the issue?
    13. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
      • 1,294 kudos
      I'm not sure. Did you try this on a new save?
    14. davidgilbertking
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      I tried it now on a new game, will the same sets of mods. It sees the dummy container as unknown.
    15. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
      • 1,294 kudos
      Very strange. I tested it and on my part it did recognise it.

      Here's a test file.

      If you install this, use "coc qasmoke" to go to the qasmoke room. There you'll see 3 barrels in front of you, containing the new containers. Try testing these. Let me know if they give an (in)correct value.
    16. davidgilbertking
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      On an existing save, the Deep Storage spell container and all 3 qasmoke room barrels have unknown capacity.
      On a new game, qasmoke room barrels have correct dummycontainer capacity, but the Deep Storage spell still has unknown capacity.

      I can try first uninstalling version 2.1, deleting scripts from the game via console, saving, then installing 3.0. It looks like upgrading mid-game leaves some of the 3 scripts logic from 2.1 (correct me if I'm wrong)
      Still, there is question why Deep Storage container is unknown on a new save.

      I deleted 2.1, cleaned the save with Fallrim Tools' ReSaver, then installed 3.0
      Went to the qasmoke room, and now the barrels get correct values from the json file! Yay!!
      The spell container is still unknown..

      edit3, final:
      I found it! The nif address should look like this: "CWR\DummyContainer500.nif". With single backslash, not double. Once I edited it in SSEedit, the spell container is correct.

      Sorry for cluttering the comment section, but it might help another novice modder like me.
      Again, thank you for your help and your patience!
    17. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
      • 1,294 kudos
      Awesome! I'm glad you figured it out. Cheers.
    18. Sakurasrb
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      So how did you deal with the horse container in Convenient Horses? Would the weight limit of horse finally change as intend?
    19. davidgilbertking
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Yeah, you see in the newest version of this mod, there are 3 dummy container types? Check the weights.json file. Find the amount of weight you want for your horse among the regular container types in the file. If none of them is what you want, edit any of the dummy containers. Then go to ssedit, load the esp of convenient horses and go to containers. There you will find the horse sack. In the horse container, change the Model to your desired container from the json file. The format should be like this: CWR\DummyContainer500.nif (the you choose a dummy container). For example, the format for the "smallchest" should be like this: Clutter\Ruins\Ruins_SmallChest.nif. Because in the CWR folder are only the new dummy containers, other regular containers you should find in the clutter folder and copy the route to them. But the format is always the same - folder, single backslash, filename .nif
      That's about it.
    20. Sakurasrb
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      The weight limit of 500 intended by DummyContainer500.nif will only affect the initial default weight limit of horse sack, right? So in the game I can finally increase the weight limit using the regular way provided by Convenient Horses, or I should manually change the container out side the game?
    21. davidgilbertking
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      If you're okay with the 500, you don't have to change the json file. Just edit the convenient horses esp in the sseedit. That dummy container will be nowhere else in the game except for the horse sack after you've edited it.
      P.S. I'm not sure how it will work on an existing save, you'll have to check that yourself.
    22. Sakurasrb
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      That sounds fair. Then if I say I have another mods, like mods add a spell or item that can temporarily/forever change the weight limit of my horse, will they still work successfully? 
    23. davidgilbertking
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      I honestly can't tell, dude. As far as horses go, I only use CH and a couple of retextures.
      In the open seas of modding, we're all Columbuses. Hope you find a safe build!
    24. Sakurasrb
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Never mind. Recently I just found myself started to enjoy playing with mod lists and SSEedit instead of the game, so now here's only another opportunity to start the play.
    25. davidgilbertking
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      I hear you. I discovered modding two weeks into my first playthrough back in 2015. Now I'm on my first actual run. I did my waiting! 9 years of it!
  3. hoangdai94
    • member
    • 48 kudos
  4. mot21212
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Do you have MCM
    1. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
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      Q: Why don't your mods use MCMs and instead use this janky console command system to set globals?
      A: I am not a fan of MCMs. You can set the globals by making a patch in xEdit. I have no plans of changing this. If you want to add an MCM, feel free. (see permissions)
      However, this mod in particular has a JSON file you can customize.
  5. titanbass1
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    I patched your gold and lockpicks optional file to forward WACCF changes. I'd be happy to share it if you are interested.
  6. chrismartin
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Coin weight works nicely but not lockpicks. SSEEdit shows the lockpick weight as 0.1, but in game lockpicks are weightless despite SSEEdit records being green indicating no conflicts. I know little about SSEEdit, but what I find odd is how in SSEEdit, Update esm has already changed lockpick weight to 0.1 before this mod. So, this mod is applying the same value of 0.1 as Update esm, but lockpick weight in game remains at 0.
  7. StAsonia
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Such a brilliant mod! I endorse it :) I hope you'll update it. It would also be great if you could add an MCM menu for editing storage space, if possible, of course.
  8. Nu70ry
    • member
    • 13 kudos
    found a bug 
    if you put items inside a container close the container open it again and take 1 item out the container
    the space left message shows wrong numbers

    i put 3 nordic carved boots inside a knapsack so i had 32 of 50 space left.
    i closed the container and opened it again and took 1 out but instead of 38 of 50 there were 44 of 50 as if i took 2 of them out.
    this way i can put more inside as the max of 50
    1. Nu70ry
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      probably found the bug
       ;On a 'Remove' event, the scanned weight will already be missing the removed item(s).
      fCurrent = weighContentsIn(akContainer)
      adding + fItemweight seems to work
      also at the bottom
      If ( bScanContainer != True )is always false so its probably obsolete code
      but great mod love it
    2. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
      • 1,294 kudos
      Did you close it quickly? Might be script lag? Also, could you give me the # of lines you quoted?
    3. Nu70ry
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      probably not a script lag after i applied the changes above it works as intendet.
      the first code is at line 107 and second at line 139.

      also a suggestion i have for your mod is to have less notifications on the screen.
      maybe every few percentage a notification or so
      and maybe a file to change the max weights of the containers without touching the code and compiling.
    4. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
      • 1,294 kudos
      I'll consider it. This is a very old mod though, so it's been a long time I looked at it and I'm not working on it currently.
    5. Nu70ry
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      old but gold
    6. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
      • 1,294 kudos
      That's true. It may be time to revisit it at some point. It may take a while to remember how it actually works. I have largely forgotten about how I and PlagueHush did it, way back when.
  9. atronosthelast
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I'm having some real issues trying to get this mod to work in my game, and I have no idea why. I have the latest non-AE version of SKSE, but the mod doesn't work at all, even on it's own with no other mods present. Does this mod require the AE SKSE version? Because the old 2017 version doesn't work either

    Edit: Placing my update here because the stuff below doesn't apply. I was looking through my SKSE install, and figured I'd try reinstalling the .pex scripts, and wouldn't you know it, the mod now functions. I have legitimately not a singular idea why reinstalling the scripts for SKSE would impact the mod, but it did, such is modding this spaghetti code game. I'm genuinely so sorry if I've wasted your time, Andreal. Thank you for the work you do.
    1. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
      • 1,294 kudos
      No, it should not require AE SKSE.
    2. atronosthelast
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I've just done another run of it, double checking I'm actually running the right version, and running it as a solo mod on a fresh save, and it doesn't work. My game's running on the pre-AE version, with the right SKSE, so I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing wrong anymore. Is there a required mod for this?
    3. atronosthelast
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      To update, I've now tried everything I can to make this mod work. I've tried running the old 2017 version, and running it with each plugin running alongside it, along with all the checks I did earlier, running on that fresh save after sitting through the vanilla opening, still doesn't work. It's a genuine shame, because this is the only mod that does this on the Nexus, and I really hoped it was just something simple I missed.
    4. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
      • 1,294 kudos
      Placing my update here because the stuff below doesn't apply. I was looking through my SKSE install, and figured I'd try reinstalling the .pex scripts, and wouldn't you know it, the mod now functions. I have legitimately not a singular idea why reinstalling the scripts for SKSE would impact the mod, but it did, such is modding this spaghetti code game. I'm genuinely so sorry if I've wasted your time, Andreal. Thank you for the work you do.
      Ah, no worries, I'm glad to hear you solved it.
  10. MehrunesDagon47
    • supporter
    • 34 kudos
    This mod is a true hidden gem.
    1. AndrealphusVIII
      • premium
      • 1,294 kudos