

  1. Aemilia12
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    So what do I have to o to be able to buy the third mule for my follower or make him ride it? I use EFF.
  2. thesteve812
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Thanks and endorsed. I use the old version of ETAC 5.5 and it works for me. 
  3. solidsnake2016
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Since this adds mules to the khajiit caravans, it would be nice if you could give a mule to Inigo as a "steed".
  4. GalaxyDash
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    For some reason when I install this mod and try to load my save, it gives me the "this save contains files no longer here" message box. Which makes no sense since I didn't uninstall anything, I'm just adding this mod. I'm using mod organizer if that helps at all (recently switched finally) and it says there are no esp's missing.

    Edit: Nevermind I just hit the 255 mod limit haha! Silly me
  5. Elricwolf
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Great looking mod, first off. I have found that it conflicts with Expanded Towns and Cities ( ) which I have been using in my save game. Probably for this reason, I can't locate the bill of sale, plus several buildings and animals are clashing due to buildings and animals added by ETaC and this mod. Any chance of an ETaC compatibility fix or a version with just annie and equipment for sale at the Whiterun stables or elsewhere?

    I could probably go into CK and edit the files to make a slimmed down version just for myself, but others may want this too...

    Otherwise, great mod, and great idea. I can't believe this the only mule/donkey mod anyone has made. I guess everyone else just either uses their (modded) horse to carry loot, or Lydia. Haha
    1. r131
      • member
      • 27 kudos
      Indeed a wonderful mod idea .. and perfect replacement for Lydia.
      But a compatible version with ETaC would really be great!
    2. Bihlbo
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      I have the same problem. Honestly though, I don't care at all about a farm being added somewhere in the world, I just want someone who will sell a mule. It would be nice if that person were at a stables somewhere so incompatibility wasn't an issue. Or, at the very least give us the codes (or even the names) of the NPCs and items we need to get the mod to work, so we can place them somewhere else.

      The whole "If you can't find it or this spot is taken by another mod you'd rather use, then do this" part of a mod's description is an excellent common practice that this mod needs.
    3. EpiceneBlue
      • premium
      • 92 kudos
      Yes please.
    4. malilie
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Another Yes Please
    5. IKilledTheDevil
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Let's make it a yes threesome.
    6. TheRealRyBo
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Diddo!!! Would love a stand alone mule or patch!
    7. futbarista
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yes, I also need it too
    8. sohrino
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      And.... another one

      I love Annie... but the Farm is crashing into three of my other mods

      Actually, the whole Farm is inside the Garden of one of my Player-Homes and only work barely together with "Elysium" by setting load order...
    9. noraimironhand
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      I don't use expanded towns and cities. So you will have to ask them to make a patch and place the farm somewhere that dosn't conflict.
      You buy Annie or Mike from the farmer who also sells all of their spells and equipment the bill of sale was in the beta version only.
    10. noraimironhand
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      Did you ask ETaC?
    11. Pushkatu
      • premium
      • 455 kudos
      This is such a bummer. I'm planning to start a new playthroung as a khajiit merchant who had to flee from Elswyer. When I saw this I could already see my caravan, the biggest and most profitable one in the hole of Skyrim. Any chance at all for a version that adds just the NPC that's selling them? Whiterun area is notorious for it's instability in a modded setup and adding anything to that area will most likely conflict with at least a thousand mods, loI. I imagine it's not a hard thing to do if you know your way around the CK, but that's out of my league. Anyway, thanks for sharing, will endorse regardless.
  6. Decemberish
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod. But i have one issue. Sometimes when i tell Annie to stay in city and aggro for example fish when im alone quite far away from her and target remains on my minimap im not able to talk to Annie at all and it forces me to go back and kill that one fish. And i also tried the grey texture replace to make mule look more mule-ish but sadly it is not working.

    Otherwise awesome mod
  7. Krolisia
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Awesome mod. Got problem with dialogue but made it working by save and load and i can confirm it works just fine with immersive horses Also wanted to ask about this grey texture replacer. It seems it didn't change anything for me. Does it need to be put manually?

    Again thanks for awesome mod. Was looking for something to make my immersive travelling even more immersive
  8. Woodclaw
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    Really a great mod and a great idea, I love to have Annie follow me around, although some times she's really out of place (like in Dragonsreach). The only bug I've found so far is that sometimes if I put weapons or shields in Annie's inventory they didn't display, opposite to what happens in the pictures. Mike works fine so far.
    1. noraimironhand
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      If you have multiple weapons and shields they equip the most expensive. No way around that without making a script that would have to contain every possible combination.
  9. Richardo11
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Thanks for your work first

    I would be fantastic if there will be an option two have only the mule (i find it a fantastic immersive idea) but since i have other cities mods and i plan to start my play through as a beggar, I do not want to be given anything "for free".
    Is there a way to it?

    Tx again for your mod
    1. noraimironhand
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      Only the beta had anything free.
      You have to buy everything from the farmer there is no free.
  10. pvpgirl
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    Is this compatible with Immersive Horses?
    1. malisbad
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      They cannot be adopted, no. At least not that I've figured out. Works with Convenient Horses just fine though.
    2. noraimironhand
      • premium
      • 50 kudos
      When you buy Annie and or Mike from the farmer their custom dialogue is active. They don't need to be adopted. The already have spells to summon and place a home marker for Annie. The ride mule will go home after awhile and Mike will stay anywhere you leave him.