*May contain spoiler

Last Updated on: September 9 2021

<CV> ...Custom voiced. Marked with this tag are the events that use the new voice-acted dialogue. Find the "Custom Voiced Events" in the MCM toggle these events.

<MCM>...Can be toggled ON/OFF with an MCM.

<Req.>...Requirements. if your character does not meet the requirement mentioned here, the event will not be triggered.

<XX(Version Number)>...Indicates which version of the mod has first introduced this event/quest.

<Quest>...Indicates this event will lead you to receive a follow-up quest. Check out the Quest Walkthrough Article if you need more information about these quests!

World Encounters (Wilderness Encounters):
<MCM> Find "Wilderness Events" in the MCM to toggle all events in this category. Additionally, you can set the probability for how likely these events will happen instead of events from vanilla game.

<Wilderness & Road Encounters>


1. Necromancers Trying to Resurrect a Dead Body

<Req.> Player's level is 10 or higher
<MCM> Find "Enemy Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

Two Necromancers are trying to resurrect a dead body. They will turn hostile as soon as they spot Player. If they succeed in resurrecting the corpse, it will fight along side the Necromancers.

2. Wanderer of Skyrim

Spawns one traveler. A variety of travelers may appear depending on what region of Skyrim they are in: In lush forest of Falkreath and Tsundra of Whiterun, alchemists gathering some flowers are a common sight, while in coastal regions of the Haafingar and the Pale there can be hostile pirate thugs, and so on.
The Alchemists sell and buy alchemy supplies. The Merchants trade all sorts of goods.

3. <CV> Wanderer of Skyrim feat. Amazing Cast of Immersive World Encounters

Spawns one traveler voiced by the talented voice actors. As of now in V2.0, a Breton woman appears as a traveler.

4. Wounded

A traveler is injured, crying out in pain, and helplessly lying on the ground. You can help them by giving 1 health potion or hit them with "Healing Hands" or "Heal Other" spell. Once restored to their full strength, the traveler will thank you and may or may not reward you with a leveled item.

5. Wounded Beast

A beast is made crippled by a bear trap, weakened, unable to move. You can choose to release the beast from the trap, while in doing so you might make the beast angry towards you. If not, the beast will simply run away without becoming hostile.

6. A Mercenary and A Client

<Req.> Player Level is higher than 10
<MCM> Find "Followers & Hirelings Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

(Ver. 2.1~)
A traveler hires a mercenary and they travel together to a nearby castle on foot. The mercenary could be any of the vanilla Hirelings such as Jenassa, Belrand, Vorstag, and so on, in addition to any other mod-added NPCs who are assigned to the 'Job Hireling Faction".
The mercenary cannot be outside of Skyrim World Map, part of Blades faction, or married to Player Character.

(~Ver. 2.0)
In the Holds of Whiterun, Falkreath, Hjaalmarch, and Reach, Erik the Slayer, Jenassa, or Vorstag can be their mercenary. In the Holds of Haafingar, Pale, Rift, Eastmarch, and Winterhold, the mercenary will be Stenvar, Marcurio, or Belrand.

7. <CV> A Band of Wanderers of Skyrim feat. Amazing Cast of Immersive World Encounters

<Req.> Player's level is 20 or higher

Spawns a group of 3 travelers. Each of them uses the new voice type added by this mod.

8. <CV> Travelling Bards

<Req.> Player is a Bards College student

Two of the named, custom voiced bards are travelling the wilds and playing music by their campfire.

8. <CV> On the Road

A Dawnguard Nord named Derthel is traveling the road, with a little girl trailing beside him. If you speak with Derthel he answers, in a rather defensive tone. If you look closely at the girl you could tell by her red glowing eyes that she is a Vampire. If you mention that to Derthel, he will draw your weapon yelling at the girl to disappear. If you simply let him go, you will meet him again in the following encounter event.

9. <CV> On the Road (Part 2)

If you chose to let Derthel and the girl go in the previous event, later you might encounter Derthel again in this encounter.
This time Derthel is fighting against a group of Vigilants of Stendarr and he will likely not survive. In his corpse, you'll find 2 pieces of his journal explaining his fate.

<Road Encounters>

1. Housecarl Ireleth or Olfina and the Criminal (Whiterun Hold)

2. Housecarl Unmid or Maul and the Criminal (Rift Hold)

3. Housecarl Faleen or Yngvar and the Criminal (In Reach Hold)

4. Thane Bryling and the Criminal (In Haafingar Hold)

5. Eastmarch Thane and the Criminal (In Eastmarch Hold)


The Jarl's Housecarl or Thane on horseback and a Hold Guard are on their way to bring a captured criminal to the prison.
You can activate the prisoner to set them free, in which case the captors will become hostile toward you and bounty will be placed on you in the respective Hold.
If the prisoner is attacked, by Player or someone else, his hand cuff will be loose and he'll try to fight his way out against the captors.

6. <Quest> Bounty Hunters

<Req.> Player's level 15 or higher

A Bounty Hunter is traveling with their Captive.

If you get too close to the Captive, the Bounty Hunter will become hostile towards you thinking you're a threat.
Activating the Captive will prompt an option menu asking what you want to do with the Captive. You can choose to capture the Captive as your own, in which case the Bounty Hunter will become hostile towards you.

If you decide to seize the Captive, a side quest "Subject of Misfortune" will start. Check out the Quest Walkthrough Article for how to navigate through this quest.

7. Porters of Skyrim

A porter with his horse and bodyguard is traveling to a nearby inn to deliver some goods. Each porter is delivering a specific kind of booze, such as Honningbrew Mead, Spiced Wine, Black-briar Mead, and so on.
Honningbrew Meadery Porters will not be present after finishing the Thieves Guild quest in which you let the Black-briar take over their business.

<Enemy Encounters>
These include encounters with dangerous enemies. Probability to see these encounters are significantly lower than the other encounters.
<MCM> Find "Enemy Events" in the MCM to toggle these event.


1. A Wounded Man

<Req.> Player's level 20 or higher

A Nord man in farmer's tunic seems to be utterly distressed. Beside him are a few dead bodies.
When talked to, he will transform into a frenzy Werewolf.

2. Falmers

<Req.> Player's level 20 or higher

At night, a group of Falmers are taking their prisoner to their lair. When encountered, the Falmers will not immediately become hostile toward you and instead try to scare you off.
Getting too close to the group or activating and freeing their prisoner will enrage the Falmers. On top of that, the prisoner may actually be a bandit and try to kill you once released, instead of thanking you.
If the prisoner is attacked, by Player or someone else, his hand cuff will be loose and he'll try to fight his way out against the Falmers.

3. Forsworns vs Giant

<Req.> Player's level 15 or higher

In the Reach, you may come across a group of Forsworns trying to take down a Giant.

5. Distreessed Vigilants 1: Prisoner of Forsworns

<Req.> Player's level 15 or higher/Faction Events for Vigilants of Stendarr enabled in MCM
<MCM> Find "Faction: Vigilants of Stendarr Events" in addition to "Enemy Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

In the Reach, you may come across a group of Forsworns escorting a captured Vigilant of Stendarr to their hideout. When encountered, the Forsworns will try to scare you off but won't be hostile unless being provoked.
Getting too close to the group or activating and freeing their prisoner will make the Forsworns hostile. If the prisoner is attacked, by Player or someone else, his hand cuff will be loose and he'll try to fight his way out against the Forsworns.

6. Distreessed Vigilants 2: Forsworns Berserk Overwhelming Vigilants

<Req.> Player's level 15 or higher
<MCM> Find "Faction: Vigilants of Stendarr Events" in addition to "Enemy Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

In the Reach, a powerful Forsworn warrior is fighting against a group of elite Vigilants of Stendarr. The Vigilants are much weaker than the Forsworn but maybe able to defeat him, with strength in numbers.

7. Distreessed Vigilants 3: Vigilants vs Forsworns

<Req.> Player's level 15 or higher
<MCM> Find "Faction: Vigilants of Stendarr Events" in addition to "Enemy Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

In the Reach, three Vigilants of Stendarr and three Forsworns are fighting against each other. Most of the Forsworns here are warlocks who use a unique magic spell, which is Flames with Fear effect and especially effective against Vigilants of Stendarr.

8. Wispmother

<Req.> Player's level 15 or higher

A Wispmother appears out of a mist and attacks Player.

9. <CV> Left for Dead

A person, tied up and abandoned in wilderness, and wearing a mask that covers their entire face, is desperately calling out for someone's help. Player can activate the Captive to free them. It is only after freeing them that their identity can be learnt.

10. Bandits Escorting a Prisoner
<Ver 2.1>

A group of bandits are escorting their prisoner to their hideout. Provoking them by attacking them, releasing the prisoner, or getting too close to them will make the bandits hostile to Player.

<Faction Encounters>
<MCM> Find "Faction Events" as well as the events for the respective faction's events to toggle these events.

1. Companions: Aela and Skjor on a Hunt

<Req.> Player has passed Vilkas' test and is considered a member of the Companions

Aela the Huntress and Skjor are traveling the wilds to hunt their prey animals. If Skjor is dead, Aela will be with a new NPC named Aela's Huntmate, inspired by the character from Elder Scrolls: Legends with the same name.

2. Companions: Torvar and drinking buddies

<Req.> Player has passed Vilkas' test and is considered a member of the Companions

Torvar is enjoying mead out in wilderness with his friends.

3. Companions: Troll Hunt

<Req.> Player has passed Vilkas' test and is considered a member of the Companions

Vilkas, Njada Stonearm, and Ria face a terrible Troll.

3. Dark Brotherhood: Watch the Shadows!

<Req.> Player is a member of Dark Brotherhood

A contract of Dark Brotherhood is traveling the road, stalked by an assassin. The assassin can be one of the Dark Brotherhood members, including Arnbjorn, Astrid, Cicero, Festus Krex, Gabriela, Nazir, Veezara, or any Dark Brotherhood NPCs added by other mods you have installed. A modded NPC must be appropriately registered as a member of Dark Brotherhood and living inside one of the Sanctuaries, in order to get chosen for this Encounter.

4. Dark Brotherhood: Cicero's Blood Party

<Req.> Player is a member of Dark Brotherhood

Three Dark Brotherhood Contracts are having a spree out in the wild. Their jester, Cicero, turns and kills all of them.

5. Dawnguard: Celann's Team

<Req.> Player sided with the Dawnguard and recruited Sorine Jurad and Gunmer

Celann, Celann's Husky, Agmaer, and Beleval fight against a group of Vampires.

6. Dawnguard: Florentius' Team

<Req.>Player sided with the Dawnguard and recruited Florentius Baenius

Florentus Baenius, Ingjard, and Vori fight against a group of Vampires. Florentus will use a special Restoration spell "Florentus' Guardian's Circle".
Characters inside the circle will have their disease cured, and undead will receive "Fear" and "Detect life" effect. Florentus will also act as a healer and uses "Heal Other" spell to aid other Dawnguard members, including Player.

7. Dawnguard: Isran's Team

<Req.> Player sided with the Dawnguard and recruited Sorine Jurad and Gunmer

Isran, Gunmer, Gunmer's Armored Troll, and a randomly-selected Dawnguard sentry fight against a group of Vampires. Isran will use a slightly-buffed version of "Isran's Stendarr's Aura" during this encounter.

In addition to one of the Dawnguard members found at the Fort Dawnguard and its exterior, the randomly-chosen Dawnguard can be either Vanik (a Dawnguard you meet during the quest "Prophet" only if you sided with Volkihar Clan) or Saliah (a Dawnguard outrider you might encounter on a road as part of World Encounter event added by the Dawnguard DLC). If you have other mods installed that add new Dawnguard NPCs to Fort Dawnguard, they also might be selected for this encounter.

8. Dawnguard: Durak's Team

<Req.> Player sided with the Dawnguard and recruited Sorine Jurad and Gunmer

Durak, Morgul, and a randomly-selected Dawnguard sentry fight against a group of Vampires.

In addition to one of the Dawnguard members found at the Fort Dawnguard and its exterior, the randomly-chosen Dawnguard can be either Vanik (a
Dawnguard you meet during the quest "Prophet" only if you sided with Volkihar Clan) or Saliah (a Dawnguard outrider you might encounter on a road as part of World Encounter event added by the Dawnguard DLC). If you have other mods installed that add new Dawnguard NPCs to Fort Dawnguard, they also might be selected for this encounter.

9. Vigilants of Stendarr: Carcette's Team

<Req.> Player's level 10 or higher

2 Vigilants of Stendarr lead by Keepr Carcette fight against various enemies such as Daedric creatures and witches. After the destruction of the Hall of Vigilants, there will be only 2 Vigilants and no Keeper Carcette in this encounter.

10. Vigilants of Stendarr: Tolan's Team

<Req.> Player's level 10 or higher

Two Vigilants of Stendarr lead by Vigilant Tolan fight against various enemies such as Daedric creatures and witches. After the destruction of the Hall of Vigilants, there will be only 2 Vigilants and no Vigilant Tolan in this encounter.

11. Vigilants of Stendarr: Tyranus' Team

<Req.> Player's level 10 or higher

2 Vigilants of Stendarr lead by Vigilant Tyranus fight against various enemies such as Daedric creatures and witches. After Tyrnus gets killed during the quest "House of Horrors", there will be only 2 Vigilants and no Vigilant Tyranus in this encounter.

12. Wizards Gone Wild: College Students and the Mis-Summoned Atronach

<Req.> Player takes the first lesson at the College of Winterhold

Onmund, Brelyna Maryon, and J'Zargo are trying to fight off an Atronach summoned mistakenly.

13. Wizards Gone Wild: Nelacar and Fantastic Beasts

Nelacar is testing his new spells to a creature of the wilds, in the Winterhold Hold.

14. Wizards Gone Wild: 2 Students Traveling
<Ver 2.1>

Two NPCs from Winterhold College are traveling together. Any NPCs assigned to "College of Winterhold Faction" who reside in the College and are not outside Skyrim World Map could be chosen for this event, including the ones added by other mods, although some NPCs such as Mirabelle and Savos are excluded.

15. Civil War: Imperial Soldiers Escorting General Tullius - Removed in Ver 2.1

15. Civil War: Imperial Soldiers Escorting Legate Rikke or General Tullius

<Req.> Player is not a member of Stormcloaks/Solitude is under Imperial control

Legate Rikke or General Tullius along with 3 Imperial Soldiers are on their way to a nearby Imperial Camp.

16. Civil War: Stormcloak Soldiers Escorting Ulfric Stormcloak - Removed in Ver 2.1

16. Civil War: Stormcloak Soldiers Escorting Galmar or Ulfric Stormcloak

<Req.> Player is not a member of Imperial Legion, and Windhelm is under Stormcloak control

Galmar or Ulfric Stormcloak along with 3 Stormcloak Soldiers are on their way to a nearby Stormcloak Camp.

17. Civil War: Stormcloak Soldiers Taking a Prisoner

3 Stormcloak Soldiers a taking a Thalmor as prisoner. You can activate the prisoner to set them free, in which case the captor Stormcloaks will
become hostile toward you. If the prisoner is attacked, by Player or someone else, his hand cuff will be loose and he'll try to fight their way out against the Stormcloaks.
The prisoner Thalmor wears a prisoner's tunic, but in combat he uses a special spell to equip the Thalmor agent's outfit.

18. Blades: A Blade vs A Thalmor
<Ver 2.1>

<Req.> Player has helped rebuilding Blades by bringing 3 Followers to Delphine

One of the Blades can be seen fighting against one Thalmor soldier.

19. Blades: On The Way to Dragon Hunt
<Ver 2.1>

<Req.> Player has helped rebuilding Blades by bringing 3 Followers to Delphine

Three Blades are on their way to their Dragon Hunt mission. Speak with the one leading the group and offer them your help, and it will trigger the follow-up side quest "Dragon Hunters" in which you can join them to kill this Dragon together.

<NPC Encounters>
<MCM> Find "NPC Events" to toggle these events.

1. NPC Encounter: Falion

<Req.> Player has visited Morthal at least once and Falion is alive
<MCM> Find "Misc NPC Events" as well as the events to toggle these events.

In the Hjaalmarch Hold, you may see Falion fighting against Skeletons.

2 NPC Encounter: Golldir or Vigilant Follower

<Req.> Player has finished the quest "Ancestral Worship"
<MCM> Find "Followers & Hirelings Events" as well as the events to toggle these events.

Golldir is fighting off a couple of Skeletons. Ver 2.1 update makes it so any mod-added Followers who are part of Vigilant of Stendarr Faction might be chosen instead of Golldir for this event.

3. NPC Encounter: Two Random Followers
<Ver 2.1>

<Req.> Player's level is 20 or higher
<MCM> Find "Followers & Hirelings Events" as well as the events to toggle these events.

Two randomly-selected Followers are fighting against a terrible creature controlled by a wizard. The Followers are chosen randomly when they are not outside Skyrim World Map, part of Blades Faction, or are married to Player.

<Solstheim Encounters>

1. <CV> Wounded in Solstheim

There is a wounded traveler in wilderness. This encounter takes place in any region of Solstheim.

2. Bujold Again
<MCM> Find "Misc NPC Events" as well as the events to toggle these events.

<Req.> Player has told Kuvar about Bujold the Unqorthy after the quest "The Chief of Thirsk Hall"

After being exiled from Thirsk Hall, Bujold may be seen wandering through the waste of Solstheim.
This encounter takes place in any region of Solstheim.

3. Werewolf vs Werebear
<MCM> Find "Enemy Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

A Werewolf and a Werebear are fighting viciously against each other.
This encounter takes place in the Northern region of Solstheim.

4. Ghosts from the past

You will see a glimpse of the final moment of a poor Dunmer soul, who was killed by a swarm of Ash Hoppers.
This encounter takes place in the Ashland region of Solstheim.

5. <CV> Drinking Buddies...in Solstheim Part 1

3 Redoran Guards on break are drinking together out in the wilderness. One of them offers you a free bottle of Sujamma, if you offer them your company.
This encounter takes place in the Ashland region of Solstheim.

6. <CV> Drinking Buddies...in Solstheim Part 2

<Req.> Sided with the Nords to fight against the Rieklings for the ownership of Thirsk Mead Hall

2 Nords from Thirsk Mead Hall and a hunter from Skaal Village are drinking together out in the wilderness. The Skaal Hunter challenges you to an Ash Fire Mead drinking contest.
This encounter takes place in the Northern region of Solstheim.

<Quest Introductions>
These include encounters with newly-voiced NPCs. They give you new quests big and small. For detailed information about them, check out the Quest Walkthrough Article.


1. <CV> <Quest> Boy's Endevar
<MCM> Find "Boy's Endeavor" in addition to "Custom Voiced Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

On a traveling road, you will encounter a boy practicing a sword fighting, on his own, out in the wilderness. What could possible go wrong?

2. <CV> <Quest>Bring Me Home
<MCM> Find "Boy's Endeavor" in addition to "Custom Voiced Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

On a bone-chilling night of Skyrim, you will encounter a Spirit of Boy.

3. <CV> <Quest> Fellowship of Fighters
<Req.> Player level is 10 or higher
<MCM> Find "Fellowship of Fighters" in addition to "Custom Voiced Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

You will encounter a band of 3 Adventurers of varied genders and races. Their leader tells you about their mission to "destroy the evil". By agreeing to help them, you can join their quest to vanquish what they call evil.

4. <CV> <Quest>Stronghold Celebration

<Req.> Player has become the Champion of Malacath and obtained Volendrung as reward
<MCM> Find "Stronghold Celebration" in addition to "Custom Voiced Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

An Orc courier sent out from a Stronghold finds you in the wilderness. He hands you a letter written by the Chieftain of the Stronghold and leaves. The letter is an invitation to the Grand Feast, held at the Stronghold, to honor the Champion of Malacath. You have approximately 3 days time to join this Grand Feast at the Stronghold.

5. <CV> <Quest> We Are the Imperial Legion

<Req.> Player is not a Stormcloak soldier/ Player is not in a Stormcloak-governed Hold/Player's active involvement in Civil War also affects how likely this event happens.

A group of young Imperial Legion soldiers led by the Imperial Captain are traveling the road. They are on their way to execute their important mission, even though the Captain is uneasy about taking such young, untrained soldiers into harsh battles. Whether or not you are part of the Legion, you can act as their sword-for-hire, once you've agreed to help them.

6. <CV> <Quest> We Are the Children of Skyrim

<Req.> Player is not an Imperial Legion soldier/ Player is not in a Imperial-governed Hold/Player's active involvement in Civil War also affects how likely this event happens.

A group of young Stormcloak soldiers led by the Stormcloak Leader are traveling the road. They are on their way to execute their important mission, even though the Leader is uneasy about taking such young, untrained soldiersinto harsh battles. Whether or not you are part of the Stormcloak army, you can act as their sword-for-hire, once you've agreed to help them.

7. <CV> Wizard Rogue Duo
<MCM> Find "Wizard Rogue Duo" in addition to "Custom Voiced Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

You are suddenly approached by an armed female Breton Wizard accompanied by a male Khajiit Wizard. Although she has clearly not experience in mugging people, she is doing her best to scare you into giving away your belongings. Choosing certain dialogue options reveals that she and the Khajiit were sent out by the warlocks from a nearby hideout to gather the supplies they need.

8. <CV> <Quest>Outbreak
<Ver 2.1>
<MCM> Find "Outbreak" in addition to "Custom Voiced Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

When you are traveling the Whiterun Hold, a Farmer might approach you saying that his farm is in a trouble with beasts, and he offers you a job of clearing the farm off their infestation.

9. <CV> <Quest> Show Me the Way
<Ver 3.0><MCM> Find "Show Me the Way" in addition to "Custom Voiced Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

Help an Imperial woman named Beatria and her husband.

10. <CV> <Quest>Into the Deep
<Ver 3.0><MCM> Find "Into the Deep" in addition to "Custom Voiced Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

Help a Breton scholar named Alistar Rabb in his quest to retrieve an ancient Dwemer document.

11. <CV> <Quest>Roadside Dispute
<Ver 3.0><MCM> Find "Roadside Dispute" in addition to "Custom Voiced Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

2 guardsmen from Whiterun and Falkreath are arguing over the custody of a criminal.

12. <CV> <Quest>Without a Trace
<Ver 3.0><MCM> Find "Without a Trace" in addition to "Custom Voiced Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

A Dawnguard Husky finds you on the road. Follow that dog!

13. <CV> <Quest>When the Night Falls Down
<Ver 3.0><MCM> Find "When the Night Falls Down" in addition to "Custom Voiced Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

A ghost of a Nord warrior wanders about.

14. <CV> <Quest>We're Out of the Woods
<Ver 3.0><MCM> Find "Follower Introduction: Evelyna" in addition to "Custom Voiced Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

Help out a fellow Bards College associate on her mission to find and rescue a kidnapped bard.

World Interactions:

<MCM> Find "Settlements Events" in the MCM to toggle all events in this category. Additionally, you can set the probability by which how likely these events will happen in addition to events from vanilla game. So setting it to 100% (which is a default value) does NOT prevent important Interaction events in vanilla game from happening.

Change Location Events
These Interaction events will take place when you enter a specific location or certain type of locations.

<Settlements & Villages Interactions>

1. <CV> Monica - Removed in V2.0

A Nord girl named Monica, who's just got married, approaches you asking for a few old wares she can use in her home. This event can also take place in any of the major cities.

1. <CV> Armored Troll

When you visit a settlement or large cities with your pet Armored Troll from Fort Dawnguard, a worried citizen may come up to you and tell you how hideous the creature is. There is also a town guard nearby who also has a few things to say about you and your pet Troll.

2. <CV> She Is My Wife
<Ver 2.1>
<MCM> Find "She's My Wife!" in addition to "Custom Voiced Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

An Angry Husband furiously chases a naked young man.

<Major Citiy Interactions>

1. Dragon Attack in Cities

<Req.> The Dragons have returned to Skyrim
<MCM> Find "Dragon Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

A Dragon attacks one of the major cities you're visiting, in a pretty much same manner as Dragon Attacks in minor settlements. The probability of this occurring is significant low, so walled cities are still much safer than villages.

2. Thief Thieving

<MCM> Find "Town Thieves" in the MCM to toggle this event. In addition, you can toggle the thief's ability to steal a body clothing and strip the victim naked in the MCM.

The thief disguised as a common citizen picks pockets of the randomly-chosen citizens. When caught while their act, their name will be changed to "Thief" and city guards will start hunting them down. The Thief may have a Stolen Amulet in their possession. Picking up this item will start a miscellaneous quest, in which you can deliver the Stolen Amulet to its rightful owner or a fence, if you're a part of Thieves Guild. Bringing it to a fence will give you more gold than delivering it to its owner.

3. Bards of Solitude

<Req.> Game hour is 7am~7pm/Not raining in Solitude
<MCM> Find "Bards of Solitude" in the MCM to toggle this event.

Aspiring bards playing ear-pleasing tunes is a common sight in the capital city of Skyrim. These lute players, drum players, and flute players will accept your tip.

4. <CV> Guard Hold Up

<Req.> Player is actively involved in the Civil War as either a Stormcloak or Imperial soldier
<MCM> Find "Guard Hold Up" in the MCM to toggle this event.

If you're a Stormcloak soldier and visit Solitude, an NPC named Solitude Watcher along with 2 Solitude Guards might come up to you and insist that they follow you while you're in Solitude. If you're an Imperial soldier and visit WIndhelm, an NPC named Windhelm Sentinel may come up to you with 2 WIndhelm Guards and insist that they follow you in WIndhelm. Choose your dialogue option carefully and they might stop following you.

5. <CV> City of Thugs

<Req.> Player is known as Thane of the Hold
<MCM> Find "Thugs" in the MCM to toggle this event.

3 Thugs may approach you and tell you how they hate you now that you are chosen as a Thane of the Hold. You might need to teach them a lesson the Nord way.

6. <CV> <Quest> Is That...Skooma?

<Ver 3.0><MCM> Find "Skooma" in addition to "Custom Voiced Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

Entering a city with a skooma bottle (any vanilla-origin skooma will do; regular skooma, Koldir's skooma, Balmora Blue, or Redwater Skooma) will trigger this event. Initially, you'll see a guard NPC roaming around eyeing for suspicious behaviors. If you drink your skooma, an Addict will suddenly appear and demands you give him skooma.

7. <CV> <Quest> The Raid of Five Cities

<Ver 3.0><Req.> Player level is 20 or higher
<MCM> Find "The Raid of Five Cities" in addition to "Custom Voiced Events" in the MCM to toggle this event.

The captain of the guardsmen will approach you while you're in a major city, and ask you to join in the city's defense against a group of raiders.

8. <CV> <Quest> The Touring Bard

<V3.4><Req.> Player has finished the quest Beli Sut Salskap, En Sut Lo

After finishing Evelyna's quest, a Breton named Wrenard may speak with you in Solitude regarding 2 new students in need of your assistance.

<Tavern Interactions>

1. Tavern Brawl
<MCM> Find "Tavern Brawls" in the MCM to toggle this event.

In taverns of Skyrim, you might see drunkards fighting each other with their fists.

2. Tavern Brawl with Dunmers
<MCM> Find "Tavern Brawls" in the MCM to toggle this event.

In The New Gnisis Corner Club in Windhelm and The Retching Netch in Raven Rock, 2 Dunmers are fighting each other with their fists.

3. Tavern Brawl Fest
<Ver 3.0><MCM> Find "Tavern Brawls" in the MCM to toggle this event.

Tavern Brawl but with more drunkards fighting.

4. <CV> <Quest> A Fellow Traveler
<Ver 3.0><MCM> Find "A Fellow Traveler" in the MCM to toggle this event.

A Traveler is looking for his traveling companion in a tavern you visit. You name the price, they will hire you as their bodyguard. Escort them safely to their destinations. For more information about this quest, check out the Quest Walkthrough Article.

<Solstheim Interactions>

1. Hunters of the Great Hall

When you enter the Great Hall of Skaal Village, you can see a few Skaal Hunters relaxing by the fire.

<Faction Interactions>
<MCM> Find "Faction Events" as well as the events for the respective faction's events to toggle these events.

1. Darkbrotherhood: Hail Sithis!

<Req.> Player has joined Dark Brotherhood

A curved blade from shadow puts a swift end to a miserable life of the Dark Brotherhood contract, in the middle of the city.

2. Thieves Guild: Business in Cities

<Req.> Player has joined Thieves Guild

A thief from Thieves Guild maybe seen visiting one of the major cities to take care of "business".
The thief will be chosen from one of the following:
Cynric Endell, Etienne Rarnis, Garthar, Nirun, Ravyn Imyan, Rune, Sapphire, Thrynn, Vex and Delvin Mallory. In addition, if you have other mods installed that add new Thieves Guild NPCs to Thieves Guild Headquarters, they might be selected for this Interaction.

3. Thieves Guild: The Shadow of Karliah

<Req.> The Skeleton Key is returned to Nocturnal and the Twilight Sepulcher is restored

At midnight, a Nightingale Karliah maybe seen breaking into a randomly-chosen house. She does this in a somewhat unique way.

Misc Events
These Interaction events will take place on various trigger conditions. Find "WI Misc Events" to toggle these events.

1. Monster killed, spectators show up

When you kill a twisted creature such as a Draugr, Hagraven, Daedric creature, or Werebeast, nearby civilians might gather near its corpse and express their terror.
I was bothered that, in vanilla, citizens did not react emotionally when you kill those monsters in broad daylight unless the monster is a Dragon, so this is my take on fixing that.

2. <Quest> Help me, o generous one

When you help someone and receive "The Gift of Chairty", someone might send you a letter asking you to help them in their troubles.

3. A Wanderer's Demise

When you enter a dungeon inhabited by bandits, Forsworns, Vampires, and other hostile factions, you may see a corpse of a "Wanderer" NPC, typically near the boss chamber. In their corpse, you'll find some loot along with a journal or letter describing who they were, and how they might have ended up in this dungeon.

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  1. Ebonyte
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Weirdly, I've run across a wounded priest on the road. She appears to be dead (and lootable) and doesn't engage in any dialogue. No matter what I do, if I approach, a few seconds in it's CTD. Any ideas?
  2. redXathena
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Am I reading right that there’s one toggle for the Mathew Misc events? I feel like I’m getting a lot of letters asking for help and would like to stop that but want to keep the other two if possible.