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About this mod

Philmorex is a rideable, steerable dragon follower. He will accompany you in your travels, and will assist you in your battles - aside you, or while you are riding him. Use intuititve commands to fully control your flight. Call for him again at any time after you have asked him to wait or leave, and Philmorex will return to you.

Permissions and credits
  • Portuguese
This is the LE version of the mod. The SE version can be found here: Philmorex - A Rideable Steerable Dragon Follower (SE)

Phil's ride control system is available as a separate mod. For those who want to use this on vanilla dragons (like Odahviing, or bend-willed dragon) or other dragon followers, it can be found here: Intuitive Dragon Ride Control

Now released - My new mod Caistorshold Isle. Take  look :)

       "I don't know what to say. In my explorations of the coast, I have stumbled across a dragon near Brinewater Grotto. This dragon actually was not agressive at all! In fact I could approach him, and we talked. His name is Philmorex, and he seems to be waiting for someone he calls Dovahkiin. He wouldn't tell me more once he figured out that I am not this Dovahkiin. I am wondering what he meant... Maybe you have some idea on this?"

Your entry  point to this mod is a forgotten note on the Solitude docks. You can find it on a barrel at the T-junction of the docks. This note will point you to Philmorex' location (you may skip this part if you stumble over him by accident...). Once you have found Philmorex, you can talk to him and he will offer to accompany you. Accept him as a follower at any time, and you will learn the "Philmorex - Come" spell.

Philmorex as a follower

As a follower, Philmorex will accompany you anywhere in Skyrim and Solstheim. Of course, he will not be joining you in inside locations like buildings or dungeons.

While you are under attack, Philmorex will assist you in battle.

When you shout the "Philmorex - Come" command Philmorex will land close to you.

While he is landed, you can talk to Philmorex. You can ask him to ride him, or to wait at the current location, or you can dismiss him as follower.

If asked to wait, Philmorex will continue to orbit at the current location, until you command him to come to you - by using "Philmorex - Come" - from anywhere in Skyrim or Solstheim.

Likewise, after you have dismissed him, Philmorex will return to your service whenever you call "Philmorex - Come". Depending on how far he is away from you when you call "Philmorex - Come", it may take a while for Philmorex to fly to your current location. So be a bit patient with him.

Character Requirements

The "Dragon Rising" quest from Skyrim's main quest line must be completed before this mod's quest will start.

Dragon Ride Control

Please see IDRC for a detailed description on how Philmorex' ride control works, and how to enable Controller support for the ride controls.

Note that starting with Philmorex v3.0.0, you will need to add IDRC (v3.0.0 or higher) to your load order to enable Phil's ride controls. Phil will automatically benefit from any future updates delivered on the IDRC dragon riding. Just update to the latest IDRC version in your load order.

You can use Philmorex and Valminoor (from Caistorshold Isle) in the same playthrough. So you can always have one of the dragons following you, while you are riding the other. I am actually considering to make Val and Phil interact with each other in a future release.

Skin replacement

You can replace Philmorex' skin by downloading one of the skin replacement add-ons from this page.

Alternatively, you can also manually drop the .NIF file of your choice into the /meshes/actors/_ts_PR_Philmorex folder. Make sure to rename the NIF to _ts_PR_Philmorex.NIF! In case the NIF comes with specific (non-vanilla) textures, those will also need to be placed into the corresponding /textures folder.


Add the package to your game via a mod manager (recommended), or manually place the files from the package into the Data folder of your Skyrim installation.

IMPORTANT: If Dawnguard DLC is active, it needs be above Dragonborn in the load order. Otherwise you won't be able to cast spells while mounted.


  • Required: Dragonborn DLC
  • Required: SKSE


  • "Disable Follower Collision" Mod
    When used together with the "Disable Follower Collision" mod, you will observe that when Philmorex is landing close to you (or lands while you are mounted), he will continuously fall through the ground.This is a known issue of the "Disable Follower Collision" mod, which occurs with all allied dragons (dragon followers,  Bend Willed Dragons, and allied vanilla dragons like Durnahviir, Odahviing). It's addressed in the SE version of that mod, but unfortunately not in the LE version (SE version requires "Address Library for SKSE Plugins", which solves this issue. Unfortunately this Address Library seems not available for LE).

    Workaround Solution
    : Before interacting with Philmorex, enable Follower Collision by typing "tfcl" into the console. You can disable the follower collision again via "tfcl" after you are finished interacting with him.

  • Please see IDRC for a list of known compatibility requirements for Phil's ride control.

Version 3.0.0 Changelog

This version is providing the latest dragon ride features from Intuitive Dragon Ride Control v3.0.0 to Philmorex!
  • A fully manual combat mode
  • Ground movement control
  • Perch mode
  • A silent mode (no more roaring...)
  • An option to regenerate the Phil's health during combat
  • Several stability fixes

For details please see the IDRC description page, or watch this video.

IMPORTANT: Starting with Philmorex v3.0.0, you will need to add
IDRC (v3.0.0 or higher) to your load order to enable Phil's ride controls.

Going forward, Phil will automatically benefit from any future updates delivered on the IDRC dragon riding. Just update to the latest IDRC version in your load order.

Known issues

Please continue to report any issues you observe, and I will try to fix them.

Why this mod

I wanted a dragon that could become a follower, but could also be ridden and controlled. But, all the dragon mods I found were either "dragon follower" type mods, but with no riding options. Or "dragon ride" mods, without the possibility to have the dragon as follower. (There may be dragon mods out there which provide both follower and ride functionality. I am happy to cross-reference them here if you point me to them).

So I ended up implementing my own mod, but drew heavily from two particular dragon mods to make this happen:

Thanks to both authors for sharing their work. Without them, I would not have been able to get this mod done.

PS: This mod actually started as a sidequest of Caistorshold Isle.

Credits & References

I'd like to thank Darkfox127 for providing so many educative video tutorials on Skyrim modding. Without his videos it would have been much harder to ramp up on the CK, and papyrus scripting.

As I have mentioned above, this mod would not exist without drawing heavily on the resources from the following two mods:

Philmorex' voice was generated with SKVA Synth (by DanRuta).

Finally, thanks to IvyVilar for translating this mod to Portugese (Brazil), the translation can be found here.

Thanks to the authors for sharing their work!