About this mod
Adapts Chesko's Simply Knock or Alaebasta's Simpler Knock to use Dynamic Activation Key by JaySerpa.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations
- Oblivion Interaction Icons patches have been moved back to OII in the form of Dynamic String Distributor patches.
- All plugins have been renamed for the last time and split for ease of patching.
- New game recommended for 1.0, although you can simply load 1.0 after prior versions if updating midgame.
Patches for Simply Knock or Simpler Knock to use Dynamic Activation Key for interacting with locked doors. Hold the hotkey to Knock.
The main purpose is to avoid the original pop-up menus used by either mod. These pop-ups are excellent for compatibility but tend to 'slow down' the flow of gameplay. Using DAK, this can be avoided entirely!
How does it work?
This mod simply (heh) adjusts conditions from the original mods to avoid menus and preserve gameplay flow. Interactions will now be the same for both mods and are as follows:
Activate any locked door > Unlock
Activate any Knockable door while standing and holding DAK key > Knock
Activate any Peekable door while crouching and holding DAK key > Peek
Reverse Version
Currently only available for Simply Knock.
This version simply makes Knock the default interaction and allows you to Unlock doors while pressing the DAK key.
As of 1.0 this is fully compatible with Immersive Interactions and First Person Interactions! FPI must be updated to 1.4.2 as the fix lies in its scripts.
Load order for assets should be as follows:
Immersive Interactions
First Person Interactions
Just Knock
- Andromeda‘s Tower Stone ability will interfere by default. A patch is in the installer to prevent it from triggering when DAK key is held.
- Wintersun‘s Call of The Void ability will interfere by default. A patch is in the installer to prevent it from triggering when DAK key is held.
- By default Simply Knock only allows you to knock on a door if you do not have the key. Thanks to raziell74 we have some script patches in the installer to change this behavior. Even thieves and burglars can show some manners, if they so choose.
- The above script edits are now compatible with Immersive Interactions or First Person Interactions.
- The Simply Knock Mini Patch from Take A Peek is not needed with this mod.
If you use Skyrim Souls RE with Simpler Knock you may encounter an issue where the lockpicking menu will appear multiple times before the knocking interaction occurs. My recommendation is that if you use Skyrim Souls RE, you use Simply Knock instead.
Simply Knock - Note
Simply Knock SE does not work out of the box. It needs two mods to be loaded after it.
1. PapyrusUtil SE - several mods besides Simply Knock include outdated versions of these, so I recommend loading PapyrusUtil SE’s files last in the left pane of your mod organizer.
2. Updated .dll for recent Skyrim versions. Simply Knock SKSE64 DLL supports 1.6.640 through 1.6.1170 (GOG users on 1.6.1179 may wish to use Simpler Knock for the time being.)
If for some reason SKSE64 DLL does not work and you are on 1.6.640, you can also try Simply Knock DLL for AE.
Do I need a new game?
Not for a fresh installation. If updating to 1.0 I would recommend it due to a final re-naming and rearrangement of all plugins.
- Dynamic Activation Key by JaySerpa
- powerofthree’s Papyrus Extender (required by DAK)
- Simply Knock SE originally by Chesko
- or Simpler Knock by Alaebasta.
- Take A Peek - New Stealth Mechanic by JaySerpa - Not strictly required, but supported.
Dynamic Activation Key - MCM to set DAK’s hotkey to anything you please, including gamepad buttons.
Gamepad Button Freer so you can remap DAK hotkey to LT or RT on gamepad.
Just Bite does the same thing for Vampirism mods - removes pop-up menus and optionally adds OII support.
Oblivion Interaction Icons now natively supports Just Knock via Dynamic String Distributor patches.
None known currently! Please report any strangeness.
Thanks and Credits
Chesko for Simply Knock and setting the foundations for so much of what we do in the modding community.
JaySerpa for Dynamic Activation Key and Take a Peek (and being an awesome modder + fellow in general!)
Powerofthree for Papyrus Extender and uncountable essential mods for playing Skyrim in Year of Our Todd 2023.
Alaebasta for his clever alternative to Simply Knock.
GiraPomba for some script advice and compatibility work.
Raziell74 for the script edit for gentleman thieves.
SkyHorizon3 for Dynamic String Distributor - allowing OII patches to finally be pluginless.
Please check out all of their works and drop them some endorsements.