I tested the mod in the game but there are some problems: The other college students enter the room and sit the chair and use alchemy lab, are the a possibility to make other people not to enter your room and make it privacy. And other thing: maybe you can add a ligthing source to the ceiling.
Thank you for the advice, I uploaded a new version in which NPCs should ignore the furniture in the room. But I don't think another light source next to the candles will be necessary, that would decrease the coziness
Nice Thanks, this was long overdue and should of bin in the original. The wide open door everyone could look in and the goats head and skull looking at me creeped me out now I'll actually use this room.
I have never used that mod myself, but since its description says that it changes the hall of attainment as well, I fear it will conflict with my mod. You can try it out however and see if it works.
Agreed, a patch would be welcomed. Immersive College of Winterhold is widely used by most players who focus on magic and visit the College often, or even live in it. In fairness once you complete the college questline and become Archmage you gain the Archmage Quarters as your residence but the mod also includes an option to hand over the title of Archmage to Tolfdir which leaves you sleeping in your origional room again. This mods changes to the room look amazing and would fit in very nicely with I.C.O.W .
But I don't think another light source next to the candles will be necessary, that would decrease the coziness
This mods changes to the room look amazing and would fit in very nicely with I.C.O.W .