

  1. horus58
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    this is oblivion not skyrim say vortex.
    1. Urtho
      • premium
      • 273 kudos
      Yet another issue with Vortex most likely.  This is quite obviously a Skyrim mod and it always has been.
    2. jackpie
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      One way to make Vortex happy is to open the bsa file in a hex editor (e.g. Notepad++ with HEX-Editor plugin), change the 5th byte from 0x67 to 0x68 and save back. It's a valid BSA file with a lower version # (v103 for Oblivion) than those intended for Skyrim (v104), but other than the version everything should work fine nonetheless.
  2. laomaster
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Hmm.. I don't know who to tell this to. I saw a fence from Better Road colliding with a house in Loreius Village. I installed Better Roads because it makes Skyrim feels more like a real place.
  3. nicedude01
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hello, @Urtho! Thanks for the good work.
    For second time, I want to give reminder that the name of your newly added settlement, Coldstone Keep, shares the name with a prison fort in Falkreath added by interesting NPC mod?. It might be insignificant but maybe better if you add infos in description page to prevent confusion or even a patch which slightly change the name to differentiate two locations.
    PS. Sorry if I sound rude and entitled in my previous and this comment.
    P. P. S. Any chance that Coldstone Keep become a standalone mod?
  4. laomaster
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    A funny story, I have your mod & Legendary Cities mod on, I also have the Amol city patch on. But LOOT messed up my game by bringing back Kalmar's house. So i have to manually sort things again & Kalmar's house is a hole in the ground but with the same interior.
    I just find a hole in a ground with lovely wooden house interior & a fireplace to be funny.
    Any possible plans to give Kalmar back his house? Or you'd leave it as is?
    1. Urtho
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      • 273 kudos
      It was a necessary part of the patching process, Legendary Cities changes that area quite dramatically so the house had to go as it would conflict with any other reasonable placement.  I had thought about deleting it all but there were some technical reasons that didn't happen so the compromise solution I came up with is what exists in the patch now.
  5. PhaseVerocity
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    I like this mod but for some reason vortex is throwing an incompatible archive error with it. When I click on the message it tells me the archive is meant for oblivion.
    1. Urtho
      • premium
      • 273 kudos
      Corrupted download maybe or some issue with Vortex.  There is nothing wrong with the file itself.
    2. MightyPorkin
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      No, I've had the same issue for a while with that notification never going away and I don't want my game to randomly crash.  I read through posts a while back and there is some fix for it where you have to do something like "open up the actual script" or "manually edit the lines of code" and change a value from like 4 to 5 bc the 4 is telling Skyrim that the mod is for oblivion not skyrim.  And I wasn't confident enough in my understanding of that stuff to figure out how to do it. I can't find it now, and I'm tired of looking for it so until somebody has a fix that isn't "me scouring the internet for hours for some esoteric thing a knowledgeable person could easily fix", I'm uninstalling.  If you guys figure out the fix I'll be happy to reinstall.
         For now I'm just over it, that stupid red box glaring down at me making me think something else is wrong too and that my game is more likely to crash... it sucks bc I spent A LOT of time picking out compatible, simple, aesthetic mods like this one to make the game feel more lived in and I liked it.  I guess "That'll Show ME!" for thinking this was supposed to be an enjoyable experience, huh?
    3. Urtho
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      • 273 kudos
      Vortex issues are neither something I can fix or my problem.  The mod has worked for many thousands of users over the years since I originally posted it, if you are having issues you need to look at your modding setup and the mod manager you choose to use.
      • member
      • 30 kudos
      Yeah I keep getting that bsa incompatible blah, blah for this mod as well as for Immersive Wenches, both of which still work PERFECTLY. I get that warning with both Vortex and Wrye Bash since about 3 versions back. It seems the people who made both of those mod managers did something to change how THEIR programs work. They need to roll back those changes but you can't even get them to admit that it is their problem. Until then (and after) I'll just keep using your great mod and ignore the goofy warning. It is funnyish though how they keep tinkering with them to "make them better" and end up making them worse and worse. Sigh.
    5. PhaseVerocity
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Well it went away and is now back after another vortex update.  
    6. PhaseVerocity
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Its not just vortex... its also wyrebash
  6. Diabeetus99
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    Sorry if this is a dumb question, but is this available on Xbox? It’s cool if not, but this is exactly the type of thing I was looking for, especially with what’s added to Winterhold with the new settlements; this is actually the only mod I can find that seems to add any new towns to Winterhold at all and it looks great!
    1. Urtho
      • premium
      • 273 kudos
      No this mod is not available on the consoles.
    2. Diabeetus99
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ok no problem, thanks for the reply. If it’s something you’re cool with it would be great if someone could port this haha, I love the approach in this of making settlements that naturally blend in to the original Skyrim’s design and vibe. 
  7. yeeeg
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Thank you for your hard work...I personally use Arthmoor's villages with this and they flesh out some empty areas so nicely, definitely recommended if you like new vanilla-like locations. Deserves more endorsements! The patches are thoughtful of you as well.
  8. BarristwanWhitebeard
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    Thank you for this amazing mod. I'm absolutely in love with Coldstone Mine. The mountain location is breathtaking, and my character loves the cold and inhospit vibe. In fact, Coldstone Mine is now his home. :)
    1. Urtho
      • premium
      • 273 kudos
      Great to hear you're enjoying the mod, have fun with it.
  9. Urtho
    • premium
    • 273 kudos
    A patch for the latest modular version 6 of Legendary Cities - Tes Arena - Amol is now available. The latest version of that mod had numerous changes and updates that invalidated the old patch, the replacement has been updated to account for these alterations and everything should be working again.
  10. Urtho
    • premium
    • 273 kudos
    A compatibility patch for The Great Village of Old Hroldan is now available. The patch fixes navmesh incompatibility problems in the Soljund's Sinkhole and Old Hroldan locations in the game.