PC Building Simulator

File information

Last updated

Original upload

Created by

anonymus637 from The Ultimate Modders

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Virus scan

Some manually verified files

Mod articles

  • General information about VirusTotal Scans and Antivirussystems

    Important information because some people claim that the Creator programs are a virus.

    The scan of the latest PCBS GPU Creator update (without Obfuscator): PCBS GPU Creator - VirusTotal Scan (without String Encyption)
    The scan of the latest update (with Obfuscator):  PCBS GPU Creator - VirusTotal Scan (with String Encryption)

    For the following reasons, my programs are detected by some antivirus systems:

    The programs use HTTP Requests to check the program for updates or to retrieve the changelogs.
    The programs use the KeyPreview function to prevent quitting the program with Alt + F4.
    The programs use the mscorlib.dll to merge all files in one .exe-File with Costura.Fody.
    I'm not use a certificate for my programs becau...