Red Dead Redemption 2

1. If you see the error message Animation Dictionary Missing

This happens when the mod doesn't have access to the animations.

Make sure you have one of the required mods installed. 

version.dll from RDR2 Asi Loader

Online Content Unlocker

Personally, I am using the latest version.dll on the latest version of the game, but some older versions of the game
seem to have a problem with version.dll, so you might need an older version.dll.

If you have an older version of Maverick, update to the latest where the developer makes it compatible with my mod.

2. Nothing happens when you press the keys or the mod stops working after a few minutes. (No error message)

If you are using ScriptHook V2, it has a bug when using the Vulkan API.

The hotkeys for this mod(and many others) stop working when you ALT + TAB or change Fullscreen/Windowed etc.
I believe this is what was causing the mod to stop working "after some time" for people or not work at all.

Since v3.1.2 you can enable compatibility mode in the settings and try that. (setting is COMPATIBILITY_MODE_ENABLED)

Alternative solutions:
1. Select Borderless Windowed and restart the game.
2. Switch to Alexander Blade's ScriptHook
3. Try DirectX12

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  1. tos9572
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Nothing happen when try to draw a gun by pressing 1 2 3 4  while cig is at the hand. need to press tab to move cig to mouth then the gun's draw. 
    1. S1nonim
      • supporter
      • 42 kudos
      Hello. I am not native english speaker. Can you explain me what draw means in terms of weapon?
  2. Alivenine
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey riyusso 

    Thank you for making the coolest smoking mod for me. 
    Can you make the animation of holding a cigarette look like holding a cigar? I feel like it's better on horseback.
    Hope you will consider it. Thank you 
  3. greyheartGG
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi Riyusso.

    Awesome mod, but I am having trouble with having it in my game with the "Animation dictionary missing" error. I have extracted a version.dll in the directory along with the Smoking Complete files. I also put in the scripthook included when you download this mod.

    Any help?
  4. 89515805520
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Та же фигня, нажимаешь N падают сигареты и высвечивается надпись на весь экран 
    Как решить ?
    1. riyusso
      • premium
      • 60 kudos
      I don't speak Russian, but I can sense you are talking about message when you press N. The solution is to install version.dll or Online Content Unlocker with LML. If it doesn't work with Online Content Unlocker, you have to narrow it down to why. Sometimes vfs.asi or dinput8.dll could be causing that, if you have version.dll you only need one. Also, if you have older Maverick version, please upgrade to the newest one. That's all I can help with right now. Basically, your online assets are not loader for SOME reason.
  5. mywarmmilk
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have the latest online content unlocker in my lml folder and scripthook in my rdr2 game file dictionary and it still says  Animation Dictionary Missing. What do I do?
    1. riyusso
      • premium
      • 60 kudos
      Game version? LML version?