Resident Evil 2 (2019)

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  1. alphaZomega
    • premium
    • 406 kudos
    Play on the RTX version if you are getting weird bugs like randomly turning around and stuttering on the stairs (only some DX11 players get these)

    Also everyone should give the default cam relative controls a chance, IMO they are really precise now and can weave you around zombies and through doors
    1. B0i11111111
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Are you gonna also re3 remake do this? Nice mod 
    2. Andy9182023
      • supporter
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      I second b0i. This would be great fpr re3
    3. ResidentRaccoon44
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      cam relative is what I was using w/ D pad and B to run, it's just like playing the classic games.. I maneuver with ease... Thanks so much for this, really hope you tackle RE3 someday, would be a dream.
  2. CrossingFN9
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    I installed this MOD and played RE2 for the first time in a while. It was an incredibly fresh and classic experience. When I was suddenly bitten by a zombie that was not in the frame of the frame, my mind was transported back to 1998. Fixed camera horror games where you can't see what's in front of you are better than other systems at surprising and scaring the player! If you're a fan of the OG RE series from back in the day, this is a MOD that you should definitely install. Thank you for completing this wonderful MOD!

    If you install NOWHERE SAFE, another MOD created by alphaZomega, at the same time, you will be able to experience even more fear.
  3. efetron06
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    • 0 kudos
    are you gonna make fixed camre for re3r and re4r ?
    1. Fed555
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      Heck, I'd love to see this on RE7 and 8 as well. I wish there was a way to help with it, but it seems like the hardest part was developing that targeting system.  I wonder if any of that work could be transferred between RE engine games, or would it require from the ground up rebuilding.
    2. alphaZomega
      • premium
      • 406 kudos
      The hardest part was definitely the controls.
      I do think the system could possibly be applied to other RE Engine games. The main thing specific to Resident Evil here is the targeting system, which has specific settings for different RE2R enemies / bosses
    3. fsfeedback
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Yeah, I would imagine that RE3R could be difficult with the arena fights vs Nemesis. Like how do you add the sticky bombs to the walls, in a non awkward way? How do you target the generators in Nemesis arena two?
  4. Suspiriorum6969
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    • 0 kudos
    Hey there fantastic mod so far! I have only one complaint, I'm at the orphanage and I just did the block puzzle and got the scissors,  but for some reason I can't go through the gap in the wall as Sherry, any ideas as to why that is? I'm not getting a button prompt either. thank you for the mod tho!

    Edit: nvm issue solved, my dumbass forgot she can crouch! sorry if I may have wasted your time.
  5. 0Nivium0
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    I love this mod! I really do and you've done a fantastic job with it all. I have some feedback, though, I really would like considered.

    I've been following this mod for awhile since it was on it's earlier versions. You were updating the mod all of the time. Everyday/few days but I noticed you stopped and unfortunately I'm unable to use it in it's current state. (Please bare with me here.)

    The issue is the design. As it stands now, everything is perfect and works exactly as one would expect plus more! Unless it's anything but D-Pad controls.
    That's the issue. I've played the mod using all control styles. Keyboard+Mouse, Just Keyboard, D-Pad and Analog Stick.
    They're ALL different. It isn't different styles, it's literally different controls. It's like D-Pad controls are on v1.15 but everything else is still v1.04 or something and I'll get into why it's important and exactly what I mean.

    When playing on D-Pad, it's fine. I can run around, turn as expected. Quick Turn, Run and turn while running, etc. I play with Hotkey Quickturn OFF, Run while holding B, D-Pad controls and "Analog stick changes weapon." I've played a bunch and it's all perfectly fine. I can maneuver around zombies as expected.
    However, as soon as I go over to the Keyboard and turn on Tank Control, everything changes. First quick-turning is NOT accurate. Sometimes it doesn't turn me all of the way around and sometimes I turnaround-run in the incorrect direction. This never happens on D-Pad, for example. A real issue I have is on D-Pad, when you hold down (Backward) and press run, a normal standing quick-turn occurs. This is what one would expect. It is the Quick-turn button.
    However, on Keyboard when you do the same thing but on Tank Controls control set, the player does a turn-around run. This messed me up so much because sometimes the character would just go in the incorrect direction and, of course, the controls get messed up and sort of converts into "Camera-relative" controls until the player completely stops. If I need to navigate and turn around, this makes the game unpredictable and not very functionable.
    When you change the control scheme to "Tank (No Backward Run)" the results are somehow even worse. When holding down (backwards) and pressing run, instead of doing a standing quick turn (As it should) or even doing the turnaround run (Like Tnak controls for some reason does) it instead... Runs forward. This makes me run into enemies when all I want to do is turn around. Happens so many times. When I'm holding down and it runs forward, the controls also of course get all messed up mid-run due to the direction of my controller. It is unfortunate. This isn't due to me not being "Good" at controlling, there is truly a difference in the keyboard and D-Pad controls and the keyboard is just very buggy and unusable.

    Now the reason why it's so important to me, though is due to a special case which I'd like to share.
    I don't play this game or mod with the D-Pad. During my tests to ensure the mod works and fo rplanning purposes, I've played it and tested all control schemes out. The intention was the play the game on my Arcade machine. For years I've wanted it on there but unfortunately the device's control scheme does not support games of this nature. (Third persons and first person shooters.) The controller has 8 face buttons, a track ball and an 8-directional analog stick. You can see it's not possible ot play this game. XD however with your mod it finally is.
    Due to my Arcade controller being Direct-Input, I have to make a choice on how I'm going to play this mod and game: Simulate keyboard/mouse gameplay or simulate D-Pad gameplay?
    I've tried both and neither work and I'll explain:
    Firstly, gamepad does not work. I've went through the effort of properly configuring the controls the best I could for this game and sadly CAPCOM thought it was a good idea to remove customization for gamepad users. For example: I need the same analog stick to control the menu as well as controlling the player's movement. When you're on Keyboard and mouse controls, you can set my 8-direction analog stick to control the menues and then, separately, set the 8-directional control stick to control the player. You can also customize the run buttons, shoot buttons, etc. And SEPARATELY you can customize the menu "Confirm" and "Back" buttons. For example: In-game I might want the run button to be a certain button, but I don't want the run button (B) to be "Back" because "Back" is not in the proper location for a back button on my arcade controller but it IS in the proper location for the Run button. With keyboard and Mouse, I can set both as two different buttons. However, on GAMEPAD, it's different. Gamepad says Directional pad controls the menus and analog stick controls the player movement. End of story. I only have one analog stick so pausing the game should make that analog stick control the menues but it doesn't because CAPCOM doesn't give us that kind of control. I physically do not have enough buttons on my arcade controller to support every button so naturally I drop unimportant buttons but unfortunately dropping those buttons on Gamepad is bad because those buttons are also used for menu keys that I can't separate from them due to no options in the controller settings for gamepad control and such so it simply makes the game impossible to play if I simulate D-Pad controls, which otherwise would work well since I did test movement and running around enemies with this control style simulated on my arcade. I just couldn't fit the rest of the buttons, sadly. (As a bonus, I want my trackball to control the flashlight. It's super smooth and fun to move the flashlight around. I can't do that if I'm simulating the right analog stick with the track ball because it doesn't function correctly like simulating a mouse does.)

    Secondly I went to simulate the Keyboard and mouse. I got all of the controls perfect. Everythign is as one would expect if there was an arcade version of this game. A bonus being my trackball can easily simulate the flashlight and it feels so smooth and quick and fun. The controls are perfect. I go in game and that's where the issues arise: the mod's controls are not perfect with this control style. The controls are so glitchy and bugged out in the sense that quick turning is messed up, player turning is not accurate like it is simulating D-Pad controls. Holding back and running causes me to either run backwards or run forwards for some reason... The controls are all set up perfectly for the arcade but unfortunately this mod's design for the Keyboard and Mouse controls just simply do not work. They are not developed like the D-Pad controls are and it's so ashame. I've used so many hours just TRYING to make it work. I even forced myself to believe "Maybe I'm just bad" but it all just comes down to the fact that the controls are buggy for keyboard and mouse but NOT buggy on D-Pad controls. Again, I've tested simulating D-Pad on my arcade controls and it was perfect. I can run around enemies. Quick turn. Etc. CAPCOM just took out our customization with this control style. I simulate keyboard and mouse on my arcade (So, exact same Arcade controller, just the buttons are mapped to keyboard/mouse) and I can't get around zombies without bugs happening. Inaccurate turning, random extra quickturns when I pres the quickturn hotkey once, I turn off the hotkey and running while holding backwards makes me run forward, movement not feeling as responsive, etc. It isn't that I'm simulating it, either. I've tried on a physical keyboard and it's the same. It's just not as polished as the D-Pad is even if I simulate the D-Pad on my physical keyboard it's still the same exact way and better than keyboard and mouse.

    I really love this mod. It's a fantastic one and would make my Arcade version of this game exist! Unfortunately without the Keyboard and Mouse controls fixed and up to par with the D-Pad controls, there's just no way I could play this on my arcade which is the only way I have to play this game. I'm not asking for new features or making the mod better in any way, I just kindly request you continue to mod this and just make Keyboard/Mouse Controls the same as D-Pad. Even if thatmeans you have to copy and paste some D-Pad code into the Keyboard and Mouse code or something, whatever it is, it just feels like you forgot about keyboard and mouse because you don't use it which is understandable but sadly things like arcades are impossible with this game without that feature since CAPCOM already barred us from controller customization.

    Keep up the good work and I hope this story touched you.
    1. alphaZomega
      • premium
      • 406 kudos
      I can look into the keyboard controls for next time but admittedly I develop this for gamepad and they always came 2nd. It sounds like its mostly quick turn
    2. 0Nivium0
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      I appreciate even the thought.
      It's a fantastic mod, perfect for gameplay and D-Pad controls (Which is what most of us use). Good work on all of it.

      Don't stress over it, though. If it's too much work or it is out of your way/time schedule then you don't need to worry about it, only that I thought such a unique case as mine wouldn't be mentioned unless I brought it to your attention. I appreciate your work either way!

      Another thing to maybe think about is making the mod open source. If you don't find that appropiate then that is ok, too. If you do, though, it would really help others that wish to modify the code to their liking (Such as myself) especially in the sense of fixes that you might not be able to get around to.

      (P.S. Sorry for that gigantic post you had to dredge...)
    3. alphaZomega
      • premium
      • 406 kudos
      The mod already is open source, it's a Lua script.
      I tried messing around with KB/M controls again and I did not notice any issues with quick turning. Only when I was playing on Cam-Relative mode did quick turning become broken (which is to be expected since you can't back up). On tank controls it worked fine
    4. 0Nivium0
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      I just tested it again for you on Keyboard and Mouse Controls.
      I'm on 1.15.
      Both Tank controls and Tank Controls (No Quick-turn) are Definitely broken. Maybe you're using a fixed version you didn't release? I am not sure where this discrepancy lies.

      Test it:
      On Tank (No Quick Turn) Hold Down. Press run. You will turn around then teleport back to the other direction the moment you let go of run.
      On Tank Controls Hold Down. Press Run. You will turn HALFWAY and do some weird teleporting glitch animation thing.
      If I could send you videos I would but this definitely not playable on keyboard and mouse controls using quick turn at all.
      Then put the game on Original Run and Tank Controls Walk and you legitimately can't even turn while running. Turning makes you play the turn animations but it doesn't actually turn.

      Like I said there are a load of issues. when you said you tested it I loaded up the game and got a bit excited that I may have been just going crazy but no, I'm definitely not going crazy.
      If it helps this is what my main control settings are (Though they are just there as the "Most stable controls" and I don't play the game as it is since that isn't stable enough):
      Tank Control Walk; Tank Controls (No Run Backwards) Run.
      Everything is unchecked other than "Running Quick turn".

      I hope some of this debugging helped because there's no way this is how it's intended and you "Can't find anything wrong with it". Maybe I have a bad combination of settings or maybe I'm using an outdated version that just says 1.15? I don't know. Hope I helped though. :) Thanks for taking the time to even look at it.

      EDIT: Another issue I ran into. When pressing the hotkey button for Quick Turn, it must be pressed twice. Pressing it once isn't sufficient.
    5. alphaZomega
      • premium
      • 406 kudos
      I honestly don't know what you're talking about with these controls issues. On v1.15 from here, I press down (S) and hold run and with tank controls (no run backwards) Claire runs forward and keeps going. With regular tank controls she turns around and keeps going. Q always turns around in 180 degrees when walking any direction. When running it makes a slow U-turn, but you can use running quick-turn to make it like a regular 180deg flip. If you are using any kind of mouse input to turn then make sure your camera sensitivity is on the low-end or you will try to pivot constantly with little mouse motions.

      Maybe you could try playing on a different version or on a different computer to confirm that the issues are not unique to your setup, since you are the only one I've seen mention it being so utterly broken in the near 3 months since release and I have seen people play through the game with the mod using M/KB on youtube.

      And maybe try installing the RTX version of the game. I did all development on that version and your issues may be due to some bizarre issue with the DX11 version. I tested it a bit on my laptop for DX11, the gamepad controls there seemed to be working as expected, but I did not really test much with the keyboard. There is also an option for no-pivot that you may find useful.

      I have seen people get weird controls issues like Running Quick Turn activating immediately when just pressing run once, I dunno if the game gets mixed up in the timings of when to apply the mod's code when the frame rate is 144fps on 4k or when some intensive graphics setting is changed or what.
    6. 0Nivium0
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Thanks for the suggestions. I appreciate you taking the time to help me with my odd issue.
      It must be some kind of oddity I'm running into. I'll do more testing (But I won't bother you anymore since it's obvious this is some problem I'm having, not with your amazing mod) but maybe it has something to do with different quick turn buttons. I'm going to stop testing it on my Arcade and, instead, use a real keyboard to see exactly WHICH buttons are being weird. You mention Q being quick turn so I'm going to put everything back to stock and test it. If I happen to find the issue on my end then I will update you in case it might be some useful information!

      Also unfortunately I use a few other mods which don't have RT version but if push comes to shove, I'll give it a try!

      Thanks for the help! You get so many downloads and likely people bashing your mod, asking whacked out questions and generally being tiresome to help/communicate with so I can't even begin to imagine to amount of reserve effort you needed to read through my post and put the time in and help me on such a niche issue. :) Thanks again and keep up the fantastic work.
    7. 0Nivium0
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      OK so I have the game infront of me. FRESH game.
      I think I've figured out some of this oddity happening so I'm going to explain what's happening.

      Firstly, I'm running around and all seems right. (Albeit two caveats which is just I guess a feature request if the option isn't already hidden somewhere)

      However, I go into Options > Controls (In game, not REFramework) and turn Run Type to HOLD. It WAS on Toggle. Now I put it on Hold.
      My settings are -Tank Controls for both run and walk.
      -D-pad Tank Controls (which I guess doesn't matter since I'm on Keyboard but I gather I'll list it)
      -Hold Circle to Run
      -Running quick Turn (Quick Turn hotkey button is B (Circle))

      Here're my results:
      Hold backwards (S)
      Hold Shift (Run button)
      This'll make you turn around and run.
      Let go of shift and bam. Teleported.

      This behavior seems to happen ONLY on the "Hold" option in-game. I think we all have it on "Toggle" in the options because the RE2R Classic Plugin handles the "Hold" and "Toggle" on it's own (And generally who doesn't play vanilla game with "Toggle"? XD) but taking it off of Toggle in the menu seems to break the plugin. The issue for the keyboard player is that we might also want the "hold" feature instead of the Toggle and the in-plugin options only seem to support controller for the "Hold" running.
      On my Arcade, of course I want the Hold running so it's apparently been set to hold and I guess since yours have been set to Toggle, you didn't see the oddities I've been seeing.

      I hope this is some actual help with nailing what I'm seeing on my game. (Which is NON-RT version without other mods.)
      I didn't mention the "Toggle" in the pause menu thing earlier so I would like it if you could see that for yourself! See if, since you're on the RT version, this also happens on the RT version as well! It definitely happens on the Non-RT, at least for me, by following the steps above.

      Now I said there were two caveats. If you're interested.
      Firstly: The ability to allow us Keyboard players to have the "Hold" run feature just as the controllers do. Maybe this is already there and is just in the options somewhere? I don't see it, though so if it isn't there then that's the first caveat.
      Secondly: This is a bit off topic I guess but I also notice that on the controller, if you hold circle and forward, you can run.If you hold back and circle (The run button) you'll quick turn standing. This is classic Resident Evil control style. However, this is not the method on keyboard in any way. On Keyboard, holding back and pressing run (Tank Controls (No Run Backwards)) makes you run forward by doing this. On Tank Controls, you'll turn around doing a full run, not a quick turn as the classic Resident Evil games have. The feature being only on controller is a bit frustrating since it's pivotal (And honestly would really help with ANY quick-turning issues in general) and forces us to have to map an entirely separate button for quick turning (Maybe Q) instead of just run + backwards so I request adding the "Hold forward and run to run. Hold back AND THAT SAME BUTTON to quick turn while standing. (Unless running which maybe it'll do nothing.)"

      Thanks for reading. I hope you'll take a look at the Toggle/Hold features in the Options menu and give me requests for relieving that issue a consideration. :)
  6. LetsGoFrank
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    ¿Por que este mod no me funciona en D11? 
    lo e probado en D12 y se me funciono, pero en el D11 no, y ya instale todos los archivos que me piden, ¿acaso no es compatible con D11?
  7. Rudlee
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    What an amazing mod! And you did so much more for it than the videos showcasing it would make you believe.

    Would it be possible, to make a standalone mod, that only removes player light, and camera light from the game?
    Right now I can kind of make it happen. If I press "T" twice, it removes it, but it comes back, if the lighting conditions change.

    I'm sorry for bothering you with this. It's just that I haven't found anyone elses mod that does it, and this mod has it baked in.
    1. Kuffschrank
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm immensely interested in this as well, any chance to release the "remove player/camera light function" as a standalone?
  8. GlitchyReal
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Now I finally have a reason to play REmake 2. Thank you.

    Love from Nerrel's channel.
  9. lasteffect
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    brilliant mod, this is how the game should of originally released.

    thank you
  10. DarkMarkku
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I think the autoaim its nor working properly on the latest release of the non RT version :c
    1. alphaZomega
      • premium
      • 406 kudos
      in what way?
  11. rlsprite
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Controls are a complete mess.
    D pad "tank" controls don't seem to work well, if I start running my character will keep turning around when there is a camera shift. Analog controls are unusable. I have try every single control option there is and nothing seems to help.
    Edit: Switch "tank controls" in walk/run camera finally gave me true tank controls making it playable.
    1. alphaZomega
      • premium
      • 406 kudos
      D-pad controls do not turn around and have nothing to do with camera shifts, maybe you are calling the cam relative analog stick controls "D-pad"?
      And use the RT version if you are having such issues. The non RT version has various controls bugs (that never happen for me but may happen for others it seems)