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  1. tudoru
    • member
    • 104 kudos
    Version 4.2 is released

    This release reworked the activation method of Engarde's added actions.

    A bit of context, when Engarde was first made, it was meant to fill in the gaps of other combat mods, and thus I went for maximum compatibility, but as Engarde became its own mod, the focus changed to maximum performance in the v3.x rewrite, but compatibility suffers as a result.

    This release walks back a bit of the changes, sacrificing responsiveness a tad to gain much more compatibility and customizability. I apologizes before hand that existing user will likely have to re-do there key binding. I'm sorry for that, but rest assure that this is probably the last time I'll be messing around with the controls... (hopefully :p)

    - Key binding for various actions changed.
    - Power attack is no longer tied to the sheath key, it defaults to middle mouse button still
    - Dodges / defensive actions is no longer tied to the sneak key, it defaults to 'x' key, but please change it to something more accessible
    - The more controversial features of "Interact to sheathe" and "Sprint to sneak" is now off by default. (but they can be turned on in the MCM)

    - For existing keyboard users:
      Please set your System->Control->Sheathe back to which ever key you wish
      Please remap the dodge key to something more accessible (I recommend switching it with the jump's spacebar)

    - A new way to trigger actions is implemented, it follows suite other modern games where they use modifiers (or combo keys) to combat lack of buttons on the controller
    - In MCM, you can turn on option to trigger power attack by Modifier Key + Right hand attack key
    - In MCM, you can turn on option to trigger dodges by Modifier Key + Sneak key
    - In summary, for controller users:
    Modifier + RT = Power attack
    Modifier + LT = Spellsword casting
    Modifier + LStick = Dodges
    - To set this up, the controller set up guide has been updated:

    Balance tweaks:
    - Power block blocks dragon fire almost completely now. This is more for simplifying future changes rather than balance though
    - Dagger and axes' reach slightly increased
    - Two handed warhammer and battleaxes' armor penetration no longer effects player. This is because player, relative to NPC, have much higher armor and much less HP.
    - Can dodge while sprinting now

    Bug fixes:
    - Dragon's fire breath causing CTD fixed
    - NPC Spellsword can't cast left hand spells fixed
    - Patcher won't overwrite existing attack type keywords for better compatibilitty
    - Even with the mod "Moonlight tales" is in load order, werewolf dual attack should still trigger the blocking attack
    - Engarde's werewolf changes now compatible with the mod "Ultimate Combat and Creatures Behaviour compatibility for Nemesis" 
    - Enderal's Qyranian Stance have abnormal high attack speed fixed
    - Requiem + Engarde resulting in abnormal arrow weight fixed

    Update 4.2.1:
    Bug fixes:
    - Engarde MCM not starting on a new game
    - Synthesis patcher users can't sheathe

    Update 4.2.2:
    - Engarde now starts automatically after installation if you have completed Unbound
    - Engarde now also starts automatically after exiting the character creator the first time
  2. tudoru
    • member
    • 104 kudos
    Synthesis Patcher released! Big thanks to user theSkyS

    Compares to the zEdit patcher, Synthesis have several advantages:

    • No plugin limit
    • Faster, on my load order, it ran in 5 seconds instead of 50.

    As of currently, the Synthesis patcher have the exact same functionality as zEdit patcher, both are for vesion 4.0 of the mod. In the future, we'll likely only be updating the Synthesis patcher.

    I have tested the new patcher quite a bit, but would still appreciate anyone who's willing to give it a whirl.
    New patching instruciton:


    • Make sure you don't have MCTPatch.esp activated when building the Synthesis patch (and vice versa)
    • If in middle of a playthrough, best to just use which ever patcher you started with
    • If starting a new game, please use Synthesis

    Known issues:

    • Some armor seem to have display name missing, this is a Synthesis issue, awaiting their resolve
  3. tudoru
    • member
    • 104 kudos
    I realized now that my explanation of the soul-like stamina system was missing one important fact, I've updated the stamina article, but will try to elaborate and explain here as well.

    The stamina lost through attacking is not regenerated but recovered in one big chunk, this recovery will take place 2.5 seconds after attacking regardless of whether you're dodging, blocking, running, or even sprinting.

    Long explanation:
    In real life, when you swing your sword consecutively, your arm will tire and start to feel like lead. However, this does not effect the rest of your body. In a short bit, your arm will regain it's strength, and during that short time frame, you can still dodge, and block with your shield arm without problem.

    This mod functions the same way. When you attack, you'll be losing strength in your arm (stamina), as long as you stop attacking, The stamina (arm strength) will recover regardless of what you're doing (blocking, running, sprinting, etc). The aim of soul-like stamina system is to create offensive downtime, but not a defensive downtimes.
  4. tudoru
    • member
    • 104 kudos
    I would like to do a poll of sorts, can users who still use FNIS reply to this comment?

    Just want to know if it's time to migrate entirely to Nemesis
    1. VergilDevilMode
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Still use it. Many old mods dependent on FNIS
    2. zodiac213
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      Just wanted to throw in that Nemesis includes a dummy/empty FNIS esp for mods that require the esp.
  5. ShiftShido
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Heya, I know no one has commented here in ages but I had some issues after installing.
    Everything runs fine, but the keybinds for dodging and power attacking are not working, I can't even find the option to change the dodge key bind in the MCM. I suppose I'll just have to stick to TK dodge.
  6. Greenkey745
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    I supposed this is worth a shot but what difficulty is this meant to be played?
  7. QlH9ovVcxCwEx9S4
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    v4.2 and its later versions appear to have an issue where if it detects the Dodge/Sneak key (in my set-up, it's the Space key) being pressed, even on input fields from mods like AddItemMenu, my character automatically dodges.

    Let's say I bring up the search "item" granted by the AddItemMenu mod, then I search for any object with a name that has a space in it (e.g., "lesser soul") - after I press Enter, my character does its dodging animation automatically. Usually it dodges forward. I didn't try to see if it happens on SkyUI's search menu, as it can "freeze" if I search for something too generic that shows a lot of results.

    Without Engarde installed, this never happens. I tested this against v4.1.2 of Engarde (using the zEdit patcher) - no issue. I noticed this happening on v4.2.2 (using Synthesis) initially, so I checked against v4.2 (using zEdit patcher), and it's also there. This was all done on a different profile in Vortex, so it all happened on a fresh play-through, not an existing one.

    By the way - this is completely unrelated to the problem above - was the ability to sheath weapons while moving removed in v4.2? I remember being able to do this in earlier Engarde versions. Thanks in advance!

    EDIT (6/12): Please disregard my other question, as the sheathing ability is present in v4.2.2 - I just confirmed it in a new play-through with less mods. Didn't find out which mod was causing it, though, but it's definitely there.
    1. tudoru
      • member
      • 104 kudos
      Ops, thanks for the report.

      The dodge key working during menu is a bug, I'll get that fixed.

      I'll look into the sheath, it shouldn't have changed, but I'll confirm.
    2. QlH9ovVcxCwEx9S4
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Thanks! For now, I'll stick with v4.1.2 until this gets fixed. Hopefully it won't require a new game once the new version comes out.
    3. QlH9ovVcxCwEx9S4
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Found a good workaround: drop whatever dodge mod I was using (TUDM/TK Dodge), and just use Engarde's built-in dodge animations.

      (I was mainly hoping to get the benefits of the incorporeal dodge along with the sidestep dodge provided by the other dodge mods, but, game balance-wise, I guess that was just silly.)
  8. Greenkey745
    • premium
    • 6 kudos

    disregard, just run the mctattack bs through explore virtual file from the executable menu and then double click the mctattacks file.
  9. Geldingadalur
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Does this work for followers / compatible with EFF?
    EFF got a widget for follower stats during combat and my follower almost never gets out of stamina at level 1, but I can't figure if it works properly or not.
  10. Satiharu
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    that looks really nice. I was just searching for a better use of Stamina Damage, and found this with so many other tweaks.
    Will check out ((: Thanks
  11. itzchad
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hello tudoru, is it possible for me to make Engarde work with Ultimate Combat Sekiro? I really like the stamina regen by deflecting introduced by the mod. But Engarde just makes my character loses my stamina with every block(very realistic, altho it's not very enjoyable when there's a whole mob ganged up on me. it's like watching a gay p*rn on PH). How do I make them work together? Thanks in advance.
    1. itzchad
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I might be a complete pepega but I think Engarde and Sekiro work together.
    2. Mihail000000
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      They can work together
  12. QlH9ovVcxCwEx9S4
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    I appear to have the same dodge issue as the commenter on this YouTube video on Engarde, where I'm unable to "trigger" the built-in dodge animations. However, the commenter mentioned having resolved it, but did not share how.

    I've been using TUDM for the longest time alongside Engarde, but having seen that video, I wanted to try them out. Here's what I did:

    • I made a separate save where I disabled TUDM from the MCM
    • I made another separate save after removing it from my load order
    • I cleaned that 2nd save using Resaver, then loaded it in Skyrim & made another save
    • From there, I enabled the "Dodge and power block" option in the Synthesis patcher, created the Synthesis ESP file, & enabled it in Vortex (bottom of load order)
    • I re-ran Nemesis (without TUDM enabled), and re-ran the MCT VBScript file
    • Loaded the game...and no dodge in any direction.

    Running the 2 console commands suggested there ("prid player" / "sae mctEscapeForwardRunStart") worked, so it's not an animation issue.
    I have not changed the keybinding for sneak - it's still the spacebar. I've tried putting Engarde at the bottom in the Nemesis list to see if it will take precedence that way also. Also deactivating Engarde from the MCM & re-activating it a few minutes after. Also attempted to dodge with weapons drawn & not drawn. No dice.

    What's more odd is, I'm getting the same issue even on a new game, with TUDM not installed.

    Anything else I can check (in xEdit, etc.) to make the dodge feature run as intended?
    Thanks in advance. I still have a save where TUDM is included, so if there's no solution, I can revert to it.
    1. QlH9ovVcxCwEx9S4
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Found the culprit. Turning off incorporeal dodges enabled "regular" dodging to work again.
  13. jackmun2
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hey got a weird bug when this mod activates - for some reason my magicka doesn't deplete when i use a spell. This only happens when this mod activates so it must be an issue with this. Anyone experienced this and have a fix?

    Also, is Nemesis necesarry for this mod to work?
    1. QlH9ovVcxCwEx9S4
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Also, is Nemesis necesarry for this mod to work?
      Yes - it's used to generate the behavior files needed for certain actions to work. Unless tudoru has explicitly stated otherwise, though, you can still use FNIS if you have that instead of Nemesis.
    2. lidarian
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      hey, did you ever fix the magicka bug? im getting it too
  14. darinwong
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    For example I have a weapon that takes 40 stamina to swing but when i'm out of stamina and it regens to 10 stamina i am still able to swing. I don't think that's intentional right?