

  1. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 883 kudos
    For help and instructions see the front page.
    Want to tweak some of the settings? Check out the STEP ENBSeries INI Guide.

    UPDATE 2023.01.28

    - The Azura and Malacath presets work with the most current binary (479) and weathers but have not been configured for the newer effects at this point. Either use the defaults from Boris, disable them, or set them yourself. I may get to the at some point, hard to say.

    - The Jyggalaga and Vaermina presets will work on Binary 434 (do not use any binary above 467) as long as Dark Dungeons for ENB is installed and you are not using the ENB Helper DLL. Binaries above 467 (434 is the  highest official one available for download on the ENB website) will cause interiors to black out at certain times of day.

    - Wetness Shaders: If you have trouble with shiny textures and skin in wet conditions disable the wetness effects in the enbseries GUI. I need to tweak those and haven't had time. Or enable them and experiment with the values to see if you find something you like.

    GS Vaermina

  2. wolfgrimdark
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    • 883 kudos
    A little tip from Boris on the Enable Compression field in enblocal under memory:

    "Any guides are not made by me, only few times people gathered information from my words, but i never checked what they wrote. EnableCompression do not help at all if you have out of vram issue, it is only if you dont have enough ram + swap file size to keep textures there. Game without enboost store them in own process virtual address space, but with enboost, this data is sent to enbhost(s), so when EnableCompression=true, the data in enbhost(s) is in average 1.5 times smaller. People who have 4-8 gb ram and texture packs installed, should enable compression, so it helps a bit to not lose performance when using swap file. If you have 16gb or ram, then you must have a lot of texture packs installed of 4k size to worth enable compression."
  3. PegasusKoga
    • premium
    • 17 kudos
    The interiors are really atmospheric but quite dark too.  I got into a little bit of trouble with my new archer character because i simply could not see the enemies i needed to target while they had no such handicap.

    Maybe it's because of the combination of your preset with my lighting mod and Vivid Weathers?

    In any case, is there a setting to brighten the interiors a bit without ruining the vibe of Malacath?
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 883 kudos
      Not easily no, unless you are familiar with tweaking an ENB. Ambient light, bloom, point lighting in the main INI.The overall brightness level in the shader files could be tweaked a little. I don't have LE installed otherwise I could look around. It was made for relighting skyrim. If using a lighting mod that makes things darker it could get pretty dark.
    2. PegasusKoga
      • premium
      • 17 kudos
      Thanks, i"m not an ENB expert like you so i think i'll use torches instead from now on, lol.
    3. PegasusKoga
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      I bring good news, i managed to find a nice balance between visibility and keeping the atmosphere of Malacath. 

      All i had to do was to tweak AmbientLightCurveInteriorDay and AmbientLightCurveInteriorNight a little bit.  I hit the sweet spot when putting them at 0.60 and 0.64 respectively.

      If i'm feeling bold enough i'll probably go a little higher still to make those light sources pop out a bit more.

      Cheers man, it's good to finally be able to use this preset again after so many years.
    4. wolfgrimdark
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      • 883 kudos
      Glad you found some settings that you like, thanks!
  4. PegasusKoga
    • premium
    • 17 kudos
    Word cannot express how happy i am that you updated your ENB.  It was one of the first i used back when i had an inadequate graphics card and i am eager to give it a spin again now that i have a beast of a rig.

    Still, i'll have to ask the same question i asked almost a decade ago.  How badly will i ruin the spirit of the preset if i'm using Vivid Weathers?

    (sorry, you probably get this question a lot, but i haven't been able to consult the forums for months now ever since Nexus decided to update it's infrastructure).

    *Edit*  My game looks absolutely breathtaking with Malacath.  I really hope you'll update Vaermina too at some point  because i now recall it was the preset i used all those many years ago.  Never has my game looked better and with a most unique atmosphere to boot as with that one.
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 883 kudos
      Hi - Thanks for the nice comment! I always found that most ENB's would work okay with most weather mods (always exceptions). Sometimes with no tweaking needed, other times a lot needed. Often just something in between depending on taste. I always adapted whatever I used for an ENB to whatever weather mod I used. A few weather mods can drastically change things though - and those would be much harder to adapt to. I tend to avoid those kind of weather mods.

      I don't have LE installed so for the foreseeable future these are all left as is. A few broke with recent updates made by Boris (mentioned in my sticky note) and it somewhat sapped my motivation to keep them all going, as the ones that broke were my personal favorites. While I could play them on older ENB versions I had enjoyed keeping them all updated.

      Anyhow they are what they are for now.
    2. PegasusKoga
      • premium
      • 17 kudos
      Fair enough and thanks for getting back to me!
  5. Chiknator
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    First for all I want to say hello and thank you for this great mod, my Skyrim looks great!

    Now, I have a question, and I would like to know if someone can aswer it for me. When I walk into any place that has furs hanging on the wall, they have an unreal and exaggerated shine that is annoying. I tried to fix it touching some ini values, but I can't find the right one. Can you help me solve it?

    Thank you very much in advance and keep up this great work!!
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 883 kudos
      Thanks and I haven't touched LE in a while and I don't really have much idea what this could be. Shiny makes  me think of specular settings for maybe objects. Or reflections but that would be odd on fur in both cases. Have you tried vanilla furs in case it has to do with something related to a modded one?

      Also try disabling wetness effect in the enbseries.ini and see if that solves it.

      Wish I could help out but I got a new PC a while back and only have AE currently installed. Haven't had the energy to put LE in. Well LE is easy, its the 250+ mods that is daunting :P I do miss L:E and these presets though.
    2. Chiknator
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      Thanks for the quick answer! If I'm honest, I don't know what it could be, because I'm using the parameter setting on your guide: the wettness settings are disabled and the specular settings do nothing (at least, I don't know which I have to adjust). I'm going to upload two shots of my problem to see if you can tell me what I have to do.
      I'm using the vanilla furs, only with a high quality mod for textures (the Tamriel Reloaded pack).

      Sorry if the post shouldn't be like this, it's my first time modding and posting. Thanks again, and have a nice day!
    3. wolfgrimdark
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      • 883 kudos
      Oh aye those images make it clear there is a problem, that definitely should not look like that but I don't know what might be causing it and can't poke around and test a I don't have LE installed. If I think of anything will let you know though.
    4. Chiknator
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      I found where the problem was. Apparently, the pelt textures in the Tamriel Reloaded mod caused that effect. I removed them and everything was resolved. Thanks for the help, and I hope you continue bringing this content to the world of video games!!
    5. wolfgrimdark
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      • 883 kudos
      Thank you for the follow up, always appreciate when people do that - and can sometimes help others who visit the comments!
  6. LetheOminous
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    Azura ENB looks fantastic I had a dumb moment looking for the enblocal.ini

    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Thanks :) and glad you figured out the enblocal thing :)
    2. imure
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      bro ik im fckin dumb pls kindly tell me whre enb local is
    3. EuStrider
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      I use enb local from Malacath file in all versions
  7. PlopAndFloc
    • member
    • 24 kudos
    Hello !

    I want to add frost vignette and rain droplets to Skyrim without messing too much with the weather list, but the only tutorial I have seen so far on youtube is a bit complex, I was wondering how to add it to my game in an easy way, with a binary 479, sorry for my english, and thank you for your work ! Cheers !
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 883 kudos
      Hi - I haven't done that myself. If for your own personal use I would consider getting some lens shaders that already do that and using them (replace the ones in the preset you want to use with the ones with the code for them already). Most presets, mine included, don't do a lot with the lens so its fairly safe to experiment. I think Rudy uses them for some of his presets so you could check those out. Also for my presets only a couple work with weather - Azura and Malacath. Also the most current version of ENB doesn't work with most of these presets. I would recommend working with a more current preset as a base myself.
    2. PlopAndFloc
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      Thank you, I will give them a try, thanx !
  8. aaltair03
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    I haven't modded or played in at least 2 years, and the moment I get the urge to do so of course the first thing I do is come here, hoping for a banner informing that you've moved to SSE and magically brought Jyggalag with you. Alas! 
    It's doubly sad since you're probably one of the nicest modders I've encountered. Thanks for your continued hard work and patience!
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 883 kudos
      Thanks! If I had that magic I would. But shaders don't transfer across engines like that. You can't move or transfer. It would have to be made brand new from the ground up ... and it couldn't really be the same as the ENB binaries are different, as are the game visuals at baseline.

      The closest I have come is from tweaking Pi-Cho using some of the LUTS like trance and a few other ones. Interiors are pretty close. Exteriors I haven't been able to get a good likeness.
    2. AfroSamurai2012
      • premium
      • 32 kudos
      Thank you! 
      Well, I will download the Chaos Tiefling mod!
      I had already acquired PI-Cho enb.  What is LUT?
    3. wolfgrimdark
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      • 883 kudos
      LUT's are used to change the visuals of the game. Pi-Cho has them built into the preset so you can change them on the fly.
  9. AfroSamurai2012
    • premium
    • 32 kudos
    Hello there! I had been using The Grim and Somber ENBs for Skyrim LE for many years!
    I would like to know if they would work for Skyrim Special Edition...?
    Also, the Chaos Tiefling Race is not avaliable anymore?
    My thanks!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos

      You can find the LE Chaos Tiefling mod here: (it also works in SE as I am using it there but haven't upload it. Just optimize the meshes for SE and update the ESP to convert it).

      The GS Presets will not work in SSE, different engine setup and different ENB binary code. So it's impossible. The GS presets would have to be remade from scratch, from the ground up, in SE and doubtful even then the unique look could be duplicated. Closest I have gotten is using Pi-Cho with trance LUT and various tweaks. Interiors look somewhat close that way.
  10. cyberpunk20777
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    The instructions were very helpful, it's always nice to see content creators adding specific things such as instructing people to only use d3d9.dll and enbhost.exe files as well as directions to the enb website. I was having all kinds of trouble with enb breaking my game until I followed this enb's instructions. So thank you and thanks for the great mod.
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 883 kudos
      Thanks and glad the instructions help. It takes a lot of time to write up detailed help but I like to try and be thorough. Hopefully it will help when using other ENB presets as well.
  11. Dovahdwiin
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    sorry if im stupid but ive followed the installation guide and when i run the game it ctd.
    I must have done something wrong, here is a pic of the folder, can you help me out?
    (using jyggalag & enb434)
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      I can't see the image, sorry. Even using the most current binary wouldn't cause a CTD, you would just have bad lighting in certain places (most current binary is not compatible so lights don't work correctly at certain times of day).

      So either you made other changes, unrelated to ENB, causing the CTD, or have something very wrong as ENB doesn't normally cause a CTD.

      All I can suggest is to make sure you have the right binary for the right game version (use the LE ENB for LE game), that the DLL and enbhost is installed, along with the enblocal.ini. Then the files to download from here, mainly enbseries.ini and the enbseries folder, and all put in the proper folder.
    2. Dovahdwiin
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      sorry about that (pictures) here is another try :
      version downloaded : 

      and my folder (with or without injector, it ctd so it shouldn't be the problem) :
    3. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 883 kudos
      Hi, Thanks.

      Have you tried without the injector in there? You should use one or the other not both. Are you on a laptop? END doesn't work good with laptops.
      Do  you have other stuff interfering like third party software or mods. Like don't use GeForce experience or Steam overlays, or nvidia injector, or other things that also run with the game.

      Have you tried another ENB? Try Rudy ENB for Skyrim LE. His stuff is always top notch and solid.  Patrician ENB is also a good one that is up to date.
  12. deleted67645126
    • account closed
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    I keep getting the black eyes bug in interiors when using Azura. I don't get it using Jyygalag thought. I'm kinda confused, searching for solution I see some people saying that this was fixed in new enbs and others that it cant be fixed. Can someone clear this out for me?
    1. wolfgrimdark
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      • 883 kudos
      I haven't see it with Azura but have with Jyggalag so pretty odd. It is something I am looking into but don't have any ETA on an answer, probably a while though.