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Dovah Defense - Yakudan Shehai & Dwarven Thu'um Cannons

The Lore

Not sure if anyone has noticed but� Dragons have returned to Tamriel. Defensive/Offensive options regarding these winged beasts are certainly hard to come by. Ask any native of the land and they may fill your ears with stories of the Voice. Traditionally wielded by the Nordic people of Skyrim and only with years of training can one manifest this great power of the Dragon Tongue. Once one begins the path of the Voice it could take a lifetime to finish the journey of mastering the Dovah's Thu'um. The members of such an A-list group mostly consists of the wise Greybeards, a few mighty Nord leaders and of course the Dragonborn if you believe in the rumors.
The Shout is not the only weapon against Akatosh's children. If we immerse ourselves in the history and lore of Tamriel's people it is easy to tell the Nords were not the only race that contended with these powerful creatures. Surely other races have procured, developed or created something to battle these ancient beings. Even if true, it was thought these methods and the people that used them were lost long ago UNTIL NOW��.

As it stands, the way of the voice is one of three paths to be taken. The way of the sword and gunslinger complete the Trifecta of Dovah Defense.

Ansie Shehai

Lost to the sands of time are the Ancestors of the Redguards. They were an elite sub sec of the Yakudan people known as the Ansie who later settled in what is now known as Hammerfell. These special warriors had the ability to materialize a sword using their own life force known as a Shehai. This complete mastery of the sword was sometimes referred to as sword singing. Dubbed so because only with complete dedication and mastery of the sword can someone strike in such a way where the vibrations of their blades can match the pitch rivaling those of even the mystical Dovah. There are two ranks of Shehai. The first is wispy and has hardly taken physical form. The second is a Mystic Shehai fully materialized and much more powerful. To most this story is just a fable from long ago used to instill the values of the Redguard people with their Swordsmen way of life. Eorlund Gray-Mane appears to know a great deal more then he lets on about these spirit swords. With mastery of Arcane smithing the fires of the Skyforge can yield a spell tome imbued with the knowledge of the mystical art of Shehai.

Dwarven Thu'um Cannon

The fascinating Dwemer race. A people whose history are shrouded in mystery, we are left with only the relics of the once great people. Truth is no one knows where they have gone (or where they will be). As the people of Tamriel continue to delve into these ruins we get a glimpse into their culture and technology. The Dawngaurd faction has ventured the depths of these ruins many of times and have uncovered some knowledge such as the schematics for a dwarven crossbow and something even more powerful a weapon infused with their Tonal technology referred to only as the Thu'um Cannon. Not much is known of this Tonal technology other then it produces and manipulates sound waves into physical damage and in other cases even a dragon's voice. The Dawnguard have tried to replicate this weapon in their Nordic ways resulting in a spell gun that some playfully referred to as a staff with a trigger. The key comes down to two things, a complete mastery of both Dwarven and Arcane Smithing; then and only can one create a true Dwarven Thu'um Cannon.

The Books

The Book Of Circles & Thu'um Cannon Journals

The books not only contain essential lore friendly knowledge to your chosen path but, also act as a manual as you navigate the Ranks/Tiers of the different variants. They can both be crafted at any forge or if luck is on your side you may be able to buy them from a merchant. Preferred reading order is Book Of Circles then Cannon Journals.



A Shehai Tome can only be created at The Skyforge. You must have your scimitar on your person and The Book Of Circles in your possession. You must also have the knowledge of Arcane Smithing to aid you in this task. After this display of dedication to the way of the sword the recipe for the spell tome will be revealed.
Being Shehai are summoned using the wielder's life essence it will demand Health instead of Magicka to summon. Not to fret Shehai rewards it's master with the life force of anything it cuts.

Thu'um Cannon and Spell Gun

The Dawnguard have made great strides in crafting these Tonal Tech Firearms but they also tried to duplicate The Dwemer's methods with steel and the result is the Spell Gun. Although seen as an utter failure in comparison they are anything but weak and a lot less complicated to create. One only needs an understanding of common Steel Smithing to craft. After crafting the standard Spell Gun you now have the ability to craft the other variations.
The Hand Cannons require not only a deep knowledge of Dwarven crafting but a keen understanding into Arcane Smithing as well. After successfully crafting your first Thu'um Cannon which most simply cannot; you now have the ability to take the next level and will notice you have the ability to forge the first tier of all the other types.



When you first materialize your Shehai you will notice that it is wispy and has hardly taken physical form. This is normal for a novice as it takes time to master. Once you have practiced with your Shehai and have reached an apprentice level in conjuring you may return to the Skyforge. The Forge has rewarded you with the ability to specialize into the other Elemental Shehai. These Shehai demand more health but add are also more powerful although they are still of the first rank. In order to unlock your full sword singing potential you will need to gain the knowledge of mystic binding. Once you have mastered this skill your Shehai will become a full fledged second rank Mystic Shehai. At this rank you have fully mastered the Shehai and its Variants. Your weapon is fully materialized and extremely powerful and if you return to your first Shehai you will see that it not only has matured but has gone from the underdog to the most powerful of all of the spirit swords. Word is it can even ground a dragon.

Thu'um Cannon

There are four tiers to each of the weapon types. You will only be able to craft the next tier if you are in possession of the Tier before�i.e. Need to have Flame I in order to craft Flame II and Flame II in order to craft Flame III so on. The fourth and last tier are the Thu'um Cannons of Legend and are able to bring down even the mightiest of foes. Although with each tier these weapons become more powerful be warned they also require more charge cost to wield.
� � You will only be able to craft the next tier if you are in possession of the Tier before�
i.e. Need to have Flame I in order to craft Flame II and Flame II in order to craft Flame III so on. Although with each tier these weapons become more powerful they also require more charge cost to wield. As these are not your ordinary firearms your ammunition is not either. Thu'um Cannon's as a lot of Dwemer Tech Require Soul Gems to reload. For Tiers I through III a full clip requires a Greater Soul Gem and Legendary Tier Require a Grand Soul Gem.

� � Cannons work with any Dwemer retextures that include crossbow, Hammer, and automatons. The Guns work with retextures that include crossbow, Hammer and Restoration Staff. This way they can blend in with their other material weapon brothers.