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Duncan E Larsen

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  1. lincolnshooter
    • premium
    • 50 kudos
    Dare I even ask, but would Enderal be a possibility in the future?
    1. Duncanlarsen1
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      I will give a hesitant maybe.
  2. evenshadefalling
    • premium
    • 377 kudos
    Do you plan on making a similar map for Moonpath to Elsweyr? This is beautiful work, I love the detail with the sand and the coloured tiles around the map, like you're actually placing the map on the ground to study it. =)
  3. Rusey
    • premium
    • 510 kudos
    I can't believe this has so few endorsements. Thanks so much.

    ... I'm sure this has been requested before, but Beyond Reach please

    EDIT: I see it has been. Well add this as another vote!
  4. Fulbright
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    getting this right now I just finished fallout 4 am going back to skyrim until fallout 4 mods gets to skyrims level which will take awhile
  5. mannygt
    • premium
    • 1,509 kudos
    I have a little suggestion for you
    There is a map of the region in the private room of Lady Syloria in the Ben Erai Fortress. Check the texture used and then replace it with yours

  6. lincolnshooter
    • premium
    • 50 kudos
    So have you figured out a way to fix some of the issues with the mod this relies upon? That being the fact some map markers move and that custom markers don't really work?

    This is a great mod, manually merges just fine (though the tools say there are issues if done in TES5EDIT it works just as well as the base mod).
    1. Duncanlarsen1
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      I'm not really sure what you mean by "the fact some map markers move". I don't think I've ever experienced that issue. Would you care to elaborate?

      As for the custom marker not working, I could be wrong about this, but it seems that when checking the cursor position to determine where to place the custom marker the game simply uses the cursor's location on the landscape mesh. However, the actual displayed custom marker is affected by the value WorldMapScale, which dictates the scale of the map markers. This would normally be fine as with Bethesda's default map system there's really no reason to ever have a different heightmap for generating the mesh used on the map screen or to change WorldMapScale to anything but 1.0, however it causes issues with Paper World Map and all of my addons because out of necessity I have scaled down the size of the landmasses compared to the rest of the heightmap and changed the WorldMapScale value to reflect that change. There may be some way to fix that (perhaps with a SKSE plugin or something) but not through any means I'm comfortable with. I'm not a coder and wouldn't know where to start.

      Image that might clarify things, using my Gray Cowl map as an example.
    2. lincolnshooter
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      The best way to describe it is when I move the map some of the map markers are not fixed in place and appear to wander, this isn't in your mod btw this is in the original paper map mod (aka the mod this requires). I will show a video of this in effect here we go
    3. Duncanlarsen1
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      How odd. What is causing that effect is the marker for Folkvangr Hall (a mod added location?) being positioned far below the landscape mesh. Does this happen with other markers as well?

      Also, I know it's silly, but do me a favor and check whether it still occurs with Paper World Map uninstalled.
    4. lincolnshooter
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      It does not occur without the mod installed, it occurs on some others but the others are mod locations, but yes the map marker is added by the Holds of skyrim mod (which makes Falkreath have a loading screen hence a fast travel marker to the Jarl's hall; though it does this in dawnstar too and it doesn't appear to affect that marker).

      I guess these issues are due to the fact that the maps aren't actually 2D.
    5. Duncanlarsen1
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      I'll take a look when I get a chance and see if I can figure out how to fix it.
    6. lincolnshooter
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      Thanks, BTW this does not occur on any of your maps, yours work fine.
    • member
    • 180 kudos
    It was a strange turn of fat that led Ahriman Ben-Sul into the old shop in the bazaar at the small port city of Krakis.

    For many years he had been a sailor, his father before him had been a fisherman but he had sailed much further afield in search of his fortune even spending time among the pirate clan's of the free city of Zenoba but he had never found that change of luck, that chance at great wealth the dream's of which had sparked his hunger for adventure as a child and so he had never become the rich man of which he had dreamed of becoming.

    That is to say he had never become as rich as he wanted to be but he was still comfortable enough to retire on his share of the booty which he had earned on a raid he and his Zenoban pirate brother's had made against a Thalmoor ship carrying stolen treasures from Cyrodil to the Summerset isle, in that fight he had lost his fighting hand though so had decided to give up his life at sea and was left with his pouch of gem's and coin's a day's walk down the coast form Krakis by his fellow's.

    He had bought a small house and found himself a pretty woman but something was missing, oh he knew he could not sail again, how could a one handed man work the rigging and he had no intention of becoming just another hook handed hanger on slowing down his brothers as they fought against the storm's of the sea yet still he hungered for that something, the always new places that sailing had instilled into him.

    He had walked past it a hundred time's and never been within the shop that seemed to see few customers and be stocked only with old curio's but as he sat whiling away the day drinking his strong Krakian coffee a potent drink made form the dried bean's of the Juban bush he noticed something, his sharp eyes saw it and he became curious, it looked like the parchment of a navigators scroll.

    His curiosity piqued he left the small table and the half drank Coffee in it's giant's thimble sized cup and strolled over through the busy crowds that thronged the Bazaar and into the cool shelter and dark of the shop.

    An old man stood and looked at him expectantly until he asked to look at the strange scroll which was now back on a shelf with many other strange item's.

    As he unrolled it he found that it was not a navigators' map at all but rather a map on land, it showed the great eastern plateau and there in annotation's he could barely read a strange set of name's and tomb marker's, he felt drawn and so paid the old man the few coin's he asked after a quick barter.

    It should have sat there but he could not stop looking at it as if some spell had settled over him and he became obsessed with it until at least he decided he had to explore and see where it would lead him.

    The journey from the coast into the great desert was hard and took nearly two month's, a far worse journey than anything the sailor had expected but he was determined.

    The last stop before the great plateau was an isolated caravansary called the Wadi of Ibn-Ben-Aziz with the plateau itself across another hundred leagues of unforgiving desert, no one traveled in that direction but he was well prepared and traveled at night under the light of the moon's using the stars to guide himself and at long last he reached the base of the great escarpment were he made camp at a small spring that formed a tiny oasis and the next day he searched for the way up.

    The map had shown the way but when at last he found it the ancient carved staircase that rose up the side of the cliff's lay in a ruinous state but undeterred he made the attempt and though he nearly fell to his death more than once while struggling to get past those place's were the cliff's had crumbled taking the step's with it he had at last made it to the top only to be met with a scene of barren flat featureless desert that swept away into the distance for uncounted mile's and with few markers of any kind to act as guide's except that is for a few chasm's and rift's were ancient water flow's had eaten away at the sandstone and limestone which formed the plateau beneath his feet and that he could see stretching off into the distance, these fissures would surely make his progress even more difficult he realized.

    He had come this far so he was not going to turn back and forged onward on foot since he had been forced to leave his camel's below, he had at best only three day's of water and food in his pack but he was certain there must be spring's up here somewhere so forged onward but by the fourth day he knew he had made a terrible mistake, his water though rationed and drinking far less than he needed was almost gone and he doubted he could make it back to the step's so thinking himself a dead man already and a little delirious from the heat and lack of fluid he instead continued onward.

    At first he thought he was hallucinating as he saw the oasis come into view but the smell of water is something that you only ever really known when that thirst is so great your tongue is dust in your mouth and your eyes are sore and dry, it was a miracle and he threw himself into the strangely icy water that contrasted with the heat of the day and feasted on the wild date's that grew around it sheltering under the leave's of the date tree's falling into an exhausted sleep.

    He woke to the sound of a desert Jekyll making it's night time cries somewhere nearby and reaching for a stone he threw it in the direction of the animal or at least were he believed it was in the dark with his eye's still blurred with sleep then after washing his face he ate some more date's and stood about to begin his journey back to the step's, that was when he saw the ruin's, he had been so agonized with thirst he had not even noticed them but now in the moonlight the skeletal ruin's of towers and a crumbling but once mighty city wall that stretched for mile's were clearly visible in the distance, no light's came from the structure's so he knew it was long dead and probably peopled only by the dead, a thought made him wait till day when the dead rested.

    The city was another five mile's westward, there were no mark's on the map to even suggest it existed but as he walked through the massive ancient arched gateway into the ruin's beyond he was amazed, great marbled palaces lined colonnaded street's that led to a low central pyramid, the city was truly huge but as he explored he found nothing of value except the stone's themselves.

    It was obvious that once this had been a fabulously wealthy city and maybe even the capital of some ancient empire, it certainly surpassed even the greatest city's he had seen in his sailing day's making even the fabled Tannis look like a mere town but it had died long, long ago and now lay an abandoned ruin in the middle of an inhospitable desert.

    As he climbed the pyramid steps to the flat platform at it's top were a ruined temple to some unknown and forgotten god stood he noticed that the wall's of the city only surrounded it on three side's in a great arc and on the fourth was a huge valley, the same valley on the map which he had been searching for he was certain and the way down must be there he realized so after making his way back down the crumbling pyramid he made his way through the deserted street's which were strewn by the rubble of the ages of neglect and decay until he found what to him was an even greater shock, it was a harbor, a deep water harbor now long dry and landlocked but were they had not crumbled down the steep precipice into the rift valley the stone dock's and warf's were still intact though now only the ghosts of ship's long gone like the unknown race whom had once dwelt in the unknown city would ever moor at them.

    Ahriman looked down, there was no way down but he would find away, obviously the great valley had once been a vast inland sea but he could see the floor of the valley was now littered by ancient ruin's, ruin's that must have been built long after the people had abandoned great city maybe as the water's evaporated and the people had followed them and there in the distance down in the valley past a great ruined temple of some kind he could see what looked like another city in more familiar style with minaret's that gleamed blue with Lapis Lazuli tiles that gleamed in the sunlight, another city that did not appear on the map but looked to be alive he noticed.

    Fate however is a cruel master though and as he struggled trying to climb down the cliff's driven by that same insane drive Ahriman fell hundreds of feet, his broken body lay there for days before the wild wolves that called that strange sunken desert there home had found him and as they tore at this broken remain's a desert wind had caught the edge of the parchment map pulling it free from his lifeless body and carried it away.

    After coming all this way he had died but then this was never his story, no rather it was that of the enchanted map which would one day lead another to this place when and if the fate's decided.

    A few week's later as a hunter made his way along the inner cliff at the edge of the sunken desert he came upon the remain's of Ahriman and said a quick prayer over them wondering whom the stranger had been and where he had come from.

    The parchment however with it's mysterious map, well that led it's own life.
    1. Duncanlarsen1
      • supporter
      • 67 kudos
      Wonderful little story
  8. Darthmathias
    • supporter
    • 14 kudos
    very nice. Now just need one for Moonpath to Elsweyr, Molag Bal's Inferno and summerset Isle then that all the world expansion mods in my Load order compatible with warburgs.
  9. asperser14
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    You are the BEST!!
  10. AndrealphusVIII
    • premium
    • 1,294 kudos
    Very nice! You're awesome!