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  1. WhyAreYouRunningg
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So with this mod, you die instantly if you go underwater AT ALL. why do people get it in their heads that the idea of "immersion is making someone instantly drown after sticking their head underwater period and making them be deathly afraid of any and all bodies of water is a good thing? Like cmon, it takes way longer then that to drown, and even then, u can swim in skyrim perfectly fine. making this mod just forces people to NEVER GO UNDERWATER FOR ANYTHING EVER AGAIN. Imma take a hard pass on this mod until theres an mcm menu to adjust the time before u drown and die instantly from one second underwater. Your methods of making bodies of water "more restrictive" and pointless is not immersive, its just annoying.
    1. Debatemaster1
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      ''why do people get it in their heads that the idea of "immersion is making someone instantly drown after sticking their head underwater period and making them be deathly afraid of any and all bodies of water is a good thing?''

      Probably because it's funny, lol. More importantly: it provides the player with a harsh challenge to overcome, 'and' it makes existing potions and items already present from the vanilla actually useful. Sure, it isn't fair at all, but some people like myself enjoy it.
  2. hadun9999
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    A video to show how the mod works would be nice. Are you actually sucked underwater? Or do you just die?
    1. FR158
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      It's just like before, except that if you decide to submerge yourself below the water surface, you die almost instantly.
    2. dirk187
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      how can that work u take a person who is in shape dunk them under water they don't die after 1 sec if u need to study the witch trails the dunking stool they would dunk people between 15 to 30 sec's before they died
    3. Icantmakeupausername
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Please read the mod description before offering criticism. 
  3. BaurusCZ
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    immersive experience... I don't know I am pretty sure that after one second in a bathtub I am not going to do a ragdoll and die. Late april fools joke ?
    1. FR158
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      As I have pointed out a couple of times in the past, the keyword is "proportional". The amount of water and instances when the player actually needs to dive are few enough that it makes sense to make it much more restricted than what might seem reasonable at first.
    2. Icantmakeupausername
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      a bath tub isn't cold enough to induce shock
  4. dubenfire
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Could you add a way to alter the delay before drowning (and/or the damage taken) ? An ini file or MCM for example
    1. FR158
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      I have been thinking about making some slight adjustments due to many people making comments about it. We'll see what will become of it.
    2. Rayden
      • premium
      • 68 kudos
      would be very appreciated :) I would do it myself if I knew how. So for now I'm tracking your mod. Really want to use it alongside Frostfall and ofc your other mod Skyswim
  5. qwertypol012
    • supporter
    • 76 kudos
    Is it possible to change the condition to drown from 1 second into after your stamina has been depleted?

    I'm using Vigor and it has a feature which drains your stamina whenever you're swimming (amount depends on the weight of your worn armor). So it will be cool if after my stamina got depleted due to swimming for too long, this mod kicks in with the drowning mechanism.
    1. FR158
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      I do not know how to implement such a feature at this point in time.

      If such a feature did exist though; around how long does it normally take for stamina to deplete?
    2. qwertypol012
      • supporter
      • 76 kudos
      That's right. I just realized that your mod simply utilizes vanilla game settings. For now, i just edited the amount to be more forgiving, while also using your other mod Skyswim (which i also edited to has multiple stages based on the amount of armor worn, and distinguish between worn light armor and worn heavy armor).

      About the stamina depletion, in Vigor it's based on the weight of your worn armor. The heavier the total weight, the faster it will drain your stamina, and vice versa (so wearing light armor will drain your stamina slower than when wearing heavy armor). So at best it will only hinder your capability to fast-swim (ie. using SHIFT/sprint key when swimming). That's why i want to use your mod to complement/fill the gap left by Vigor.
  6. mikeynexus
    • premium
    • 107 kudos
    Nice work, and it's very easy to adjust the delay-to-damage, and delay-to-drowning using TES5edit. What I would I like to know is what do the custom variables you've added actually do? There's no script so it's hard to see what effect they have.

    This combined with your swimming mod is a great replacement for the old (and now removed) Improved Swimming mod, which was an old (but buggy) favorite of mine. Keep up the good work!
    1. FR158
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      I haven't added any custom variables with the mod. All it does is to edit some of the game settings.
    2. mikeynexus
      • premium
      • 107 kudos
      That's strange. When I look at it in TESedit there are 4 entries under Game Settings;
      00097F8 fActorSwimBreatheDamage - how quickly you die
      00097F9 fActorSwimBreatheMult - how long you can swim before you start dying
      01000D62 fActorSwimBreatheBase - ?
      010012C5 fActorLeaveWaterBreathTimer - ?

      It looks like the first 2 are Vanilla, but the other 2 are from your mod. Maybe I'm reading it wrong; I haven't opened it in CK yet, so my apologies if so. Anyway, I really like this revision to swimming, especially the armor encumbrance (of your other mod).
  7. DirtyDancer7
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Hey man, i just wanna tell you to keep up the great work. and that i use all your mods. i believe it makes skyrim more immersive and challenging.

    can't wait to see your future work!
  8. JKM17
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Do you actually die after being submerged for 1 second? Or do you start taking damage rapidly after being submerged for 1 second? And if so, how rapidly? I think a video for this mod would helpful. Very happy to see your pack of mods being released nonetheless.

    My only concern is needing to submerge for 2 seconds to pick up a potion in a few caves or shallow bodies of water where I could easily just stand back up in real life would now kill me.
    1. FR158
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      From the point where you submerge yourself, one second is about the time it takes to die.

      As I have pointed out a couple of times in the past, the keyword is "proportional". The amount of water and instances when the player actually needs to dive are few enough that it makes sense to make it much more restricted than what might seem reasonable at first.
  9. Gethesmain
    • supporter
    • 44 kudos
    This is a possitive answer for all those who discredit or are confused by this mod in general.

    For many players, especially as more and more witcher mods come out, not only the weight of armor, but the clumsiness in water would realistically make crossing water an extreme obstacle. I can tell you from honest experience, standing in even a gentle current while wearing armor, in my example a full leg harness of Italian style. A common style which has a gate in the back, which acts as a parachute and grabs the water, making it very drag heavy.

    My point is, even just standing in water is very hard in more extreme conditions. A man in a full bear fur has his own problem. A big poofy dress too, all these things would actually be quite dangerous. Therfore a sensible person would only risk crossing water in dire circumstance. Basically, if you allow yourself to be submerged in heavy, or robust equippment, you'd better be prepared to make that jump.

    An alternative to this is Duke Patricks Armor Drowns . It Sinks. But this mod does just the same really, you could not realistically remove heavy gear underwater. Not easily at least. For me, this finally nails me for finally saying Screw it and taking a swim.

    For me the big thing people don't understand about armor in water, is how impeded you are. Try swimming in heavy boots. now multiply that extra effort. Now add drag from plates and or fur or frills. This mod will get a use. Mod author, why not a separate version with 3 seconds of air time? for people who are DRAGON BORN and can swim through sand too anyways.

    P.S. even a mages flowy robes and satchels are not ideal in fast moving waters. For once, I have to concede that all the bimbo characters with the huge tits and no clothes would win this round. Plus their bodies make them incredibly buoyant.
    1. FR158
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      This mod does actually not affect swim speeds (yet) or armour weights, if you were implying anything of that sort. I agree though, that there are many aspects of water travel that needs more nerfing than just this one.

      When it comes to the air time, that might be a plausible idea further on, but not at least until the swim speed issue has been addressed, which has turned out to be significantly harder than anticipated.
    2. NazaExtrem1
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Would be nice to have a MCM Menu where everyone can adjust the Damage you geh from drouning and how long the Air in the lungs last
    3. Sku11M0nkey
      • premium
      • 264 kudos
      The mod you describe @Gethesmain sounds very intriguing to me. This mod has good intentions but having someone drown after just being underwater for 1 second just seems immersion breaking. At least for me anyway.

      However if I walked into a stream and slowed down quite a bit and if I went in deep water I started sinking rapidly and had to work 2x-3x as hard to swim to the surface (as well as also swimming drastically slower) would be very immersive and accomplish the same end goal that the mod author was shooting for which is to make the water more of a real obstacle and at times downright dangerous.

      Even leather or fur armor would be a pain as that would absorb water and become heavier as well. Not as bad as heavy armor perhaps but still pretty bad.

      The only way you would have vanilla speed swimming is if you swim naked.

      The other mods that were referenced (sinking bodies and armor drowns) don't quite do that so I feel having 1 mod that brings all of those qualities together would be great. Plus it would be better to have 1 mod do all of those features vs 3 different ones.

      I think that would be a tremendously cool mod to have and would pair really well with frostfall, realistic needs& diseases and campire and the other survival mods. In fact a great plugin with frostfall would be to have wet armor slow you down until it dries out via being near a campfire etc and it could plug into Frostfall/Campfire's logic to help accomplish that.
    4. FR158
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      I'm actually looking into adding an extremely reduced movement when swimming simply by tweaking armour weights in the water. It makes sense that even though a fur or cloth armours would seem lighter than something like steel, once in the water, they'd be absorbing it, unlike the metal armours, making them about as encumbering as one another.
    5. Sku11M0nkey
      • premium
      • 264 kudos
      I know it would be a lot of coding but like I mentioned above while there are other mods that do sinking bodies or armor weights, there isn't one mod that brings all of those aspects together into a single immersive mod... and if it was able to pair with Frost fall or campfire... I could easily see this picked up by anyone who downloads those mods.I know for many of us who are running over 200+ mods having less mods to get the features you want is important.

      And by focusing on the weight, movement speed & stamina cost you can make the shallow water appropriately lethal without really having to change the out of breath death timer too much.Like if you are swimming naked the current breath mechanics are pretty realistic.However if you factored stamina consumption into the breath timer. ( I.E. the more stamina you consume the faster you run out of breath.) that would make swimming tremendously realistic. Again making wearing armor much more lethal if underwater because utilizing the mechanics above you would blow through stamina very quickly.

      Another thing is and I speak from experience here. When you jump into freezing cold water it literally can take your breath away. So pairing with the above mechanics you could take a big stamina hit when jumping into freezing water. Instantly making your swim more dangerous.

      Anyway at this point I'm rambling and that is probably far more coding that you'd be willing to do but I think it would be an amazing and comprehensive mod to accomplish your end goal.

    6. Sku11M0nkey
      • premium
      • 264 kudos
      Also when it comes to the movement speed thing maybe take a look at the frost spells... those have dynamic slow effects on them which you could utilize instead of modifying carry weight. The trick is those spells are time based vs environment triggered so finding a way to have that triggered by the water would be tricky.That being said it might work well as when you get out of the water it would take some time for the water to drain out of your clothes/armor.
    7. FR158
      • member
      • 116 kudos
      The key word in all this is "proportional". As a matter of fact, Skyrim has very few large bodies of water, and even if you find one, you almost have to try if you want to drown yourself. That is as said the main reason for why I think this is justified.

      The slow effect you mentioned sounds interesting though, and must be investigated further.
  10. clauDA
    • member
    • 237 kudos
    You have to change that, then change that and ...

    ... that's just a joke!
    Everything good as it is!
    Mod number 6. Fine, thank you.(-;