About this mod
Add individual animations and sound effects for each food item.
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A unique sound will be produced depending on the type of food. Please see the video for details.
・Animation works only with the player, not while jumping or swimming.
・I like the feeling of use like Escape From Tarkov, so the animation playback time is as short as possible. (Length within 5 seconds)
・Since V1.6 displays food as a magic effect, the equipment slot is not used.
・Animation for chairs was added in V1.5, but some chairs work and some do not. (Does not work with bar stool or throne.)

・Cannot be used with mods that animate when eating or drinking. For iNeed --Food Water and Sleep, please turn off the animation function in MCM.
・It is not compatible with mods that modify vanilla food and drink records. Create a patch with TES5Edit etc.
・If you want to use animation for the mod to add new food, add two Magic Effects to the effect column of the food you want to animate with CK.
Set "aaaXXX_Animation_ME" to "Duration" in 5 seconds, then set "aaa_cooltimeTaberenai_ME" to "Duration" in 6 seconds.
No settings such as "Magnitude" or "Conditions" are required.
XXX is the name of the food. Please choose the one you like.
・Eating Animation and Sounds - CACO Compatibility Patch
A compatible patch with "Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul" created by Sette Lisette.
It corresponds to the added food graphic etc., and there are patches with other mods. Thank you for your wonderful work!
・Eating animations - My HD version and patches
High quality patch of food graphics created by Xtudo. And a collection of patches with multiple mods. Thank you for your wonderful work!
Future update schedule
・飲食時にアニメーションするmodとは併用できません。iNeed - Food Water and SleepなどはMCMでアニメーションの機能をOFFにしてお使いください。
・新規で食品を追加するmodにアニメーションを使いたい場合は、CKでアニメーションさせたい食品の効果欄に2つのMagicEffectを追加します。 "aaaXXX_Animation_ME"を"Duration"5秒間で設定して、その後に"aaa_cooltimeTaberenai_ME"を"Duration"6秒間で設定します。
・Eating Animation and Sounds - CACO Compatibility Patch
SetteLisette氏によって作成された"Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul"との互換パッチ。
・Eating animations - My HD version and patches