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  1. tarll
    • premium
    • 71 kudos
    If you see something that doesn't look right let me know the location and I'll get to fixing it.
    Just in case you didn't see it on the desc page, you can use your favorite lighting mod with this.

    Feedback is welcomed.

    Mian Old and New nights:

    Darker Old and New nights:

  2. lapsenmieli
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Been doing some more testing with various mods after the new version release and here's some info to people that may be having issues either with mod compatibility or their load order for non enb users (I personally don't use an enb so no idea how that would alter the results):

    Relighting Skyrim
    ELE > All loaded BEFORE Aurelia for the best effect.

    ELE + Bloom/Eye adaptation mods > Loaded AFTER Aurelia, otherwise you will get yellow tints in interiors. ELE will overwrite Aurelia's tint changes, but luckily the two go together rather nicely.

    This should be obvious, but just in case: Even if not using any lighting mod 'Remove ambient interior fog' or any variation of such, is not compatible and will reverse dungeon / interior darkness effects and make all interiors use vanilla lighting and/or will conflict with lighting mods and can cause weird lighting effects.

    Fog particle effect removers are compatible, just check with whatever lighting mod you are using first.

    The new version with the sun bloom effect fix is not compatible with custom sun textures, they will look washed out, the new version has a really nice sun and if it looks weird in your save, you probably have a compatibility issue or you need to tweak your load order.

    Imaginator stays compatible, but tweaking sunlight effects or bloom can cause issues with clouds and sun glare.
    Any mod that removes bloom is compatible, any issues are with lighting mods and not with Aurelia.

    Aurelia's tint changes are also kind of sensitive to eye adaptation fixes and fog/cloud mods that change the color of fog/steam/clouds. Test the mods first on a clean save with and without to see if they change the lighting and colors of Aurelia.

    || And tarll, I just wanna say that this looks really nice now. I applaud you for all this work you have put in. Now Aurelia is a very complete package. :) Kudos!
  3. Rohailkhan
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    FYI If you find missing Land in Apocrypha Miraak Quest ,This Mod is the Culprit .Found it after lot of Testing
  4. Gargolon
    • member
    • 25 kudos
    I am using this Mod alonside TESLight LE?. It works great, taril you should check it out man. 
    1. tarll
      • premium
      • 71 kudos
      Looks really nice, I'll give it a go.
    2. ZYG75
      • member
      • 6 kudos
  5. witchexd
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    é ótimo, mas minha água está cheia de bugs, quando olho para o céu em frente ao oceano, uma linha divide a água em duas cores, fica verde e azul, você pode olhar isso por favor?

    corrigido! era so desligar os reflexos da agua
  6. witchexd
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I was after an enb, I looked for copper and I got gold
  7. robssonbyd
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi. I'm using your mod on Xbox Serwis X and really like it, Skyrim looks a lot better with Aurelia. As you suggest i put it below my lighting mod (Relighting Skyrim With Widow Shadows).
    I wondering is your mod compatibile with Improved Shadows and Volumetric Lighting? And if it is ok to use them both should i place this below or over Aurelia?
    Thanks for your work by the way:)
  8. ArielSouzaBitencourt
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    first of all, great work. my favorite weather mod ever. 

    but I just wanna check something: my northern sea has been cut as if with a razor. it is so square and flat. 

    here is a lint to a print of it:

    and yeah, I know that cathedral weathers can "fix" this. but I can't stand it. It's not as a good mod as Aurelia. That's why this is my first ever comment on nexus. 

    Thanks in advance for the attention
  9. Avokh32
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    This mod is INCREDIBLE. Who f*ing needs an ENB when using this? seriously.

    1. tarll
      • premium
      • 71 kudos
  10. deleted143455213
    • account closed
    • 4 kudos
    really underrated mod
  11. StoneColdScout
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Normal porting procedures work just fine and now I'm able to enjoy this in SE.
  12. HalfBakedMedia
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, does this work with Supreme Storms?