
Mod articles

  • How to terminate a hanging Skyrim application start

    Even I have described a lot of tools which help you with memory management and CTDs, it will happen that your starting game will freeze, especially when you use a lot of animations too.

    It is not always easy to terminate the application via Task Manager, but Win10 has a nice feature to support several desktops, which helps in this situation.

    So I created an additional desktop and always start the game there. Most of the time the few first starts are freezing.

    Just hit CTRL-ALT-DEL and select the Task Manager. If it doesn't show up, hit WindowsKey+Tab and drag and drop the Task Manager window into your first desktop and select this desktop. Now you can terminate the Skyrim application and start again on your 'game' desktop....

  • Option for a second follower while Serana is your follower

    There is a small window of opportunity to acquire two followers at the beginning of the quest 'Chasing Echos' just before entering Soul Cairn, Serana and one other. From the point where Serana is waiting for you to fill the vessel with the special ingredients, until you decide whether you want her to turn you into a Vampire Lord or capture your soul, you can leave via the balcony door. You now have the opportunity to leave the castle grounds by fast traveling somewhere and recruit another follower. Once you do and fast travel back to the castle balcony, Serana will automatically rejoin with you and your follower will not be dismissed but forced to wait on the balcony. Your follower will not enter the Castle (neither will a dog companion). However, when you finish with the Soul Cairn and le...