

  1. Sku11M0nkey
    • premium
    • 264 kudos
    10,000 Endoresments?! OMG! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
    I can't thank you guys enough for all of the support you have given me. I never though that this mod would ever break 100,000 downloads let alone 10,000 endorsements and today I'm looking at the numbers and I'm just speechless. Thank you so much! I hope my next updates will live up to your expectations.

    Read The FAQs, Solutions to common Problems, Incompatible mods and the Installation Instructions before you post a Question/issue:

    So Wow holy Crap A super HUGE thank you To Gopher for his amazing review. I always hoped that my mod would get a video review some day I Never imagined I'd actually have it featured on the front page of the nexus. That being said there is much more on the horizon for this mod so please take a few minutes to read below:

    Notice Regarding the Shrines:

    While I don't mind hints or private messages please don't post the locations of any of the shrines on the comment thread. The reason for this is because It's not fair to the original winners of the Shrine Scavenger hunt. When I first posted the 1.6 version of this mod I made finding all 9 shrines a contest. The first person to find all 9 would get a character in the mod named after them. It took about 2 months but 2 people correctly reported the locations of all 9 shrines on the same day.I have not forgotten that achievement and they will both have characters named after their username or one of their Skyrim characters included in this mod at some point. 1 in the tower updates and another in the guild expansion... hopefully.

    Finding the shrines is meant to be a difficult achievement and not easily done in a few days. I ask that you please honor their achievement as well by not blatantly posting the shrine locations in the comments. Thank you =)

    Solutions to Common Problems:

    1) My bed/Candles/some other thing is out of place - This is a load order issue due to other mods having dirty or intentional edits. Breezehome is THE most modded cell in Skyrim, both accidentally and intentionally. Mainly because most people want to improve it and/or they don't care about it so they use it as a source to copy furniture and other items from. BOSS unfortunately doesn't place this correctly in the load order as it is out of date.The best place to put this is nearly last in your load order. This will ensure the best results. I load 196 mods and BFU is loading #152 for me. If it's floating candles most likely you are Using ELFX or some other lighting mod and its repositioning the candles. Load this mod AFTER all ELFX mods and use my 2.0 ELFX patch. (load my patch either before or after BFU. I prefer before as it creates a brighter interior).

    2) Big chunks of my walls/floor/roof disappear when I move around the house - this is due to Skyrim Project Optimization. Simply download the "No Player homes" version and you'll be fine.

    3) Mannequins walk around all over the place!!! - this is a vanilla skyrim bug. You can use this mod to help with that:

    4) One of the weapon racks on the downstairs racks won't let me put any weapons on it?!! - That's because you put a big 2 handed weapon or bow on either side and it is obscuring the action box. Remove the big weapons, place all small items on the rack first and work from the center slots out and you should be fine.

    5) My bed is turned 90 degrees or in a funky position - you have one of the sex, spouse or immersive bed mods installed that modifies the master bed and it's trying to return the bed to it's old position. Uninstall your sex mods and clean it with the skyrim script cleaner (obtained here: then use the resetinterior console command. Sometimes it takes some time for the bed to "refresh" it's position. Also make sure this mod is loading last in your load order.

    6) I can't buy the child bedroom upgrade! - This is due to another mod corrupting the hearthfire child bedroom scripts. Find and remove the corrupted mod and reinstall hearthfires to refresh the vanilla scripts to fix this issue. May need to use the skyrim script cleaner to clear out the old script markers in your save game:

    7) Animation stuck and unable to craft:
    (Pointed out by ZZZ02) This is sometimes caused by the auto-sort containers and it is only caused if you have compatible items in BOTH your inventory and storage. Either use the store all option before crafting or empty and disable the containers (NOTE the alchemy container and possibly the enchanting container starts out with items in it so check them first) - That being said this only happens SOMETIMES as it is usually related to having too many scripts running at the same time and your system/skyrim's engine gets bogged down by them.Less scripts and less Mods generally = more stability.

    Once again thank you again for all of your patience and support!

    Also available on the steam workshop:
    Hearthfires + Dawnguard Edition
    Dawnguard Only Edition
    Non-DLC Edition

    i.e.  Hearthfires + Dawnguard requires that you have BOTH hearthfires and Dawnguard DLC installed and active.  This shouldn't require saying Buuuut it does.

    I'm sad to report folks that there won't be a Hearthfires only version. At least not in the foreseeable future. I just spent the last 50 - 60 hrs trying to get a version to work and it's just not happening. I've tried taking my HF + DG version and stripping out the dawnguard elements as well as building up the non-DLC and adding the HF functionality. Due to the way Hearthfires alters quests, navmeshes and location data there is just no stable way of doing an HF version of this mod without starting from scratch. Considering this mod took 3 months to make I'm just not going to do that. At least not any time soon. I'm sorry to leave you HF only guys out in the cold but I just have to move on. I tried. I will say it's worth it to get Dawnguard. Its a great DLC with loads of new quests that are great even if you're not interested in becoming a werewolf or a vampire and you'll be supporting bethesda to make more DLC and more great games. I highly reccomend it.

    Also previous 1.6 users need to absolutely purge the old version from their system before upgrading.  Delete the .bsa, .bsl and .esp files or at least move them completely out of your skyrim folders.  There was an errant script that was causing purchasing issues for the bedroom.  

    Installation Instructions:

    1) remove all items from Breezehome (use console command "TGM" to toggle god mod on/off so you can carry all of your stuff - start sprinting to activate) 
    2) make a NEW save of your game outside of breezehome. 
    3) uninstall all breezehome related mods (some mods may not seem to be related but actually have dirty edits of breezehome that can cause conflicts so this may take a bit of testing to get it right) 
    4) Load skyrim again with the vanilla breezehome and make another NEW save. (Optional step - If you are having trouble with adopting childeren you can revert to this save and adopt them while breezehome is still Vanilla.)
    5) Subscribe/Install this mod 
    6) Set this mod to load last or close to last in your data files load order (if using NMM or SKSE do the same there)
    7) Start up skyrim then enter the Bannared Mare. Hit f5 to quicksave then f9 to quick load. (this resets Garath so his sound files are actually loaded. If you don't do this he'll be silent. you may need to repeat this process when first meeting Ceric or Henselt as well.) If he's not even in the bannared mare Quit the game entirely and restart skyrim.  If he doesn't show up after one or 2 times of doing this. Delete the .esp, .bsa & .bsl files and redownload the mod (Steam and Nexus have been having download problems lately for some reason)
    8) Enjoy the mod. If you are upgrading from the previous version of this mod you can give yourself $10000 to replace the money spent on your upgrades previously. Some prices have gone up to help balance gameplay and leveling.
    9) Buy Vanilla upgrades from the steward.  Buy 13 new upgrades from Garath in the Bannared Mare.  Buy an additional upgrade or two from either Ceric or Henselt depending on your Dawnguard Alliance.

    Special Note on Lighting:

    For the best Lighting performance and setup do the following:
    1) Uninstall all other lighting mods you have currently
    2) download and install RLO version 4.0 in my "optional downloads" section and install it with the "ELFX" option. (this installs the lighting profiles but not the extra lights. Install via NMM)
    3) Go and download the latest version of the "Enhanced Lights & Effects" mod and select the "no breezhome" version during installation. Install everything else as normal. This mod adds all of the additional lights and FX that makes Skyrim look amazing. (Make sure you install via NMM) You can find that mod here:

    That is the lighting setup I used to get the results you see in the photos. Note installing RLO after ELFX will change the coloration of the lighting slightly so you can play around with the installation and load order to get the lighting saturation you prefer.

    Uninstallation Instructions:

    1) Go to Proventus/Brill and buy back the vanilla kitchen upgrade if you have purchased the fireplace upgrade (IF YOU DON'T DO THIS YOU WILL HAVE A BIG HOLE IN YOUR HOUSE!)
    2) If you purchased the housecarl upgrade do the following:
    a) open up the console and type "prid e4eca" and hit enter
    b) with the console still open then type "enable" and hit enter
    4) If possible remove all followers and wait until childeren are playing outside of the house. (If you want to make EXTRA certain things go smoothly move your family to another house if you have one and replace the children's bedroom with the study)
    5) Save and quit.
    6) Uninstall the mod via NMM. (If using steam workshop unsubscribe from the mod then delete the mod files from your Data directory just to be sure)
    7) Restart Skyrim. (the next to steps are optional but recommended)
    8) Open the console via the "~" key and type "PCB" then hit enter.
    8) Type "resetinterior whiterunbreezehome" then hit enter.

    All should be well in the world. Save again and you should be good to go from there on out.

    Incompatible Mods:

    - Immersive Interiors adds exterior scenery some of which clips through the basement and the stairway into the basement. It also adds identical exterior scenery to so it also causes a performance hit. You can use immersive interiors but you need to use the "No Player Homes" option.
    - Dragonreach Hideout as it uses the same waterfall exit.
    - Because this mod rewrites just about every aspect of the breezehome residence most breeze home mods will not be compatible with this mod.
    - 2k Texture pack plugs the holes in the roof with blacking so it's best to use the "repair roof" option in the ledger to remove the sunbeams.
    - Alchemy Ingredients Sorter - Causes issues with Alchemy table, (this mod might work if loaded before this mod so that my mod overwrites it in the load order.)
    - More dynamic shadows (causes lighting problems and an issue with a floor tile being out of place)
    - Skyrim Project Optimization - adds occlusion planes that makes certain parts of the house not render. You can use the "No Player Homes" version to remedy this.
    - Spouses can live Everywhere - dead mod that is outdated and does not support hearthfires as the author has not made it compatible with any of the DLC (the mod overwrites Hearthfire's scripts)
    - The Tainted Tankard - Contains dirty edits that causes conflicts inside breezehome.
    - Dragonborn House in riverwood - Casa del sangre - Has over 46 dirty edits and accidentally modifies nearly 30 cells and world spaces due to Author coping items from those cells. Great design but unfortunately causes instability and conflicts with many mods.
    - Original version of the "Hobbit Hole" mod - This original version of this mod had many dirty edits that caused problems with breezehome and other cells. I liked this mod so much though that I contacted the mod author and made a cleaned version for him. Look for it on his mod page.
    - Craftable Panties Bras and Stockings for CBBEv3M - Adds a funky floating chest to Breezehome and causes some clipping issues as well as a weird dude sleeping in your bed.... that last problem might have been completely unrelated.
    - Realistic Lighting Overhaul - This mod is NOT compatible with RLO. Not for lack of trying. I spent 5 hrs trying to make a compatibility patch to no avail. There is an older version of RLO in my optional downloads that you can install using the "ELFX" option which will work well. But the latest version of RLO modifies lights and lighting profiles in such a way that it makes them WAAAY More sensitive to flickering. So Sad to say I'm abandoning Trying to get my mod to work with RLO. In my and many player's opinionss ELFX, and RCRN are much better and more stable than the latest RLO. Personally I use ELFX with Climates of Tamriel and Realvision ENB.... there are other great ENBs out there as well but I feel ELFX + COT + Your ENB of choice is the way to go at this point.
    - Open Cities - Partially Incompatible. exterior elements have not been placed in the exterior world so they won't show up in the open cities mod. I may try to find a way to add them in the future though as a ledger option.... There will be a patch down the road for this as I love this mod.
    - HEARTHFIRES Display cases fix - This mod has dirty edits which cause problems with the master bedroom.
    - Immersive Beds - Causes master bedroom bed to turn sideways. This mod also has dirty edits and users have reported freezes when using this mod.
    - Animated Prositution - This mod causes the bed to turn sideways in the master bedroom as it has scripts that reference the original player bed. I have placed an attempted fix in version 1.7.8 but if you reinstall/uninstall those mods after setting the "master bed" you will have issues... not my fault. You have been warned.
    - Enhanced Spouses - this mod causes the same error as above because it also has scripts that reference the master bed. I have placed an attempted fix in version 1.7.8 but if you reinstall/uninstall those mods after setting the "master bed" you will have issues... not my fault. You have been warned.
    Adura's Skyrim Merchant Mod - This is a patched version of Adura's mod which moves the stall to be in front of breezehome vs next to it so you can run both mods. (Note: If you already have adura's mod installed you may need to uninstall the original mod first (after removing all of your items) create a separate save with it not active. Then install my version so that the stall actually moves to the correct location. (Your save game will "remember" where the stall is sometimes and hence you need to clear out it's memory of the stall's location for it to move).

    Frequently Asked Questions:
    0) "I installed your mod and I lost all my stuff!!!" Hmmm... sounds like to me you didn't read the installation instructions. Sadly you have lost all of your items forever until the end of time and simply disabling this mod and reloading a previous save will not give you everything back like it was before because I've magically sucked the data from your computer from (X)miles away with my mind! MOOO HOO HOO HAAA HAAA HAAAAAA!!! Seriously. Go read the instructions.
    1) "Is this Mod Hearthfire Compatible?" Helll yeah it is! Well...the hearthfire version is anyway. Sometimes the kids do get confused by adding the balcony door before you first Adopt them but other than that they seem all happy hunky dory in the house. And you can move them to breezehome from any other house without issue regardless of the upgrades.
    2) "My follower keeps going in and out of the front door! What gives!" Are you using an old version? Shame on you!! Now go upgrade! Don't have Hearthfires? Hang tight I have a version coming for you Dawnguard only folk.
    3) "Is this mod is not compatible with Enhanced lighting and FX?" Now but I had this really swanky addon that would make it play nice together... that is before Anamorphous decided to update his stinkin mod! (JK we love you Anamorphous your lighting is the T@#$!) So if you are still using version 1.5 of ELFX there is an optional addon file you can download. If you're running v1.6... sorry for the flickering... I've reported it to the landlord going to work on a 1.6 patch as soon as I can find the time.
    4) "SkullMonkey! All Lights flicker like crazy when I bust out a torch!" - WHAT ARE YOU DOING RUNNING AROUND WITH A LIT TORCH INSIDE YOUR HOUSE?!!! ;P In all seriousness there should be plenty of lights there where you shouldn't need to do that. If it appears dark load my mod last and it's lighting profile should take over and brighten up the place a bit. Adding a torch typically adds the 1 extra light that an object can't render and it essentially has to turn off one of the other lights it's rendering. I'd like to say this will be fixed in the Next version of the mod but I'm sorry I just don't like crappy simplistic lighting. I will be making it so that sans torch you will not see any flickering.
    4b) (other person raises hand) "But I'm not using a torch and it still flickers in places." ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! I'LL FIX THE DAMN LIGHTING!... Eventually maybe... when I have time... But don't expect it to work with a torch. :P
    5) "My spouse and/or Lydia was down in the tunnel! what on earth are they doing down there?!" - Mining I suppose... unless they are together in which case... you may need to find a new spouse.. or have threesome. NPCs can spawn anywhere within breezehome where there is a working navmesh. Just be thankful that they are such go getters! I mean where did you honestly think they got the materials for all those weapons your spouse sells?
    6) "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh I want Mannequins!!!!" - Why are you still asking this? I've added them already silly. Download the new mod. Want more? Well you're just gonna have to keep following this mod now aren't ya?
    7) "Duuuude it would be totally the BOMB if you could like add like a spa and a hot tub and a sauna so I can totally dovakiin it like a BOSS wit my B@#ches!" - Really? I'll jump right on that Captain Mcdouchington. That being said there will be a more elaborate space unlocked in the quest version of this mod which will have a large space with the collector in mind and a much larger lore friendly water feature.
    8 ) "Dear Sku11Monkey I'm an educated fellow you see and these winterhold book cases really won't do! Is there anyway I could swap the X, Y or Z for functioning bookcases instead?" - Short answer No. That would piss off everyone else who uses it. There are nearly 12,000 people currently using this mod and if I nixed it for them they'd lynch me at this point. However there is a really nifty "Library" upgrade you can buy to store every one of your precious little books. Incidentally I highly recommend using the "unlimited bookshelves mod" to enhance this.
    9) "SkullMonkey is this mod compatible with X,Y,Z, A,B,C and D mods?" First - check the description of my mod and see if it's listed under the "uncompatible mods" section. Second - How the @#$% should I know?! Last I checked there are currently tens of thousands of mods for skyrim. There simply isn't enough time in the day for me to check them all. I really don't know if a mod will work unless I run it myself. If it's a breezehome mod of any kind then 95% chance it won't. If its some other game-wide mod then my advice is to try it out and see. It's not going to break your game to try them together. Simply make a new save which you can use to experiment with. If the sky falls and your game crashes then disable the mod and load your previous save. I know it can be a little scary to try a new mod and when something goes wrong you immediately think it's corrupted your save. The good news is if you created a new save you can simply delete the offending save game and go back to an old one.
    10) "When I go into breeze home everything falls to the floor!" - *sigh* that's skyrim's broken havok physics system. Even though I set a bunch of stuff to "don't havok" they still do and hence fall to the floor. I've even gone so far as to add specific non havok scripts to each and every single item that I wanted to not havok, but sadly it only works 50% of the time.
    11) "Umm... what about those things floating creepily in the middle of the air" - Yeeeeeeeeaah... that's that non havok script I was telling you about. It's actually tremendously awesome once the script loads but sometimes Skyrim ignores it the first go round. Just pick up and sell them to belethor.
    12) What's the status of the next version of the mod?" - Hearthfire version is done. Dawnguard only version is next then working on a fireplace and a Tower set of upgrades which will make this mod 20% cooler.
    13) "HEY! non of the weapon racks, plaques, book cases, mannequins etc. work! What gives!" - Shhh shhh shhhhhhhhhh. Take a deep breath... walk out of the house. Then go back in and magically all will be well. (sometimes the activation scripts don't load if you're activating the mod while inside the house. Exiting and re-entering will fix this)
    14) "I keep trying to put these steel weapons garath gave me on the weapon racks/plaques/cases and they either disappear or fall on the ground behind me?! These racks must be broken!" - Actually no they are not. There is a "donothavokonload" script applied to all of garath's daggers as well as all of the free weapons that you get with the upgrades. Because of that script this weapons can't be mounted on any racks/plaques or cases. No freebies folks. Sell those weapons or melt em down if you have the mod for it.

    15) "HEY Garath won't talk to me!" Well that's because he doesn't like you and you smell like a dirty skeever! JK that means that skyrim hasn't recognized him or his voice files yet. Hit f5 then f9 to quick save and quick load and he should start gabbing away nicely. You may also need to do this for Ceric or Henselt as well.

    16) "Is this mod compatible with Dragonborn?/Are you making a version compatible for Dragonborn?" - Actually all versions of this mod are compatible with dragonborn as none of them reference any material for that DLC and Dragonborn doesn't alter breezehome in any way so it should be fine.

    17) "I found a quadrillion slaughterfish eggs in my alchemy satchel! WTF willis?! your mod is broken!!!" - No this mod isn't broken. I've just experienced this error for the first time myself and it wasn't anywhere near my house. In fact I experienced it in Fort dawnguard when I opened a barrel and found 500 tomatoes in it. I'm thinking it's either due to a really buggy Berserk mod that I added recently or the fact that I'm now loading 181 mods when I'm playing skyrim. I've been using my mod longer than anyone else and seeing as I'm just now experiencing it and I'm using the same version of the mod you guys are its due to one of the new mods I installed recently or the fact that I'm smashing my computer's memory banks with 180 of them. So yeah short answer it's not this mod doing it.

    Whew! I think that's it. If your question wasn't answered above let me know.

    Best Wishes,

    The Monkey.
  2. Sku11M0nkey
    • premium
    • 264 kudos

    Hello Everyone, 

    1st let me apologize for taking so long to get to porting this mod.  A lot of life has happened to me in the last 8 years and it's thrown me for more loops than I care to count.  However at the end of the day no excuse is really going to justify this long of a delay.  One of the main reasons was because I painted myself into a corner with those GAWD DAMN TOWERS!   I tried to do the hearth fires thing and give the player options where I was going to make it so you could ask Garath for 1 of three completely different tower expansions and there would be this whole cool building process where you got to meet some other handimen and the whole nine yards but to do that I had to have THOUSANDS  of objects occupying the same space both for the interior and exterior of breezehome with a navmesh that would work for all 3 versions of the tower.  If any of you have modded a hearthfire home, just imaging that... but about 50x worse.   In short it became a NIGHTMARE to work on and it sapped my motivation to the point where it became intimidating to work on. 

    Okay Monkey we've heard your big sob story so what's the deal now?! 

    Well I wanted to let you all know that I AM indeed porting this mod to Special Edition and I am working on it right now.   HOWEVER.  It's not going to be the same.  (although I'm juggling a lot at once so I'm chipping away at it a little each day). 

    Why not just port the existing mod? 

    Initially I WAS going to do just that.  One of you reached out to me and convinced me to do it but once I converted it and started checking it out in game with other mods I realized that it just looked very dated and had a lot of stuff that bothered me:

    1) it looked very plain jane compared to other mods out there or just bad.  The bathtub was shallow and pathetic, the dining room and kitchen just looked very basic, There was a useless corner of the basement that served no purpose and who the hell puts a library in a damp tunnel underneath the house?

    2) There's a whole bunch of missing Dragonborn content. 

    3) There are some lingering bugs/errors that need fixin. 

    4) As stated above the secret tunnel/library area needs to be reworked and separated structurally so that it can be utilized in other ways. 

    Okay so what state is the mod in right Meow?

    I'm glad you asked fair traveller!  I've been Renovating like a mad monkey!  Below are some screenshots of how things are coming along: 

    1st a new and improved Tub that's a respectable depth:

    2nd A passably decent improved dining room/Kitchen area:

    Added another bed for followers in Lydia's room:

    New and improved Enchanting Area with Swanky Dragonborn stuff!

    Moved the Alchemy Workstation to the useless corner of the basement and made it approximately 37.5% cooler complete with jar displays and a (hopefully) functional distiller (still working on it). 
    Added a dank mushroom mini grotto

    WIP ingredients display... hoping to do something special with this but it may end up being a horrendous failure.  If nothing else It'll have something interactive here at some point:

    So what's left to do?

    1) Bug fixes.  After converting it to SE I ran it through SSEedit and it ended up flagging some intentional changes I made to the upgrade quests as "Identical to Master" errors and now the kid's bedroom and master bedroom upgrades are not functioning properly... sooo gotta fix those... thanks SSEedit.>> DONE

    2) Separate the underground tunnel upgrade into a basic cleanup/secure door upgrade and then optional other upgrade (I'm going to leave the library as an option but I'll be relocating the library to a different location and offering other upgrades to this area in  future patches but gotta pave the way to be compatible with said patches.) >> In progress

    3) Gotta get the "Disenchanting font" to work properly  >> DONE

    4) Get the distiller working >> DONE (but will add more recipes in the future)

    5) get the alchemy display shelves working >> Having trouble with this one.  Having the alchemy container also process and display every alchemy item might prove to be a bit too much/too script heavy.   Trying to think of different solutions for this one. 

    6) Fix a pesky bug with Lydia (hopefully)

    7) Add tools to clear the exterior garden (and also do this for the Open Cities patch)

    8) Add some other displays/interactable items. >> In progress - Spider displays done. Need to do some more shelves and other things I had in mind for 1st release. 

    9) Optional shelf Toggleable SCROLL CRAFTING WORKBENCH to replace spider imbuer/display for folks that get creeped out by digital spiders... seriously tho no one warned me the static versions of the spiders had animated dangly legs... >> Spider display is done, optional replacement is In Development. 

    10) Update Options ledger 

    11) Custom texture work for some alchemy displays

    12) Add a small "treasure" display to the master bedroom.  (safe + displays for the thieves guild treasures) >> Half done... still want to work on the bottom portion where the safe is to give it some dynamic effects. 

    13) Testing and other bug fixes and then make sure everything works with the open cities patch. 

    The initial release of the SE version of the mod will be the base house with the above upgrades + the Open Cities patch.   Other patches I will get to after. 

    What about the damn towers are you just gonna throw all that away?!  All the cool Breezehome mods have towers nowadays you know!

    Yes I do still plan on doing the towers but in order to not drive myself crazy I'm going to have those be an expansion Patch and I don't think I'll be doing the whole quest building thing like I did previously because it would just overcomplicate things again.   I'll probably have people vote on which Tower patch to release first.  All versions of the tower will include the following:

    1) a super swanky kitchen even Gorden Ramsey would be happy to cook in

    2) A really swanky library/Trophy room to display all your cool stuff.

    There may be a 3rd upgrade or alternate upgrade which you might be able to stick in there such as maybe additional follower beds or a room for kicking back, relaxing and umm... taking interesting screenshots.   
    Also while I am using a lot of free resource packs from a lot of the great modders out there such as jokerine and oaristy to up the interior design a bit; I'm still trying to keep things as immersive, interactive and lore friendly as possible. 

    Will there be an LE version? 

    Sadly probably not.  All of these new changes are things that I have done AFTER I did the initial port of the mod to SE and given my limited time and that the majority of the community has moved on to at least some version of SE at this point I feel doing an LE version would just hold this mod back and delay future updates.... Besides you guys really gotta embrace SE... its a huge upgrade performance and stability wise from LE and Pretty much all must have mods have been ported... by... now.... *hangs head in shame*.... yeeeeaaaahh...... sorrry.... :/

    If I'm every feeling up to it or just truly masochistic I may try to finish off the nightmare version of the towers upgrade version of the mod. 

    Yeah yeah so WHEN is it going to be done?

    SoonTM... Again I'm trying to get this sucker done soonish/before the end of the world but my free time now a days is limited.  That being said I'm trying to chip away at it a little each day so I can get this out to you all. 

    Lastly... Thank you so much for still having interest in this mod after so many years... and again I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to get around to this. 

    Best wishes, 

  3. cizzymac
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is the GOAT Breezehome mod and I personally cannot wait for the updated SE version! Good luck in your modding endeavors!
    1. Enigmavariation
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Would I like an SE version of this? Does a cat have an arse!
  4. Drivenbydiamond
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    You have no idea how hyped I am for the SE port! I need Garith back in my life! Do you have an ETA in mind or is it a "it's done when it's done" kinda deal?
  5. Fwangster
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    This is awesome news!  I've never been satisfied with any of the Breezhome mods for SSE.  This mod was just too good.  This will be an immediate download when it's ready.  Thanks for doing this!!
    1. notepad
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Same!  I loved this mod in original Skyrim, and every Breezehome mod I've tried for SSE has not been all that good.  None have hit the spot the way this one did.
  6. HereToHelp
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This is my favorite Breezehome mod, and I'm incredibly happy to see it's finally getting the port it deserves to SSE. Godspeed, and I look forward to it coming out whenever it's ready <3
  7. biggmac89
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    I still remember this mod from 9 years ago and kept hoping for a port. So i'm very happy you're still around and have posted about progress on a port. Every other Breezehome mod just doesn't feel as good to me. I've stopped buying Breezehome altogether and at best buy the Tundra Homestead but its not substitute. I hope you are well these days and thanks for the work you put into making this mod.
  8. MiyaHortenciano
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Please, update the mod to Anniversary edition!!! This is the best breezehome, and the game just doesn't feel the same without it!!!!
    1. Sku11M0nkey
      • premium
      • 264 kudos
      It will be updated to SE 1st and it SHOULD work fine for AE as well as I don't have any SKSE scripts running in it.  But at some point I WOULD like to include fishtanks/aquariums in it so maybe a patch to include AE content down the road. 

      Also the new images you see above are from the SE version that is in development. 
    2. t3po
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      WOOTLES...can't wait...loved this home in regular Skyrim.
  9. BartlettBob
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    When I add this mod to a profile and run LOOT, I get a "deleted navmesh" warning along with a recommendation that I not play with this mod installed. Given the number of endorsements, I'm curious. Is this a problem or not?
    1. Sku11M0nkey
      • premium
      • 264 kudos
      The deleted Navmesh is actually not the fault of this mod.   Bethesda themselves created the deleted navmesh with the hearthfires DLC and even Elianora's version of breezehome has the same issue (which is still present in the SE version of the mod)  so that is something you can ignore.  (that being said I'm going to attempt to get rid of it in the SE version). 

      It's not a problem you need to worry about.  As for why LOOT says why they don't recommend my mod I'm not sure on that one.  This mod has nearly 400k downloads and many people have used it over the years with little to no issues.  So I'm not sure if I rubbed one of the LOOT members the wrong way but I think the main issue why they have trouble with my mod is because typically they like to load house mods earlier in the load order but because Breezehome is effected by so many lighting, overhaul, optimization etc. mods you have to load it as close to last in your load order as possible to avoid conflicts.    The only mods I typically load after my breezehome mod are things like open cities (which you need the patch for) and mods that alter lydia's appearance or ai package. 

      I currently have 656 mods in the SE build which I'm using to make the port and I'm loading this mod towards the end at slot 633. 
  10. Yunanesca
    • member
    • 2 kudos
     I was wondering if you ever deiced to do the honey side home I love to see that some day.
    1. Sku11M0nkey
      • premium
      • 264 kudos
      That's going to be a hot Maybe.  I first gotta get this mod out + some other stuff I have in mind. 
  11. Kurmanis
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Sku11M0nkey, since it's been almost a year after you last general update, I would assume that your followers would be glad to hear some news about the progress with the mod... 😉
    1. Sku11M0nkey
      • premium
      • 264 kudos
      Yes! sorry for the delay.  Real life and work have been kicking my butt and my busy season ran all the way until about a week ago or so.  I'm now back to chipping away at things and re-acclimating myself back to the creation kit and it's scripting.    Trying to figure out some scripting stuff that I want to do with containers as well as create optional/changeable work benches.   I will try to update the sticky when I make a bit more progress. 
  12. Moricano
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    What kind of rubbish is this?
    I installed the mod, I bought the house, I went in there was an oversized book, I read it, I did everything as written, uninstall the mod, go outside, save and do a thousand other things and then enter the game again, man for the love of God because This cannot be done the way many people have done it, in other constructions without having to do and have all this work.
    I entered the game confident that everything was going to be renovated and nothing was renovated, all the furniture was gone and all I got was just a house with empty rooms, before I had left it the way it was and not even wasted time with its buggy mod.
    1. Kalr3nth
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      You have to purchase the upgrades from a couple of places.  I'm only mentioning this because I've used this on dozens of playthroughs without the issue you describe.
    2. Moricano
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      I've already uninstalled a lot of things just to buy a renovated house, friend.There is a house in Riften that a developer made modifications to that house that you can buy there... the house looks great and you don't need to do anything, just buy it and go inside.There is also an update in the house in Solitude, the same system as in Riften, buying furniture and everything is simple.
      Upgrade in Riften

      This house mod was replaced by the house you get in Riften, the house was great, it was small and was completely renovated, that's what should have been done in this house in Breezehome.
    3. CompLady
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      A major point of this mod is that you.... buy the renovations. In game. First the main ones from Proventus Avenicci in Dragonsreach. Then you can buy additional ones from the NPC this mod adds in the Bannered Mare. Did you actually do that?
    4. jammen
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      The other main point of the mod is you get the house early, and its a crappy house. And it slowly gets better with you as get get more powerful, and get more gold and resources.
    5. Moricano
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Yes, I purchased the house first, and then I told him I want to furnish my house, as he said, I started buying it.
      Then I went to the other one, and did the same thing, and when I entered the house it was a huge mess, furniture on top of other furniture, it was barely possible to walk inside.... thanks for your attention, but I already uninstalled the mod a few days ago, I prefer it keep my castle which is in Riverwood called (Riverwood Keep) it has everything and is simple to install besides being much smaller in size than this one, there is no bug and it has several accommodations for children and followers, and it also has the option to deactivate the employees you have in the mod.

    6. Hyperfyre
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      If you had multiple pieces of furniture clipping through each other it sounds like you may have had furniture from the vanilla house or another mod not deactivating or cleaning up after itself properly.

      This mod has never caused me any issues, in the almost 10 I've had it in my load game, even on my own SE port.
    7. Sku11M0nkey
      • premium
      • 264 kudos
      Based upon your description it sounds like you have something conflicting with this mod.  As this mod edits a vanilla player home cell many mods could potentially conflict with this mod, overarching mods like lighting mods, optimization mods, some furniture mods, interior overhaul mods etc. tend to conflict with this mod.  There are also mods with "dirty edits" where novice modders often copy items from breezehome (such as bookshelves and the like) to paste into their own mod cells.  And because breezehome is a beginner interior that many are familiar with they often copy from it. 

      For this reason I always recommend that people load this mod as close to last in their load order as possible.   Any lighting mod you use will need to have a patch that removes any of it's edits from the "whiterunbreezehome" interior cell.   ELFX already has this but I'm not sure if Lux does yet or not... it's a fairly typical thing. 

      Also with regards to the Navmesh that's not the fault of this mod.   Bethesda themselves created the deleted navmesh with the hearthfires DLC and even Elianora's version of breezehome has the same issue (which is still present in the SE version of the mod)  so that is something you can ignore.  (that being said I'm going to attempt to get rid of it in the SE version). 

      That being said based upon your comments it doesn't sound like this mod is for you.... This mod is meant to be a progression based mod with a little bit of lore added vs the "Gifting the player a mansion" style mod.  It gives the player something to work towards and use all of that fancy alchemy money towards ;)