

  1. TMPhoenix
    • premium
    • 409 kudos

    2015-05-03: A setback... Because of the CK update I lost some of my changed files (scripts mostly). I will have to recreate them.

    I'm currently working (as time permits) on something that will allow modders to check whether a character is of a particular proxy race without having to make their mod depend on RC. If RC is not present (and as a consequence no compatible custom races), it will simply return false for all the proxies.

    A working prototype has already been implemented, but I will need to set up a clean version before I can release it.

    It will come with instructions on how to set it up in your mod and on using it.

    Version 1.84: Merged back the dummy translations for easier installation. I'd still like to add actual translations, so if you want to help please contact me.

    Version 1.80: This update should improve the compatibility of custom races in combination with alternate start mods. It also adds Better Vampires 6.4 6.41 support. Finally it also cleans up some of the script code (something I've been thinking about doing for a very long time) and makes it a little easier for custom race authors to avoid adding their race to the default head part lists, by adding functions that can be overridden in the specific race controller scripts.

    If you need to do a clean save for Better Vampires, you don't need to remove this mod, you NEED to make sure you re-install this mod WITHOUT the Better Vampires option. Then do your clean save, then re-install Better Vampires and then re-install this mod WITH the Better Vampire option. Then you need to make sure NMM/BOSS has placed the mods in the correct load order (as described below).

    If you are having problems with a custom race and Better Vampires, please ensure that your load order is as follows:
    The correct load order for playing with Better Vampires is:

    Official DLC, including Dawnguard
    Unofficial Patches (if you use them)
    RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp (only if you use the USKP/USLEEP)
    Custom Races
    Better Vampires esp

    If problems persist, you may have another mod modifying the PlayerVampireQuest. Move Better Vampires after that mod and everything should work as designed.

    If you are still having problems PLEASE contact me. Everyone, so far, who has had issues with Better Vampires that contacted me was able to play normally with a custom race afterwards. I can't help you, if I don't know what the problem is.

    Here are some instructions by user Octoboy about a full BV upgrade:

    Since so many people seem to have problems with Better Vampires and RaceCompatibility (myself included), I decided to write a very detailed, step-by-step guide that helped me play my custom race with Better Vampires. Here goes:

    My situation:
    Ningheim Race, BV 6.1, RaceCompatibility+USKP+BV, all DLC + all Unofficial Patches

    Flagged as Vampire
    HAVE Keyword Undead
    HAVE Keyword Vampire
    NOT using BV Scripts

    Here’s what I did:
    Using the BV MCM -> Clear/Reset BV Mod
    Using the BV MCM -> Reset Sanguinare Vampiris (curing vampirism)
    Saving the game in a new slot
    Exit Skyrim

    Using the NMM -> Uninstall BV
    Using the NMM -> Uninstall RC
    Using the NMM -> Install RC WITHOUT BV

    Load Skyrim Save from earlier.
    Save in another, new slot
    Exit Skyrim

    Using the NMM -> Uninstall RC
    Using the NMM -> Install BV
    Using the NMM -> Install RC with BV (overwriting the VampireQuest scripts from BV)
    Using the NMM -> Arrange Load Order

    All DLC
    Unofficial Patches
    And at the bottom, after all other plugins, finally Better Vampires

    Load most recent save
    Using the BV MCM -> Reset Sanguinare Vampiris (to become infected)
    Wait for 36 hours

    Finally, … FINALLY everything is working!

    I hope someone might find this useful!

  2. TMPhoenix
    • premium
    • 409 kudos
    Go HERE for the Special Edition version!

    XBox 1 version on
  3. TMPhoenix
    • premium
    • 409 kudos
    Added Sacrosanct compatibility patch. Kicks in whenever the player gets converted into a vampire (not via setrace). It adds all custom races known at that time to Sacrosanct.
    So if you play around a lot with different custom races, you may need to get reinfected to get Sacrosanct to pick it up.

    If you are having any Sacrosanct + RC related issues, please contact me as I;m trying to see if there is a problem with the patch.
  4. Tadashi66
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is there a reason why when i instal the mod and activated it the game dosnt open?
    1. TMPhoenix
      • premium
      • 409 kudos
      PM me your load order and include info on which audio and subtitle language you are using.
  5. CRUYFF77
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have a proplem
    i use cotr races and started the dawnguard dlc choosed vampire and transformed to it in the first quest they react to me as mortal i tried diffrent things to solve it in the end tried the player.setrace and worked and react to me as vampire buuuuuuut when i transform into vampire lord and revert it
    i am back to to mortal form 
    i can just do the player.setrace thing but it has big chance to just freeze crash and have to reset my pc again because it’s a mid one plz any advices?
    1. TMPhoenix
      • premium
      • 409 kudos
      let's continue this in the PM you sent me.
    2. Tadashi66
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Me to actualy
  6. MaeveWolfanir
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I'm currently on nolvus and my race is not recognized as a vampire, any ideas?
  7. boslog
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    • 0 kudos
    does this thing work with The Ningheim Race x Better Vampires 8.9? because i uninstalled BV 8.6 and installed 8.9.. some features worked but i cant feed and when i check at my status it says im not undead and not a vampire either and it means im not using a vanilla race which means this race compatibility thingy not working
    1. TMPhoenix
      • premium
      • 409 kudos
      Did you try the BV update procedure in the sticky above?
  8. WuTangSam
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    Hi there, My character becomes a half werewolf after/during transformation(s) (like wearing a werewolf suit) and items such as weapons an spells are equipped on my character. Does your mod have any files that modify the scripts for changing into a warewolf?
    if so, is there any way i can locate this file/script? and if i were to delete the script/file would it solve my problem by any chance?

    Kind Regards.
    1. TMPhoenix
      • premium
      • 409 kudos
      No. There is one (optional) script related to werewolves. You can leave that out, but I doubt that would cause this issue, as it does not change the default script that much...
  9. Mookeylama
    • premium
    • 88 kudos
    1st, thanks for all your continued work over the years! kudos
    and i'm sorta in a weird situation i guess. i'm playing an old playthru and using racecomp 1.88 and better vamp 6.6. and a custom race by shinglecat.

    is it worth me updating race compat at all? i wasn't gonna update better vamp this game. if it's worth updating racecomp, how's the best way to do it? just overwrite (i still have the old uskps to lol), clean save using a dummy esm? any advice appreciated thanks

    edit; oh and i'm seeing a few errors in dialog topics like...
    [INFO:0004BCAE] ('<Error: No strings file for lstring ID 0000001D>' in GRUP Topic Children of DB09GiannaRaceArgonianTopic [DIAL:0004BC86])

    seems to be all DB09GiannaRaceDarkElfTopic type topics. are those okay?
    1. TMPhoenix
      • premium
      • 409 kudos
      The errors should be harmless or even false positives, since those entries are all already in the base game.

      As for updating RC; just make sure it is a version that is specifically compatible with the BV version you are using, otherwise things will break on the BV side.
    2. Mookeylama
      • premium
      • 88 kudos
      ok thanks much! so if i update RC can i just overwrite, or do i need a clean save?
    3. TMPhoenix
      • premium
      • 409 kudos
      For RC you can safely overwrite... BV has some specific procedures to update, which if you use RC may involve changes to RC as well as part of the procedure.
    4. boslog
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      what version can RC support coz last i checked BV is at version 8.9
    5. TMPhoenix
      • premium
      • 409 kudos
      The latest version should work.
  10. Albinox007
    • member
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    I use The ningheim race and sacrosanct,  when I get vampirism the game doesn't consider me a vampire, i can turn into a vampire lord but in mortal form I no have vampire spells and the castle npcs tell me i'm a mortal, but when i change  the races like nordic and make a new game the vampirism works normally.

    Solved: I downloaded this mod Sacrosanct and RaceCompatibility Race Patches 

    1. AleDerXan
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      • 0 kudos
      Have you checked the mod in the Creation Kit to make sure that your special race is added to the appropriate lists?
      So that, the order number of the race in the list for normal races and for vampire races is the same.
      You may need to do some sort of compatibility patch.
      By selecting both "your race mod" and "Race Compatibility.esm" as sources. But without selecting any mod as active.
      You can quickly open up the lists you need via "use info" on vanilla races and their vampire counterparts.
      Simply drag and drop your race from the "Object Window" to the lists.
      Make sure the index number in this lists is the same for both versions of your race.
      Insert the race into both lists, keeping the index number, save "mypatch.esp", and put closer to the end. At a minimum, after the race mod.
      If you are confident, and have made backups, you can mark the "race mod" as active, and make changes to it immediately.
      And of course, you have to make sure that the vampire version of the race has all the right keywords.
      Like "undead" and "vampire".
      You can look them up verbatim with the vanilla vampire playable races too. And copy those keywords from there.
    2. TheOtherDarkMeat
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      • 0 kudos
      Had the same issue and wasn't even using any special race. What solved it for me was manually adding a rule in LOOT for the sacrosanct.esp to load after RaceCompatibilityUSKPOveride.esp. You need the sacrosanct patch to run both mods  but for some reason it consistently breaks being able to turn into a vampire for me if its loaded after sacrosanct, with or without any other vampire/race related mods.
    3. TMPhoenix
      • premium
      • 409 kudos
      Make the override load directly after the esm files or just disable it.
  11. timothyk12
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    hi any chance ull update this for better vampire 8.8?
    1. TMPhoenix
      • premium
      • 409 kudos
      I'll check if an update is needed ASAP.
    2. TMPhoenix
      • premium
      • 409 kudos
      The mod has been updated.
    3. timothyk12
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you!
    4. timothyk12
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      do u know if this will work with 8.9
    5. TMPhoenix
      • premium
      • 409 kudos
      ... Dunno. will have to have another look and update if needed ASAP.
    6. TMPhoenix
      • premium
      • 409 kudos
      The current version should still work with 8.9, as far as I can tell.
  12. xxassassinxx0142
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    For people using succubus race, this, and Better Vampires. If you cannot get it to work then this is what I did to make it work. Idk if it matters but I was having the error saying script was being overwritten blah blah something 666 and got it to work still so if you are having that maybe this will help. I also use mod organizer

    First test and type into console commands "player.setrace succubusracevampire" and see if that fixes your issue. This allowed me to feed and stuff but my rank and blood points would never change.

    1. This will require a race change so I recommend race menu, I think that is the mod I have that allows you to import and export character appearances.
    2. Go into Better Vampires MCM and under troubleshoot select reset Sanguinare Vampiris 
    3. Back out and let it run its thing then go back in and select Blank Better Vampires
    4. Let that finish and then open console command and type "showracemenu" & export your character then select any race, I chose Breton

    5. Save the game and close Skyrim

    6. For MO just disable BV. For NMM and Vortex Uninstall Better Vampires
    7.For NMM and Vortex reinstall this mod(Race Compatibility)

    8. Run Skyrim and save then quit again.

    9. Reenable/Reinstall Better Vampires
    10. Make sure this mod is overwriting Better Vampires

    11. Open Skyrim and load save from step 8
    12. I know this is weird but save and quit Skyrim again
    13. Run Skyrim and go into Better Vampires and select reset Sanguinare Vampiris 
    14. Wait or use this mod Become A Vampire Anytime
    15. Open Race Menu and change race to succubus race, then import your character's looks and stuff
    16. Open console commands and run "player.setrace succubusracevampire"
    17. Go feed and see if it fixes, it did for me so I hope it does for you too.

    NOTE: I haven't gotten to test this yet fully but for my sanity I hope it does. I can't restart another character   :X
    1. lolwhyumad
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Saved my Save , thanks mate for the tip =]
  13. RavenGiordano
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    So how do I use the Moonlight tales option with the installer? Whenever I try installing it the only options I get are related to vampires and the unofficial patch.
    1. TMPhoenix
      • premium
      • 409 kudos
      For the oldrim version of the mod that option does not exist at this time.
      You can however manually overwrite the"PlayerWerewolfChangeScript.pex" file with the MT version and that should have the same effect.
    2. RavenGiordano
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      • 1 kudos