About this mod
Adds two deadly scythes made of twisted wood and decorated with bones. Variations of the Reaper Scythes from the G.R.I.M mod. Standalone.
- Permissions and credits

1. Skyrim (Duh)
Should be compatible with anything and everything. Does not integrate with G.R.I.M.!
Q: How do I get the weapon in game?
A: Approach any forge and as long as you have the ebony smithing perk, the recipes will be available.
- Human: 2 Steel Ingot, 2 Firewood, 2 Bonemeal
- Animal: 2 Steel Ingot, 2 Firewood, 1 Dragonbone
Q: Where are is the Standard and Fire Scythes from G.R.I.M.?
A: Those were made exclusive for the G.R.I.M. mod. If you want to use them, download that mod instead. You should've done so already anyway!
Q: Do these scythes replace the Reaper Scythes in the G.R.I.M. mod?
A: No. This mod is standalone. You could always replace those textures with the ones from this mod though.
Q: Can I change the cubemap?
A: Yes! What a non-specific question to ask. In the textures folder there are 4 cubemaps that I think look well with the weapon. Feel free to change the path
to a different cubemap in the NIFs. The default map is silversteel.
Q: Can you make it more powerful?
A: I will not. It's already equivalent to daedric weapons.
Credits and Thanks:
Noptasis for honoring me with the opportunity to collaborate and inspiring me to make these Scythes. DOWNLOAD G.R.I.M.
Substance Painter
HUMUS for the cubemap base
Everyone who reads my stories; Thanks for all the support! I have learned so much since I first started in October 2016, I couldn't have made it without you guys.
Want to support me?
Follow me on Tumblr: https://collyscraftbook.tumblr.com/
Do NOT upload this anywhere without permission.
NONE of this mod's assets can be used in other mods.
NONE of this mod's assets can be used in paid mods.