PC Building Simulator

Important information because some people claim that the Creator programs are a virus.

The scan of the latest PCBS GPU Creator update (without Obfuscator): PCBS GPU Creator - VirusTotal Scan (without String Encyption)
The scan of the latest update (with Obfuscator):  PCBS GPU Creator - VirusTotal Scan (with String Encryption)

For the following reasons, my programs are detected by some antivirus systems:

  • The programs use HTTP Requests to check the program for updates or to retrieve the changelogs.
  • The programs use the KeyPreview function to prevent quitting the program with Alt + F4.
  • The programs use the mscorlib.dll to merge all files in one .exe-File with Costura.Fody.
  • I'm not use a certificate for my programs because it's a hobby and way to expensive. Because of this, Windows says the program is unwanted.
  • To report a problem, my programs use a Mail Function. This is commonly known for the fact that antivirus system strikes. When attachments are sent, the program must access the PC to send them.
  • When a mod is uploaded, there is data exchange between the user's PC and my Dropbox. For this process I use the official DropBox API.
  • The programs make 3 WMI Calls to load the CPU, GPU and RAM Information of the System. (SELECT * FROM Win32_Processor; SELECT * FROM Win32_VideoController; SELECT * FROM Win32_PhysicalMemory)
  • Finally, I use an obfuscator program to protect the code from unauthorized access. (String Encryption)

Things you need to know:
If a file is suspicious I need to contact the NexusMods Admins before release. They look at the file and approve it manually when the mod is no virus.
Antivirus systems can also make mistakes, and the majority of systems do not recognize my programs as viruses. 
You can always see the VirusTotal reports. I understand the concerns of some, but I put a lot of work and free time into the programs and it annoys me when they are talked badly. 

I hope you understand!

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