Risen 2: Dark Waters


  1. Kuzja80
    • BANNED
    • 103 kudos
    Update 1.4.7
    (!) Fixed critical issue (disabling RS caused crash)

    Update 1.4.6
    Now if commented out it fully disable HELIX
    (It should help in some custom cases like mouse issues of render issues)
    (!) Use it only if InitMouse = true\false not help (if you got mouse issues)

    Update 1.4.5
    - Added [DISABLE DOF]
    (Fully disable DOF and now it not auto enable after cutscenes)

    Update 1.4.4
    Now it separated:
    (LODS disabled by default to prevent crash on new game start. You can enable it later if you need it)

    Important! (not actual now)
    If you have a crash on start of a new game:
    A simple solution:
    Open Risen2_Remaster.ini and comment out the line (adding ';' to the beginning)
    --->;[SPEEDTREE AND LODS FIX] ;Warp fix\Improvement lods

    There, during the panorama, on the burning island engine crashes (can not load LOD's, because they have all been improved)
    Then you can make a save and turn it back on (apparently only happens at this point)

    (Will fix in the next update)

    Важно! (неактуально)
    Если у вас происходит вылет на заставке при начале новой игры:
    Простое решение:
    Откройте Risen2_Remaster.ini и закомментируйте строку (добавив ';' в начало)
    --->;[SPEEDTREE AND LODS FIX] ;Warp fix\Improvement lods

    Там, во время панорамы, на горящий остров движок крякает (не может LOD'ы загрузить, т.к все они были улучшены)
    Потом уже можно сделать сохранение и включить это обратно (судя по всему только происходит только в этом моменте)
    (Исправлю в следующем обновлении)

    Update 1.4.2-3
    - Added HEAP size change
    [HEAP = 512:320] ;Size in mb (current values tested with 4k textures)
    (!) Wrong values cause permanent fps drop after some time in game! Actual only for 4k textures!

    Also [IMAGE SPACE LIMITATION UPDATE = 0] ;Experimental (allowed values 0 - 6)


    Notice to custom case issue with mouse:
    Open Risen2_Remaster.ini and set InitMouse = true
    (WRAPPER section)

    Update 1.4.1 (Now it should work with 4K version of textures without issues)

    Update 1.4.0
    (!) Probably will not work on win 11 because there are serious changes on win 11 with drivers and other things.
    + Fixed all shaders bugs (credits to mx-2 for HLSL shaders)

    + Fixed engine bugs (shadows, etc)
    + All lods templates updated (improved LODS)
    (!) Known issue. DOF auto enabling after some cutscenes. This is terrible vanilla bug

    - My first attempt to fix it failed. So...after some cutscenes\changing global map you should go to menu and enable\disable DOF
    Despite the fact that the option is turned off it still works and fucks up the whole picture in the game. I still can not understand what a**hole came up with this effect.
    Anyway, I'll come back to this...

    Notice: You don't need any patches or fixes for the game if you use Remaster Launcher (except unofficial patch)

    (!) Random massive fps drop while using 4K textures

    Working on it... UPD 1.4.1: Now it should work with 4K textures without issues
    So, you should use reduced textures version until this issue not resolved

    Added textures reduced version (2k)

    To delete previous version of textures packs open Risen2_Remaster.ini and uncomment string:
    ;[UNINSTALL REMASTERED TEXTURES] (to uncomment - remove ';')
    - Launch
    - Exit game and comment out string again
    - Now install reduced textures

    You can use launcher without textures. It improve visual and contain fixes

    Also, for Nvidia users:

  2. Kuzja80
    • BANNED
    • 103 kudos
  3. Kuzja80
    • BANNED
    • 103 kudos
    UPDATE 1.3.1
    - Fixed error -2147024893

    (!) Do not forget unblock 'launcher' EXE or you will get errors and  the subsequent problems, because some of the files will be installed incorrectly and it will be difficult to fix without manual deleting or reinstalling game
  4. ExiledFromLight
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    • 0 kudos
    Привет, при запуске лаунчера возникла данная ошибка. Оставлю ссылку на фото так как не могу загрузить на сайт.
    gtx 1660 super 6gb
  5. tamunzahar
    • member
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    I run the Risen 2 remaster launcher and only a "egl_textures.mount" file is integrated and then nothing happens at all. What am I doing wrong??
  6. SJRinne
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    My question is maybe a little bit off but; I'm trying to stream the game to my friends in discord but it won't recognize the program. I can use share screen but then audio won't work. Any solution?
  7. NulBody
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    Здравствуйте, столкнулся с проблемой. При использовании "Ремастера" полностью отсутствует текст. В файле INI оставлял и убирал ";" в строке [GAME TEXT = ] ;Automatic dynamically attach languages packs (Example: Russian). Так же огорчает что игра не поддерживает широкие экраны хотя в описании к моду написано "Custom aspect ratio support (for any resolutions)"
    Я хотел прикрепить скриншот, но сайт почему-то не позволяет. 
  8. ZIGS
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    For those complaining about dodge roll being broken, I think the problem is the unofficial patch. I was having the same issue and reinstalled the game, as soon as I installed the unofficial patch, the dodge roll broke again.

    However, I found another version of the unofficial patch here: https://www.moddb.com/games/risen-ii-dark-waters/downloads/risen-2-unofficial-patch-v05

    And when I installed this one instead of the one from here, it didn't break the dodge roll. So if you have the same issue, try this
    1. schmatzler
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Can confirm it works! :) Now the game is fully playable on Windows 11 for me.
  9. kanemurdok
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Good it is now fully working on win 11
    1. rmo1984
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Doesnt start on win11, no error. Trying to comment "override shaders" out, nothing still same.

      Sadly not working for me :(
    2. schmatzler
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I was able to get it running with the Steam version and Win11 by uninstalling PhysX from the redist folder inside the game and then reinstalling PhysX from that same installer.

      Then I copied all files from:
      C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common
      C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Risen 2\system

      The game .exe needs the PhysX files in the same directory, for some reason it cannot find them correctly anymore on the latest Win11 version. You could also copy them to C:/Windows/SysWoW64 but that's a crappy solution.

      However, only the 2K texture pack works. When I try to use the 4K texture pack, the game crashes after the intro sequence. I have 12GB VRAM so it should work, but it doesn't.  IMAGE SPACE LIMITATION has no effect.
  10. grimiz123
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    can you post a video explaining to us how to convert a ximg file to a dds file
  11. Bombsquad0420
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    You Cannot uncomment steam version it will not work and it will repeatably just say to uncomment steam version even when you have done so the mod is useless and there is no longer any support from the mod creater don't wast your time with this mod.
  12. fivepointseven
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    It completely messes up your game and you have to uninstall, delete all the leftover garbage and reinstall risen2 again. It either f's up your roll's or your mouse control. If you get this thing to start in the first place that is, wich would be a feat not possible for most, cuz it either crashes after a prolonged black screen, delivering "Gamne is already running" error for the next attempt or just wont do anything at all.
    Please, just  do yourself a favor and use some custom mods for the warping and any other texture mod.
    Trying to get this piece of code junk to work is just a massive waste of time and effort.
  13. Viinjo
    • member
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    my problem shows up after installing the Launcher, game start works fine, but in the menu and later in the game there is no text at all. 
    Any clues?

    With best regards