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About this mod

This mod adds more spells and scrolls to the game with a vanilla feel, expanding what you can do with your mage. These new spells are mostly just Novice, Apprentice, Adept, and Expert versions of spells that previously lacked such, meaning if you wanted to focus on a specific line of spells, now you can!

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This mod adds more spells and scrolls to the game with a vanilla feel, expanding what you can do with your mage. These new spells are mostly just Novice, Apprentice, Adept, and Expert versions of spells that previously lacked such, meaning if you wanted to focus on a specific line of spells, now you can! All spells and scrolls have been added to the leveled lists.

As far as balance is concerned, I tried making spell tome costs, scroll costs, magicka costs, and damage consistent with vanilla but it probably could use some more fine-tuning. I personally use Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim and Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim and the spells I've tested seem pretty okay so far. Additionally, I've included an addon for those who use Spell Perk Item Distributor. It should hopefully and correctly give most of the spells to mage-based NPCs.

Here is a complete list of all the spells and scrolls available. All of them are subject to changes, renames, and/or deletion.

Destruction Spells
  • Frost Spike - A spike of ice that does 12 points of frost damage to Health and Stamina.

  • Static Bolt - A bolt of lightning that does 13 points of shock damage to Health and half that to Magicka.

  • Tinderbolt - A blast of fire that does 15 points of damage. Targets on fire take extra damage.
  • Charged Sparks - Lightning that does 16 points of shock damage to Health and Magicka per second.

  • Searing Flames - A gout of fire that does 12 points per second. Targets on fire take extra damage.

  • Freezing Frostbite - A blast of cold that does 16 points of damage per second to Health and Stamina.

  • Emberspark - Lightning that has an infusion of fire to it. Does 16 points of shock damage per second. Also does 4 points of fire damage per second. Targets on fire take extra damage.

  • Sparkfloe - Lighting that has an infusion of ice to it that does 16 points of shock damage to Health and Magicka per second. Also does 4 points of frost damage to Health and Stamina per second.
  • Wildfire - A gout of fire that does 24 points per second. Targets on fire take extra damage.

  • Pyrebolt - A blast of fire that does 50 points of damage. Targets on fire take extra damage.

  • Hoarfrost - A blast of cold that does 24 points of damage per second to Health and Stamina.

  • Voltage - Lightning that does 24 points of shock damage to Health and Stamina per second.
  • Conflagration - A gout of fire that does 36 points per second. Targets on fire take extra damage.

  • Permafrost - A blast of cold that does 32 points of damage per second to Health and Stamina.

  • Voltaic - Electricity that does 32 points of shock damage to Health and Magicka per second.
  • Galvanism - Dangerously overcharged electricity that does 60 points of shock damage per second to Health and Magicka. 

  • Incineration - A massive gout of fire that does 60 points per second. Targets on fire take extra damage.

Restoration Spells
  • Mend - Heals the caster's Health and Stamina 12 points per second for 5 seconds.

  • Sun Burn - A ball of sunlight that does 12 points of damage to undead.

  • Poisonbolt - A compressed poison cloud in the form of a bolt that does 12 points of poison damage to Health and an addition 7 for 5 seconds.
  • Mend Other - Heals the target's Health and Stamina 24 points per second for 5 seconds, but not undead, atronachs or machines.

  • Renew - Heals the caster's Health and Stamina 24 points per second for 5 seconds.

  • Ray - A ray of focused light that does 10 points of damage to Health per second.

  • Sunray - A ray of focused sunlight that does 15 points of damage to undead per second.

  • Viperbolt - A compressed poison cloud in the form of a bolt that does 24 points of poison damage to Health and an additional 14 for 5 seconds.
  • Rejuvenate - Heals the caster's Health and Stamina 36 points per second for 5 seconds.

  • Venombolt - A compressed poison cloud in the form of a bolt that does 36 points of poison damage to Health and an additional 21 for 5 seconds.

  • Shining Wave - A wave of light energy that does 35 points of damage to Health. Targets on fire take extra damage.
  • Sun Blare - A ball of sunlight that does 75 points of damage to undead.

  • Sun Burst - An exploding sphere of sunlight that does 60 points of damage to Health in a 15 foot radius to undead.

  • Grand Ward - Increases armor rating by 100 points and negates up to 100 points of spell damage or effects.

  • Regenerate - Heals the caster's Health and Stamina 48 points per second for 5 seconds.

  • Prism - A ray of intense, focused sunlight that does 30 points of damage to Health.

  • Toxinbolt - A compressed poison cloud in the form of a bolt that does 48 points of poison damage to Health and an additional 28 for 5 seconds.
  • Revivify - Heals everyone close to the caster for 60 Health and Stamina per second for 5 seconds, but not undead, atronachs or machines.

  • Adamantium Ward - Increases armor rating by 120 points and negates up to 120 points of spell damage or effects (doesn't require two hands to cast).

  • Nova - A slow-moving sphere of unstable light which explodes on impact doing 100 points of damage to undead in an 80 foot radius. Targets on fire take extra damage.

  • Daybreak - A large explosion of sunlight centered on the caster that does 100 points of damage to undead. Targets on fire take extra damage.

Alteration Spells


  • None.
  • Torchlight - Creates a hovering light that lasts for 120 seconds.

  • Slow - Target moves 30% slower for 5 seconds.

  • Rust - Decreases target's armor rating by 25 points for 7 seconds.
  • Starlight - Ball of light that lasts 120 seconds and sticks where it strikes.

  • Unearth -  Allows the caster to extract precious minerals from an ore vein. (This spell has an issue with instantly gathering all the ore from a node.)
  • Greater Slow - Target moves 45% slower for 5 seconds.

  • Waterstep - Walk on the surface of water for 30 seconds.

  • Erode - Decreases target's armor rating by 50 points for 7 seconds.
  • Mass Slow - All targets near the caster that fail to resist are slowed by 65% for 7 seconds.
  • Equanimity - Convert 50 points of Health into Magicka per second. Caster can be killed by this effect. (This spell can only be obtained by going to Labyrinthian's Priest Sanctuary, the place where the priest masks are placed, and picking up the spellbook.)

Illusion Spells

  • None.

  • None.

  • None.

  • Verve - Creatures and people up to level 20 will attack anyone nearby for 60 seconds.
  • None.

Conjuration Spells

  • None.
  • Conjure Draugr Mage - An apprentice spell that conjures a Draugr Mage to fight for you for 60 seconds.
  • None.
  • Conjure Wispmother - An expert spell that conjures a Wispmother to fight for you for 60 seconds.

  • Conjure Draugr Deathlord - An expert spell that conjures a Draugr Deathlord to fight for you for 60 seconds.
  • None.


  • Scroll of Torchlight

  • Scroll of Starlight

  • Scroll of Sun Burn

  • Scroll of Sun Fire

  • Scroll of Sun Blare

  • Scroll of Vampire's Bane

  • Scroll of Daybreak

  • Scroll of Tinderbolt

  • Scroll of Pyrebolt

  • Scroll of Rust

  • Scroll of Erode

  • Scroll of Frost Spike

  • Scroll of Slow

  • Scroll of Greater Slow

  • Scroll of Mass Slow

  • Scroll of Mend

  • Scroll of Mend Other

  • Scroll of Rejuvenate

  • Scroll of Revivify

  • Scroll of Verve

  • Scroll of Waterstep

  • Scroll of Conjure Draugr Deathlord

  • Scroll of Conjure Draugr Mage

  • Scroll of Conjure Wispmother

This mod requires the Dawnguard DLC and Dragonborn DLC. It is also highly recommended you use Wrye Bash or Smashed Patch otherwise you may have leveled list incompatibility issues.

Just drop it into your load order and activate it. If you have a bashed patch, rerun it with this mod so any changes to leveled lists are merged and become seamlessly compatible with mods doing the same thing.

Because I have little-to-no scripting knowledge, these spells have been injected into leveled lists the old-fashioned way; through the .esp. Because of this, if you don't use a bashed patch or a smashed patch, any mod that injects tomes and scrolls the same way will be incompatible.

Just simply remove it from your load order and rerun your bashed patch if applicable. Generally, it's a bad practice to remove a mod from an ongoing save, so I can't guarantee your save won't react poorly, but this mod has no scripts, so theoretically everything should be okay.

Known Issues:
- If you cast Candlelight and then its higher-level spell right after, their floating orbs will both show instead of replacing one another.
- Unearth takes ore from nodes instantly rather than over time.

Future Plans:
- Maybe add Staff versions and their appropriate enchantments for most of the spells.
- Find someone who knows and is willing to teach me how to inject my spells into leveled lists via script to increase compatibility.

My Other Mods:
Sun Magic Overhaul - Consistency Patches
Horns Are Forever - KouLeifoh's High Poly Head