About this mod
SKSE Plugin that will let you add buttons, interactive text and lists to MainMenu.
Created mainly for modlists.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations
If you are a user and not a modder, just install this mod like any other SKSE plugin and you're done. The whole description and explanation of use is for modders.
Created mainly for modlists.
Buttons/texts with links to websites that are opened when clicked,
Text messages, for example with current modlist version/release date,
Buttons/texts that, when clicked, will open lists, for example with supporters or recent changes.
- Change file "SKSE\Plugins\MainMenuCustomizer.ini" to define Buttons, Labels and Lists.
- Put all assets for elements defined in step 1 (dds files and txt files) in "Interface\MainMenuCustomizer\" folder.
How to define Buttons, Labels and Lists in"SKSE\Plugins\MainMenuCustomizer.ini"?
Define names for elements you want to have in General section:
buttons = Button1Name, Button2Name
labels = Label1Name, Label2Name
lists = List1Name, List2Name
After you define names, you need to create sections with definitions:
iX =
iY =
sAnchor =
sText =
sFont =
iFontColor =
iFontColorOver =
iFontSize =
sAutoSize =
sList =
sLink =
iKey =
iX =
iY =
sAnchor =
bVisible =
sList =
sLink =
sArt =
iKey =
iX =
iY =
sAnchor =
sFont =
iFontColor =
iFontSize =
sAutoSize =
sArt =
iWidth =
iHeight =
sDataSource =
sHeader =
sHeaderFont =
iHeaderFontColor =
iHeaderFontSize =
sCloseButtonText =
sCloseButtonAnchor =
sCloseButtonFont =
iCloseButtonFontColor =
iCloseButtonFontColorOver =
iCloseButtonFontSize =
iCloseButtonX =
iCloseButtonY =
iKey =
For starters, not all properties are required, only fill these you want to and remove the rest or set them to default values.
- iX - Integer. Default: 0. Horizontal position on screen. sAnchor is used to calculate base position and iX is used to move according to it.
- iY - Integer. Default: 0. Vertical position on screen. sAnchor is used to calculate base position and iY is used to move according to it.
- sAnchor - Enum: left/right/top/down/left top/left down/right top/right down/center/center left/center right/center top/center down. Default: none. Used to calculate base position. For example, "right down" and iX = 70, iY = 100 will set X position to 70 pixels from right corner and Y to 100 pixels from bottom.
- bVisible - true/false. Default: false. This option will let you show/hide elements.
- sArt - Name of art file located in Interface\MainMenuCustomizer\. You need 3 files: "Name.dds", "NameOver.dds", "NamePress.dds" for button, but only "Name.dds" for list. If you do not set art for list, customizer will draw a black rectangle. Default: empty string. DDS files used for button to show states: normal, over, pressed or background for a List.
- iWidth - Integer. Default: 0. Width of element.
- iHeight - Integer. Default: 0. Height of element.
- sList - Name of list to open, must be the same as defined in General section. This option will let you open the List when you click on Button or Label. If you use sList and sLink properties, sLink will be ignored. Default: empty string.
- sLink - Url to webpage. Like sList, but will open webpage. If you use sList and sLink properties, sLink will be ignored. Default: empty string.
- sText - String. Default: empty string. Text displayed on Label.
- sFont - Font name. Default: $EverywhereFont. Font family for Label's or List's text.
- iFontColor - Hex. Default: 0x6b6b6b. Font color for Label's or List's text.
- iFontColorOver - Hex. Default: 0xFFFFFF. Font color when you move mouse over it for Label's text.
- iFontSize - Integer. Default: 15. Font size for Label's or List's text.
- sAutoSize - left/center/right. Default: left. Position for Label's or List's text.
- sDataSource- File name with extension located in "Interface\MainMenuCustomizer\". Default: empty string. Source of lines of text to display on the list.
- sHeader - String rendered as list header. Default: empty string. Text dispalyed as header for the list.
- sHeaderFont - Like sFont but for Header.
- iHeaderFontColor - Like iFontColor but for Header.
- iHeaderFontSize - Like iFontSize but for Header.
- sCloseButtonText - Like sText, but for Close Button in List. Default: Close.
- sCloseButtonAnchor - Like sAnchor, but for Close Button in List. Default: center down.
- sCloseButtonFont - Like sFont, but for Close Button in List. Default: $EverywhereFont.
- iCloseButtonFontColor - Like iFontColor, but for Close Button in List. Default: 0x6B6B6B.
- iCloseButtonFontColorOver - Like iFontColorOver, but for Close Button in List. Default: 0xFFFFFF.
- iCloseButtonFontSize - Like iFontSize, but for Close Button in List. Default: 25.
- iCloseButtonX - Like iX, but for Close Button in List. Default: -30.
- iCloseButtonY - Like iY, but for Close Button in List. Default: 50.
- iKey - keycode used to activate Label or Button. Default: -1 (None). For a List, a shortcut (ESC by default) closes it.
All graphic elements must be dds files with a size that is a power of two and settings similar to these:

If something does not work as intended, please create a bug report and post your log from "My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE\MainMenuCustomizer.log". You need to have debug=true in [General] section to fill log with useful data.