Skyrim Special Edition

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rune sentinel

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  1. runesentinel
    • member
    • 25 kudos
    Version 1.1 is now up! It should be safe to install mid-save, but I would recommend doing so OUTSIDE of the dreams and without any of the items obtained from them equipped, just to be sure.
  2. Randomdude736248
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Greetings rune sentinel,

        I've always wanted a quest mod that expanded upon the concept of delving into dreams and I must say your mod delivers.Just from what I saw  in the photos and the guide I am deeply impressed, the concept is well executed, each dream looks unique,and the enemies look terrifying as any monster from a nightmare should. All in all, incredible work, thank you for making this. As such, I would to request permission to port this mod to xbox,you would be fully credited and a link would be provided to the original mod. Thank you for taking the time to read my message, I hope to here back from you soon.

    Sincerely, Randomdude
    1. runesentinel
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      Thank you for the comment, and the offer! Yes, as long as credit is given you have my full permission to port this mod to xbox :)
  3. lenova
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Skyrim Realistic Conquering - Riverside Shack is changing dynamically Riverside Shack location, and there is a conflict in SSEEdit with this mod around the placed common bed. I'm not even sure if merging changes from both mods would solve the issue. Can someone help me to find a way around this ?
    1. runesentinel
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      Getting rid of the changes I made on the bed might work fine. All I did was set it as initially disabled and made an xmarker the enable parent of it so that the original bed and the one with the body wouldn't be there at the same time. Realistically there shouldn't be any problems if you went into SSEEdit and removed those changes, at least I don't think so.
    2. lenova
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Hey Runesentinel,
      thank you for the quick reply. Unfortunately, I'm afraid it will also conflicts from a lore perspective, this mod add some notes to tell a story about the place, which might sounds weird with the dead body and different story from your mod.
      If you're willing to add an option for an alternate location, count me in :-) the other mod I know that take place in Riverside Shack is Riverside Shack, both of these mods are quite popular
  4. deno46
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi. I reread the description after i entered the fort  dreamer. So i'll go for the others 2 first. But i don't know if i'm doing somethingg wrong or what. I have a  save before entering the dungeon. Then it had tons of creatures. I reloaded, because i wanted the daedra hearts. So next time i went in again. All creatures were empty. There was a flying monk. I killed him and gt killed by slmething. Reloaded and there were almost no creatures, no dude.

    Rloadeagain and there were 0 creatures and no dude.
    So, either this is a bug or aomething im doing wrong, or the place has a randomizer ot you did some really meta thing there, like the permadeath mod, because now i dont know if i'm trapped when i go in or i lack someething to make the dude appear.
    Or there is a record in the mpd memory thqt saves if i already entered the dream.

    1. runesentinel
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      Weird... None of that should be happening lol. I use disable/enable flags for a few things in that cell, but it shouldn't carry over through reloads. It could be a conflict with how your load order handles saves? I'll look into this :)
  5. Lythca
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    I noticed that this mod and Interesting NPCs both edit a bed in Riverside Shack. The compatibility seems pretty minor - 3DNPC flags it perminent and attached an AI Package to it, their sleeping spot after completing a quest with them. 

    You disable this bed and replace it with your own. 

    No changes will likely mean a minor incompatibility and slight breaking of their AI. 
    1. runesentinel
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      It should be fine, the bed gets reenabled at the end of one of the nightmares. Thank you for the report!
  6. Salavis1
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I have been looking for more "smallish" quest mods to make Skyrim feel more like the RPG it should have been. This mod is *incredible*! It is exactly the kind of quest that is sorely missing from most modern "rpg" games now days. Packed with lore and interactivity and immersion, instead of being another "go here, kill this and fight this." that plagues so many games now days. Love it
    1. runesentinel
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      That means a lot, thank you!
  7. Triadlux369
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Absolutely fantastic. I just adore the level deign of the dreams, they're all spooky and surreal but also right at home in Skyrim. The King actually made me a little sad, and that's phenomenal writing as it's only told through notes and the overall level design. I also enjoyed how the trading system began to make more and more sense. Overall this hits every spot for me for a quest mod.
    1. runesentinel
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      Thank you! At first I didn't like how future items were shown through the trading menu, but over the course of development I really started to warm up to the way it foreshadowed the other dreams :)
  8. babayaga515515
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is this an esl?
    1. chunkimonki560
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      +1 esl?
    2. runesentinel
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      Unfortunately no, it adds too many cells and scripts for me to safely convert it to one.
    3. Revenge096
      • premium
      • 87 kudos
      Even with expanded esl range? I noticed that header version is in 1.7 which means it was created with the old CK. Just curious if you checked if new one would make a difference or is it still too many records.

      EDIT: Nvm forgot I can check the number of records myself. 4868 so still slightly above the new 4096 record limit.
    4. runesentinel
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      I wouldn't want to make it on the new CK anyway, stuff made on this version reaches more people and feels more familiar to me. Thank you for checking, though!
  9. Blackjack34A
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Downloading this after i type. We definitely need more Vaermina style content. Also, to the guy that said Demon doesnt show up in TES Lore. It does. If you played through Arena, Daggerfall and Battlespire their literally called demons as well as Daedra later on. "THe Demon Princes of Oblivion". Daedra was used a lot in the later games because "Parents" were getting triggered at the word Demon being used i think. 
    1. Markus179
      • supporter
      • 39 kudos
      Nah I'll be honest my first Elder Scrolls game started with Oblivion where like you said they transitioned from the term "demon" to "Daedra". More originality I guess. On TES4 backcover case however,  I see the term mentioned as well but I believe this is solely because the term "demon" makes it easier to understand to concept of the game's setting but in the actual game, they are referred to as Daedra. So it seems at one point IT WAS CANON but not anymore. Thus, replaced with the term Daedra. Or, instead of saying "what the hell" now they say "What in Oblivion". Although you are right on IT WAS used in the past, what I should of said was the term demon is dated.  Replaced with the term Daedra. I do appreciate the correction though, thank you.

      PS: No intention on becoming a stickler on this. Just something I wanted to scholarly point out.
    2. UniversalTomato
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      They have a thing called the Demon Weapon in ESO, demon is also used in the literal first sentence of the book Aedra and Daedra, also as dialogue choices in Skyrim. They are definitely still canon
  10. nimwraith
    • premium
    • 309 kudos
    Looks really cool, congrats on getting the mod out!
    1. runesentinel
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      Thanks nim!
  11. Robin959
    • premium
    • 81 kudos
    If two different casters use Warm Slumber on the same person before the effect wears off, the slowness effect can stack in reverse and speed up attack animation for a few seconds. Until I find a fix just pretend this
    is intentional and actually represents fear caused by a hallucination or something.
    You can always set up the effect so that the second effect dispels the first, this way at each time only one effect is active at any time. Could be easily done by giving the magic effect a unique keyword and tell it to dispel all spells with the same keyword (similar to how blessings work).
    1. runesentinel
      • member
      • 25 kudos
      Life saver. I'll make sure to do this in a future update.