Skyrim Special Edition

About this mod

This mod adds a powerful warrior to the Katariah, a primary bodyguard to the emperor who will serve as the final boss of the Dark Brotherhood questline. He is also harder to sneak past, meaning he also makes it more challenging to sneak into the emperor's quarters.

Permissions and credits
There is nothing in the Dark Brotherhood questline that really functions or even feels like a final boss battle. This mod adds such an opponent to the Katariah, not far from the emperor's quarters. The kind of warrior you'd expect the emperor of Tamriel to have guarding him. He is still weaker than the Ebony Warrior, and he is more skilled at defense than offence, and even takes multiple power attacks to kill a Dremora Lord, but his defense is very solid. 

The Bodyguard is decked out in enchanted Ebony Armour, and has a unique sword and shield, the Judgement Sword and the Shield of Imperial Order, which both have unique appearances and unique enchantments. He does not carry a bow or use spells or shouts to attack; he can't attack from a distance. He can overcome multiple Soul Cairn Keepers in a few minutes and even hold up for about a minute against the Ebony Warrior due to his solid defense. 

This mod was designed to be in keeping with the entire theme of the Dark Brotherhood questline and with the Penitus Oculatus as a faction. 

How does he impact you using Stealth:


Short answer: You can still use stealth to avoid him entirely, but the Bodyguard is harder to sneak around than vanilla agents. 

We all know that one of the main targets Bethesda had when making the Dark Brotherhood questline was that it was possible to use stealth as much or as little as you choose, and this mod still holds true to that concept. It is still possible to sneak past the Emperor's Bodyguard, and his two assistants, the Katariah Guards, but they will be better at detecting sneaking players than the vanilla Penitus Oculatus agents, making it more difficult, but still of course possible. In fact, the main purpose of the two Katariah Guards is to serve as extra eyes and make it harder to sneak past. Likewise, it is of course possible to fight them and beat them; the Emperor's Bodyguard is strong enough to overwhelm Keepers from the Soul Cairn, but he does struggle against them. 

Combat Style: 


The Emperor's Bodyguard uses a sword and shield with heavy armour, and fights using a tank style. This works thematically given that the Penitus Oculatus is a defense force. It also fits the Empire extremely well, with the Bodyguard fighting a lot like a Greek Hoplite. His attacks are fairly strong, but defense is where he truly excels. His unique sword also drains health from those he hits, allowing him to heal himself to compliment those defenses. 

All in all, this mod will add a final boss to the questline who will serve as a challenge regardless of if you choose to fight him or sneak past him. 

Recommended mods:

Tougher Dark Brotherhood Enemies - A mod made by me that strengthens multiple enemies encountered in the Dark Brotherhood questline. None will be as strong as the Emperor's Bodyguard, so he'll still be the final boss. 

This mod is flagged as ESL, so it won't take up any space in the load order.