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About this mod

Replaces the default crit sound to Dark Souls Blood sound effect :). (the sound when you riposte in DS, etc.)

Permissions and credits
Replaces the default crit sound to Dark Souls Blood sound effect :). [the sound when you riposte in DS, etc.]

Enjoy! ♥

Side note: Its the same sound that Ethnet's "Dark Souls Blood Impact Sound" uses for normal attacks, but with my mod the sound only plays when you crit, alongside with the regular hit sounds.

  • Compatible with:
  • Sounds of Skyrim
  • Silent Skyrim - No Music
  • Improved Combat sounds
  • Immersive Sounds Compendium
  • Soulsborne Sound FX
  • (these are the ones i used with my mod installed)

Side note 2:
  • If this mod is not working allways just sometimes for you, there is a chance that you have a second sound effect for crits and that plays sometimes instead of mine (or nothing plays at all), in this case you gotta go to Skyrim/Data/Sound/fx/ui and you gotta copy the "ui_sneakattack_01" (thats the sound my mod uses) and you need to make a copy of it and rename it to "ui_sneakattack_01" or 03, 04 etc, if you have more than 2 variants, other than that it shoud work like charm!

Once again, have fun! ♥

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