

  1. Chesko
    • supporter
    • 3,936 kudos
  2. Chesko
    • supporter
    • 3,936 kudos
    Please check below to see if your issue is noted here before posting a comment.

    Topic 1: "How do I stop rain and snow from clipping through shelters, roofs, etc?"
    Please use this mod. Note that the author hasn't implemented support for my tents yet; he has a Work In Progress version of that here. Please check that mod's change log for the latest information.

    Topic 2: "In my Papyrus log, I see a bunch of errors that start with _Frost_! Is that from Frostfall? Is that bad?
    Yes, they are from Frostfall. They are, 9 times out of 10, harmless.

    Topic 3: Will you make a version compatible with Tropical Skyrim? / Will you add different racial bonuses and penalties?
    No. Please see my FAQ page.

    Topic 4: Is this compatible with the Winter Edition of Climates of Tamriel?
    A future version of Frostfall 3 will be more deeply compatible with the Winter Edition. Please look forward to that.

    Topic 5: I am unhappy with the fundamental concepts behind how the Exposure system works (the point scale, the way points are lost, so on). Can you change it? / I am unhappy with any or all of the 3 different ways this mod can be activated. Can you change it?

  3. Chesko
    • supporter
    • 3,936 kudos
    When is X coming out / when will the next version of X be available?

  4. Chesko
    • supporter
    • 3,936 kudos
    The development status of this mod is: Active development
    The support status of this mod is: Active support

    This means that you should expect new versions of this mod to be released every few weeks or months. This also means I will be observing these boards and answering questions as they arise.
  5. Chesko
    • supporter
    • 3,936 kudos
    Hello everyone,
    I know the wait has been long. I'm glad that 3.0 is finally ready!

    I know you must have a thousand questions. "Is this compatible with XYZ?" "How do I upgrade?" "What's new in this version?" I encourage you to please read the Frostfall 3 Primer, the FAQ, and the Compatibility pages found on the Frostfall website. They should help answer most of your questions and get you on the right track.

    As always, a new game will end up being a cleaner and easier experience. However, I have provided a set of instructions to move you from 2.6 to 3.0, found in the Quickstart Guide. It should answer all of your install and upgrade questions.

    Please have fun!

    - Chesko

    What's Coming Next:

    The focus of future Frostfall updates will be world-focused features, like exposure affecting NPCs, in-world wood harvesting, and even more compatibility enhancements.

    About Documentation:

    The Frostfall 3 Primer, Quickstart Guide, and the FAQ[6] should answer most of your questions.
  6. Chesko
    • supporter
    • 3,936 kudos
    A note about translations

    If you are a translator, please see here for how I handle translations of my files. Thanks!

    A note about videos

    If you are a video content creator, please familiarize yourself with my guidelines for featuring videos on the front pages of my files. Thanks!
  7. Shadeybladey
    • premium
    • 20 kudos

    I used this mod (Chesko_Frostfall) for years, but I just don't know what the hell you were thinking with the latest update.

    You totally ruined the meters. I spent over an hour getting them poitionsed correctly, because BOTTOM, LEFT and BOTTOM RIGHT just did not move them at all. It had absolutely FECK. ALL. effect on their position, whereas the older version worked perfectly. And the meters are not even the same size any more.

    And now when I sleep in a bed, it has zero effect on my Fatigue level. I wake up hungry, thirsty and EVEN MORE TIRED. So RND is borked as well.

    And Campfire. What the hell is that all about? "Fur Plate"? What's wrong with Cleaned Pelt? I thought "Fur Plate" was some sort of hardened fur bowl for eating out of!

    Positioning a tent - much more clunky and cumbersome and even though the thing is blue, I cannot place it where I want because the text for positioning comes up only at random.

    What a desperately tragic thing - a pefectly fine, excellent mod ruined by Over-Sophistication.


    1. dissembly
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      The Top/Bottom/Centre settings are not for repositioning the meters, they are for deciding which part of the meter counts for repositioning. You have to adjust the X and Y co-ordinates to actually reposition them on the screen.
  8. nikita7773gtg
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello everyone.Does Frostfall work together with survival mode in SE-AE???
    1. lechkingofdead
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      so far i dont think so becase i have had bugs appear though it may also be from the campign mod. about to turn survival off for the sake of stability
  9. seif001
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello everyone.Does Frostfall work together with survival mode in SE-AE???

     I want to know this too! I can't make it work, I go so far as making Campfires work, but whenever I enable Frostfall game won't launch... no error message, nothing, just won't launch.
  10. godoffur
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I don't know if this is a bug or intentional, but my character is always glowing, the color of the glow depending on exposure. this is really annoying and breaks immersion a bit. is there an option somewhere to turn it off? ive looked, but couldn't find anything. 
  11. Shadeybladey
    • premium
    • 20 kudos
    What spells are included with this and why are they not in the Description?
    1. InDarkestNight
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      This mod has its own website detailing all its features.
      That said, this mod adds in two conjuration spells that let you summon a camping site, another that lets you summon a cloak, and then some alteration spells that temporarily increase your warmth. There's already some patches available for the spells from this mod if it bothers you, though honestly since none of the new spells are really useful in combat it probably doesn't matter too much.
  12. jss1138
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I like the idea of this, but I don't like that it depends on the Camping mod.  I have ZERO interest in camping in Skyrim.

    Additionally, Frostfall seems to be adding weather, not just responding to it.  Faced several full on blizzards in Riften and Falkreath with this thing turned on.

    Would love to give it a try if it were better refined and separated from Camping.
    1. Ty13rB34L
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      same. I find myself in the freaking camping menus for 5 mins every 15 mins. I would be cool if I only had to camp once an hour or something more reasonable. I should not have to drastically alter my gameplay in a way where I'm constantly in menus checking on how much wood I have or how much extra weight I have to dedicate to carrying 4 pairs of extra clothes. s#*! takes forever just to travel to one place to get a quest done. Makes it where you want to only fast travel everywhere.
  13. Xylac463
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Не рекомендую оставлять меховую броню в инвентаре, иначе они пропадут, а вес останется.
  14. Inatun
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is there a way to upgrade your armor so that it provides more warmth and cover? Just started a new playthrough using this mod for the first time and on my way up to Bleak Falls Barrow I found I had to choose between wearing my most protective armor and not having debuffs due to the cold. I know about the Modify Equipment ability, but my understanding is that that's meant to be used for equipment added by other mods. What I'm curious about is if it's possible to add fur or extra coverage to armor using the in-game crafting system.
  15. Goober5520
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    does this work with wet and cold, cloaks of skyrim, and wearable lanterns?
    1. ADovahkiinBosmer
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Yes, yes and yes. Wearable lanterns doesn't have any sort of conflict anyway, its safe. Cloaks of Skyrim: this mod itself (or is it Campfire?) adds cloaks so..... Wet & Cold also includes the snow/wet shader thing on your body, but they don't conflict. Only one will appear on your body even if you enable both mods' shaders. Sauce: I run all 4.
  16. benjikill
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, xbox player here. I understand we do not have access to skyUI, that makes it the warmth value of each item is not showing, only the total in the corner. Is there a way to implement that? It would be so awesome! Thank you for the mod, and forget about the milk drinkers complaining about campfire.