About this mod
New equipment set in three variants for the Thalmor.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Polish
- The "Thalmor Light Armor" parts have the same stats as light elven equipment. These items cannot be crafted, but can be tempered with Moonstone ingots.
- The "Thalmor Peacekeeper" armor parts have the same stats as elven armors. They can be crafted if the player has the Elven Smithing perk, and tempered with Moonstone ingots.
- The "Thalmor Enforcer" set has the same stats as Glass armors. It can be crafted if you have the Glass Smithing perk, and tempered with Malachite ingots.
- Thalmor weapons come in three tiers - steel, Peacekeeper, and Enforcer. They have the same stats as steel, elven and glass weapons, respectively. They also have the same crafting/tempering recipes and requirements.
- Low level Thalmor soldiers will be equipped with light armor and steel weapons. Mid-level Thalmor will have Peacekeeper armor and weapons. The Thalmor elite soldiers will equip Enforcer armor and weapons. Thalmor mages and Justiciars will wear their vanilla outfits, but I hope I'll be able to add a replacement for their clothes in a future update.
This file makes use of assets taken from the mods listed below. I thank the original authors for allowing me to include their creations in my mod.
"Capeless Nightingale" by Gilead Maerlyn.
"Bingles Buff Male Daedric and Ebony Armor" by bingles.
"Remodeled Armor CBBEv3M" by MAK07.
"Black and Gold Elven Equipment with Masked Helmet" by shodan44.
"aMidianBorn Elven Armor" by Cabal120.
"Andragorn's Armoury" by Andragorn.
"MERPs Gondorian Armament" by BGSMERP.