Resident Evil 4 (2023)


  1. HotAda
    • member
    • 23 kudos
    Edit: I will get to updating this page soon!  Enjoy the new ReShade, and the original is still available to try!

    This ReShade provides your re4r enjoyment with a hauntingly beautiful atmosphere of survival horror.
    The innovation of this ReShade is its carefully construed atmospheric effects that “breathe.”  This is what gives it its haunting quality.
    My ReShade includes built-in fog and everything, except you may want a manual flashlight mod.

    Version1.1 (different build)
    1. I have produced a similar but lighter result from version 1.01 with fewer settings (four).
    2. Everything is balanced up close and far away for you while retaining familiar colors and visibility of important objects such as blue medallions.
    3. The haunting effect happens slightly quicker, so you may enjoy the haunting effect more often (I may suggest readjusting this setting back to 0.00 if it’s too much for outdoor spaces).

    A helpful tip with my reshade is to play like the atmosphere is a piece of furniture in the background.  
    This way you will get the most enjoyment, the best spooks, etcetera.
    Feel free to toggle my ReShade off while in safer places in addition to menu and inventory screens, and on while in gameplay, combat or exploring newer areas.

    Let me know your thoughts here or send me a private message.  
  2. HotAda
    • member
    • 23 kudos
    XD If you've been tracking this mod, I almost have an update for you!!!!
  3. zix000
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I really like your work , can you do it without reshades ?
    1. HotAda
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Hello zix000.  Thank you.  I am of the mindset that anything is possible, provided the right tools and research.
    2. HotAda
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      It’s possible to create something strikingly similar to my ReShade by modifying the DLC Villain overlay.
  4. DavidJiang
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Good job! Also, I would like to ask if the forest or village background can be replaced.
    1. HotAda
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Thank you.  The whole game seems to respond kindly with the right tools, so I'd like to think the answer is yes. 
    2. DavidJiang
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      You are absolutely right. I have found various tools through various channels and changed the texture, video, audio, action, etc., but the only thing left is the background of the main menu,Could you give me some guidance?
    3. HotAda
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Hello again DavidJiang.  I think so.  Try this file:

      > stm > _chainsaw > appsystem > ui > userdata > mainmenu > MainMenuCamaeraMove1SettingUserdata.user.2

      You may find more of what you’re looking for in this folder, too.
    4. DavidJiang
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Thank you so much ! I will Try~
    5. HotAda
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Your efforts are encouraged, DavidJiang!  You've got this!
    6. DavidJiang
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Sorry Sir, I tried  ,but this is too difficult for me, this is not just replacing a picture, but a 3D scene。。。
    7. HotAda
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Hi again DavidJiang.  Have some delicious food for your ardent modding endeavors! 🍲 Thanks for keeping me posted!
  5. KorbloxAviator
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    it just makes my screen grey no matter what i do
    1. HotAda
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      • 23 kudos
      Hello KorbloxAviator.  Thanks for your interest in my mod.  What have you tried?  If you haven't already, please check the Docs for a quick tutorial how to set things up correctly.  I have a video uploaded, and two new screenshots of how your ReShade interface should look and perform in-game.  I want to help, so keep me posted on how it’s going for you.
  6. ValG71
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    • 0 kudos
    this black n white foggy reshade is not for everybody... certainly not for me...  i prefer the vanilla game reshade..  i like colors and i can't stand fog...   good luck trying to find a blue medallion in the fog...  but, some gamers enjoy it, so thats whats important...
    1. HotAda
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Hey ValG71.  I love the gorgeous vanilla ReShade as well and will likely put something together in the future with colors in mind.  Thank you for your valuable thoughts and very kind words. =)
  7. Resolveq
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It's giving Rising of Evil atmosphere (og re4 mod) - Looks cool!

    Will definitely be giving this a try when I inevitably do a second run through Berserker
    1. HotAda
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Thank you Fitzsuffices.  Luis Webber’s work is legendary!  Thank you and I hope to hear about your experience with this beautiful ReShade on your second run of Berserker!
  8. spillowcin44
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    congrats, i hope it gets updated over time!! i think using Tint Remover as a base would make it easier for you, and maybe get even better results.
    and i think a alternative "less drastic" version that keeps some of the colors, reduce the fog a bit would be cool too, maybe a bit similar to the OG game.

    anyways it looks just amazing, the fog and the "silent hill atmosphere" of the OG is what this remake need, the vanilla looks so uninspired to me, the art style of the original game got mostly scrapped for no good reason.
    1. dantex22
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      pretty sure hes using the rising of evil atmosphere mod for the fog so the reshade doesnt affect it
    2. HotAda
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Hello spillowcin44.  Thank you for the kind words.  I love the remake’s art direction, and the original’s.  I will also continue to update this.  Thanks.
    3. spillowcin44
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      @dantex22 nope, the fog here is provided by 2 fog reshades fx, which are new effects i guess
    4. HotAda
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Correct, thank you for clarifying.
  9. CommandoDoggo
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    how do you install reshade? im guessing the main file (berserker reshade) goes into fluffy but what about normal reshade thats needed to download this
    1. HotAda
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Hello CommandoDoggo.   
      Yes you need the original ReShade from the official website. 
      There are quick easy fun tutorials on YouTube how to set ReShade up and in-game.  I'd recommend you go there first if you haven't.  Enable my mod once ReShade is all set up externally.
    2. CommandoDoggo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      yeah i guess i have reshade installed now but how do i get beserker reshade to work
    3. HotAda
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      In game you should be able to open the ReShade user interface.  I think its default key is HOME.  I have mine customly set to F1.  Then there's a drop-down menu for you to select your preset.  Select the option with Berserker and you should have it all working.
    4. CommandoDoggo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i got it working thank you
    5. HotAda
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Happy to hear it.  Thanks for letting me know.
    6. CommandoDoggo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i actually got another question, the normal reshade works and everything but doing stuff like opening inventory, opening crafting menu, opening models turns the whole screen white
    7. HotAda
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Hello again.  Set your toggle effects key to the one right above TAB that looks like ‘ on your keyboard for the most convenience.  Then use this key to toggle off the ReShade while in interface screens.

      You can set the effects key in one of the ReShade interface’s tabs.  I think it’s under either “Settings” or “Options”.

      Feel free to check out the video I linked for an in-game demonstration.
    8. CommandoDoggo
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yeah i got it working thank you man, most creators never respond so thanks alot for the help!
    9. HotAda
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Thank you for your kind words, CommandoDoggo, and have fun playing with your new ReShade!
  10. phylistt
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    damn this is so creepy 
    1. HotAda
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Hey phylistt.  It’s a moody mod for sure!  I hope you’ll give it a chance sometime and let me know your valuable thoughts.  It was a pleasant surprise seeing you here, so thanks for stopping by.
  11. dantex22
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    quick suggestion but it would be sick if you could replace the sunset atmosphere after leon wakes up in bitores house with the cloudy atmos at the start of the game, feel like it would fit really good with this mod and just look better overall
    1. HotAda
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Hello dantex22.  I’d love to create such a beautifully, gorgeous majestic mod.  Weather mods are my favorite, and they’d add so much to RE4R’s already-stunning visual experience.