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  1. scegielski
    • premium
    • 45 kudos
    I have created a video showing how to find errors with this ENB mod and others using Nvidia FX Composer:

    If you are having trouble with no in game GUI or a blue screen in game, then the shader most likely did not compile correctly.Please try the advice in the notes section of the main page and also read the version history for more information. In addition, try the steps in this video tutorial and report any errors the compiler is giving you.

  2. Debatemaster1
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    There's an easier way to do this, guys. All you need to do is just change this setting in your enbseries ini from false to true: ''UseOriginalPostProcessing''
  3. CrazyRussian24
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I tried using the installer and I had no issues with selecting the enbeffect.fx file, but when I click "install", it says:
    "Installation failed

    There was a problem adding the setup code to the enbeffect.fx file.
    Could not find the line:


    Please follow manual install instructions form Nexus and report this problem in the comments. Thanks."

    How do I fix this?
    1. Debatemaster1
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      There's an easier way to do this. All you need to do is just change this setting in your enbseries ini file from false to true: ''UseOriginalPostProcessing''
  4. GrillBosby
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm starting to get frustrated with this installer. Fix one problem and another one comes up.

    So I tried using the installer and when it asks to select the enbeffect.fx file in the enbseries folder, it was telling me that it wasn't the correct file name despite the fact that it was. So I found out that for some reason the file extension was actually .ini so the file as a whole was enbeffect.fx.ini. I figured the only way to make this work was to just change the extension. So I did just that and the installer at least registers that the file is there.

    The new problem I'm having is now when I hit install it says:

    "Installation Failed :(

    There was a problem adding the setup code to the enbeffect.fx file. Could not find the line:


    Please follow manual install instructions from Nexus page and report this problem in the comments. Thanks."

    Does it have to do with the extension issue I was having earlier? Or is this a whole new problem in-and-of itself?
    1. GrillBosby
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      nevermind I figured it out.
    2. mentallykiwi
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thanks for telling us how you fixed it buddy sure helps the rest of us know how to fix it
    3. Khaahan
      • BANNED
      • 3 kudos
      @GrillBosby - You figured that out... how?

    4. HugeGuns
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Six years later and having the problem, and thank you so much for not telling us how you fixed it.
    5. Gyaradosnow
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      *Asks for assistance with a problem*
      *States he found the solution, but doesn't provide any details*

      I hope you stub your toe.
    6. AG1421
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      The installer is about injecting or merging a block of code into enbeffect.fx, sometimes the installer can't find a proper way to merge thus the error pops up, and I found most highly customized ENBs do cause the error.
      You may try merge the codes manually and here is the instruction:
      1. Find your enbeffect.fx and open it (better a code editor).
      2. Insert the FOLLOWING codefloat3LumCoeff = float3(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721);

      //Khajiit Nighteye Adjustment
      int KNEA < string UIName="----------Apply Nighteye Adjustment---------"; string UIWidget="spinner"; int UIMin=0; int UIMax=0;> = {0.0};
      bool KNEnable <string UIName = "Use Nighteye Fix";> = {false};
      float KNDetect1 <string UIName="Params01[5].w > VALUE*0.1";string UIWidget="Spinner";float UIMin=0.0;float UIMax=2.0;> = {0.93};
      float KNDetect2 <string UIName="Params01[5].w < VALUE*0.1";string UIWidget="Spinner";float UIMin=0.0;float UIMax=2.0;> = {1.03};
      float KNDetect3 <string UIName="Params01[4].y > VALUE";string UIWidget="Spinner";float UIMin=0.0;float UIMax=1.0;> = {0.72};
      float KNDetect4 <string UIName="Params01[4].y < VALUE";string UIWidget="Spinner";float UIMin=0.0;float UIMax=1.0;> = {0.83};
      float3 KNBalance <string UIName="Nighteye Balance";string UIWidget="Color";> = {0.537, 0.647, 1};
      float KNSaturation <string UIName="Nighteye Saturation";string UIWidget="Spinner";float UIMin=0.0;float UIMax=10.0;> = {1.0};
      float KNBrightness <string UIName="Nighteye Brightness";string UIWidget="Spinner";float UIMin=-100.0;float UIMax=100.0;> = {0.0};
      float KNContrast <string UIName="Nighteye Contrast";string UIWidget="Spinner";float UIMin=0.0;float UIMax=5.0;> = {0.99};
      float KNInBlack <string UIName="Nighteye Low Clip";string UIWidget="Spinner";float UIMin=0.0;float UIMax=1.0;> = {0.0};

      somewhere following a code block that looks like 

      string UIName="Interiors: .5:Bright 1:Norm 1.5:Dark 2:Darker"; 
      string UIWidget="spinner";
      float UIMin=0.5;  
      float UIMax=2.0;  
      float UIStep=0.5;
      > = {1.0};

      which define a UI widget so that you can adjust the effect in your enb editor.
      3. Search for a function named PS_Draw which looks like float4PS_Draw(VS_OUTPUT_POST IN, float4 v0 : SV_Position0) : SV_Target
      and below in the end part of the function the code should like 
      return res;
      and insert the FOLLOWING code above those line so it looks like this:
      //Khajiit Nighteye Correction by Phinix
      float4 kncolor = color;
      // color balance
      float3 knsat = KNBalance;
      float3; *= knsat;
      float3 kngrey = float3(0.333,0.333,0.333); += (knoldcol.x-(knoldcol.x*knsat.x)) * kngrey.x; += (knoldcol.y-(knoldcol.y*knsat.y)) * kngrey.y; += (knoldcol.z-(knoldcol.z*knsat.z)) * kngrey.z;
      // saturation
      float3 intensity = dot(kncolor.rgb, LumCoeff);
      kncolor.rgb = lerp(intensity, kncolor.rgb, KNSaturation);
      kncolor.rgb /= kncolor.a;
      // contrast
      kncolor.rgb = ((kncolor.rgb - 0.5) * max(KNContrast, 0)) + 0.5;
      // brightness
      kncolor.rgb += (KNBrightness*0.1);
      kncolor.rgb *= kncolor.a;
      // low clip
      kncolor=max(kncolor-(KNInBlack*0.1), 0.0) / max(1.0-(KNInBlack*0.1), 0.0001);
      // bool for output - check whitefactor (Params01[2].y) as well as fade weight (Params01[5].w)
      // to avoid activating for wrong image space (may need tweaking)
      bool knactive = ((Params01[5].w>KNDetect1*0.1)*(Params01[5].w<KNDetect2*0.1)*(Params01[4].y>KNDetect3)*(Params01[4].y<KNDetect4));
      //return color;
      color = lerp(color,kncolor,(knactive)*(KNEnable));
      return res;
      4. Done. Enter the game and see if some error show during the ENB compiling and if it works, if so review if there is any step wrong and try again :P.
      The upgoing codes come from a clip of so credits goes to the author.
    7. pyro112
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      @AG1421 first line (float3LumCoeff = float3(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721);) causes an error. did you mean to put that in with the rest?
    8. LexxiuZ
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Yepp, ENB throws an error about LumCoeff = float3(0.2125, 0.7154, 0.0721) if you follow AG1421.
    9. delgathar
      • premium
      • 28 kudos
      Unfortunately, I don't seem to have an finteriorlevel, or a Ps_Draw or a in my enbxeffect.fx.  So I've no idea where to insert this.
    10. xShadowStriker
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Don't add the float3 LumCoeff into the code, since it'll be a redefinition. Most likely a small oversight.
  5. Minemueber
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Rudy ENB does not require this Fix, even tho it is listed in the requirements.

    Man, I tried to fix this damn blue screen for hours.
  6. Famwise
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    does this work on special edition?
  7. Jwinco123
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This mod didn't seem to work, but worse, it failed to create a backup and somehow completely changed unrelated ENB settings. I have no idea what preset I was using to begin with that was making Rudy compatible with Cathedral on LE, but whatever it is, I have to start from scratch now.
  8. chottozelu
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i'm from the future. i couldn't run the installer because "msvcr120.dll was missing" when it was not.

    you need to install  Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable package (x86) specifically.
  9. GrandLigerZero
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Does this work with special edition?
  10. baeckoo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod cheers~
  11. limorkil1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I had no problem installing this mod and it worked first time:
    1. Manual download main file. There is no mod manager option.
    2. Unzip the downloaded file into its own folder somewhere. Don't put it in your Skyrim folder. It really doesn't matter where it goes - it's just a temporary folder you will run the installer from.
    3. Run the installer.exe now in your folder.
    4. In the installer window that pops up, browse to locate your ENBeffects.ini file. For me, it was in my Skyrim folder where TESV.exe is located, but your ENB might have put it in a subfolder such as ENBseries. If prompted to keep the backup folder the same, agree (or not, it doesn't matter).
    5. That should be it. You may get some confirmation messages. If you get one from Windows saying it thinks the file did not install, just ignore it because it is wrong.
    6. From the Nexus page, download the correct ESP file based on whether you use the Predator Vision mod or not.
    7. Install the ESP file like any other mod. Use LOOT or similar to sort the load order. If you do not use loot, the ESP file should go somewhere towards the end of your load order so that it is not overwritten by another mod. It definitely needs to go after any ENB-related mods and the Predator Vision mod if you have that.
    8. In game, just cast the night eye effect. Your screen should get a pale blue tint and (if it's dark) you should be able to see more.

    The front page at the Nexus is somewhat misleading due to instructions for older versions. I did not have to open any ENB menus in game or do anything else. It worked in game right away.

    Of course, you might want to tweak the visual effect. I am no expert, but here is what I found.
    In Skyrim, with the nighteye effect active in a dark place.
    Use SHIFT+ENTER to open the ENB menu.
    On the right side, there is an item called ENBEFFECT.FX. Click the + next to it to expand all the entries.
    All the Enhanced Nighteye options start with EENE.
    The very first option is whether Enhanced Nighteye is enabled. It should start enabled, but here is where you switch it on if not.
    You can mess with the other options like I did. There are a lot of options - use the scroll bar on the right to scroll down to see more of them. Here is some of the more useful stuff I found:
    1. You can switch off most of the blue color tint by unchecking the EENE Bloom option.
    2. You can remove the tint entirely by setting the red, green and blue options under EENE CC TINT COLOR to 255.
    3. You can reduce the color distortion by lowering EENE CC SATURATION. Set to 1.0 for normal colors, or less than 1.0 to be closer to black and white.
    4. You can make the night eye effect brighter or dimmer by changing EENE CC GAMMA (lower is brighter).
    5. You can remove the slight FOV change by unchecking EENE Warp.
    6. You can make the nighteye more uniform, rather than being brighter in the center and darker at the edges, by unchecking EENE Vignette.

    If you switch off EENE BLOOM, EENE VIGNETTE, EENE WARP; lower EENE CC SATURATION to 1.00, change EENE CC TINT COLOR to 255, then you have nightvision that makes everything brighter without any other obvious visual effects. That works well for me. I'm a cat, not Seal Team 6.
    Note that I have Skyrim LE, or Oldrim. This version of the mod probably doesn't work for SSE. I also have a recent version of ENB, v4.07.
    1. DrunkenFiist
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you very much. Your instruction gave me a very pleasing night eye.
    2. wilhana
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Tnks sir, works well.
    3. HugeGuns
      • premium
      • 0 kudos