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About this mod

Have different colors for different players in Chat.

Permissions and credits
This mod is about reintroducing the idea of colors into players in the chat.
This mod is complementary to HUD Players Names [Colors] by calinou, specifically the PD2ColorPlayers.pak option. It is recommended to use both together. (The mod wasn't updated for long time, so I uploaded a new version of it here based on the v1.4.0 update)

The mod contains two files, the chat widget override and the datatable that governs the styling. If you want to modify the colors, you can use repak to extract the files and UAssetGUI to modify the colors in the datatable then repak again to pack it.

Greetings to Narknon for bootstrapping the PD3 Modding and UE4SS.
Greetings to Florens and Wednesday for their kismet/assets generation.
Greetings to Calinou for his colors idea and implementation.