

  1. ProbablyManuel
    • premium
    • 335 kudos

    Requiem including its documentation is no longer actively developed for Skyrim Legendary Edition. When installing Requiem you should therefore follow the nearly identical installation instructions from Skyrim Special Edition. The crucial difference are in the requirements section where you need the following dependencies instead.
  2. YitanTeiretsu
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Translate for spanish for 4.0.3 version?
  3. Blackgost7
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    The "Requiem for the Indifferent.esp" patch is not enabled in your load order. This patch is created by the Reqtificator and it must be generated when you install or update Requiem, and also when you modify your load order.Since your current game would become unplayable, we will send you back to the main menu. Please exit Skyrim and run the Reqtificator according to ou to our Installation Guide.Requiem for the Indifferent is missing
    I encountered this problem, what should I do?
  4. dommac99
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The installation instructions are blocked from any link that isn't directly taken from this page. 
    1. ProbablyManuel
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      I don't understand what you mean by that.
    2. katcirce
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      I thiiink he means the link on the files page. 
      "Make sure you read the installation instructions!"
      At least I have to log in to an Atlassian account when I click this link :D
  5. Flappox
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    0 un-install tips or anything . I dont want to re-install Skyrim , uninstalling this mod fucks up the game , the devs of this mod clearly fucked up a lot of things when creating this mod , imagine not having an uninstall manual or anything lmao
    1. ProbablyManuel
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      You uninstall Requiem like any other mod through your mod manager and then delete the Requiem for the Indifferent.esp.
  6. Manister1000
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I want to remove immersive citizens and frostfall because I'm getting a lot of ctds in the game.

    But whenever i do that requirm for the indifferent gets disabled on it's own saying that there are missing masters ( frostfall.esp and immersive_citizens.esp) 

    What can I do to fix this? The game is literally unplayable
    1. ProbablyManuel
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      Rerun the Reqtificator.
  7. Rinnywheats
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm trying to install this, but I'm running into a problem- Reqtificator.Bat doesn't seem to be in the latest version. I've made the MO2 exe and manually looked for it, but I can't find it. I've reinstalled twice now, and no luck. When I run the MO2 exe, it confirms:
    "reqtificator.bat is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program" 
    Any information would be helpful!
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hey man

    The Reqtifictaor keeps saying :
    The Reqtificator has been unable to import the mod ccBGSSSE001-Fish.esm, which seems to be corrupt. Please remove this mod from your load order or
    try to figure out what is wrong with this plugin.

    When i try to block it, it will be all the other creation club mods, and finally if i block them all i'll say that Unofficial Skyrim patch require them.
    It's really frustrating i don't know why they are "corrupted" as i installed the game for the first time today. I've followed all the instructions yet cannot get it to work
    Thanks for the help
    1. ProbablyManuel
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      Requiem 4.0.3 requires Skyrim Legendary Edition. You probably want Requiem 5.4.5 which requires Skyrim Special Edition.
  9. Ladimira
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm trying to follow installation instructions for ModOrganizer and I keep getting this message
    "The Reqtificator needs to be located in the SkyProc Patchers\Requiem subfolder of Skyrim's Data folder. Please note that missing read/write
    permissions for the respective folders also trigger this message.

    Mod Organizer: Please check that the 'Start In' argument of the executable you defined in MO points to SkyProc Patchers\Requiem folder in your Skyrim-Data folder, not the one in the folder where Mod Organizer unpacked Requiem. "
    Executable in ModOrganizer is pointing to Skyrim/Data folder as per instructions, but there is no "SkyProc whatever" folder. 
    I tried to copy it there from where mod organizer unpacks Requiem, but it still doesn't work.
    Skyrim is Steam LE version.
    How should I fix it? 
    1. ProbablyManuel
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      This error message predates the introduction of the Reqtificator.bat. The "Start In" argument must point to Skyrim/Data as stated in the installation guide.

      I'm not aware of what causes your issue or how to fix it. I haven't heard of such a report for a long time, and this kind of problem should be impossible with the Reqtificator.bat file.
    2. Ladimira
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      ok, thank you. At least I'll know not to look at this error message. 
    3. SkyDog30
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      got same problem here 
    4. maxyile
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      same problem to i've uninstalled everything even all the mods and the game and dlc's and still doesnt work
    5. Ladimira
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Looks like I have a theory about this problem
      Last version in SE-Requiem is 5.4.5
      Last version here, in LE in files available to download is 4.0.3
      Is it really latest? Or are you making updates only for SE version?
    6. ProbablyManuel
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      Requiem is no longer actively developed for Skyrim Legendary Edition.
  10. SkyDog30
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i cant run reqtificator.bat to generate indiference.esp, im using NMM when i try to run it always says 
    "reqtificator.bat is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program" 

    i need help 
  11. TheMighty9000
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can anyone else not access the Confluence/Atlassian website to get the install instructions? Why do we have to make an account to read some instructions?
    1. ProbablyManuel
      • premium
      • 335 kudos
      No information about Requiem has been hosted on Atlassian for a long time. Please follow the instructions in the sticky post right above your comment.