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About this mod

Makes the room assigned to you in the Hall of Attainment at the Mage's College a bit more homely and useful.

Permissions and credits
Ever came to the College of Winterhold as an aspiring apprentice, eager to learn and absorb knowledge, excitedly following Mirabelle on your first tour over the college grounds, she assigns a room to you and tells you "This bed and desk are yours"... But now you wonder: Where is said desk? Why is my room a warehouse full of barrels? And why in Oblivion is there a goat staring down on me while I sleep?

This is just a tiny mod that refurnishes the player's room at the college. It adds a DESK, bookshelves, your own enchanting and alchemy stations, and a shrine of Julianos. Oh, and a door. Are students not allowed to have a bit of privacy?

A compatibility patch for Immersive College of Winterhold is available as well. 

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