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  1. Okaetsu
    • premium
    • 21 kudos
    Yes it works for patch

    I also have a discord server so feel free to join!

    UPDATE 0.2.0

    - Fixed Pal Eggs / Lifmunk Effigies spawned by the menu not working.
    - Fixed Spawning of Items / Pals not working in co-op worlds due to admin requirements. Host and everyone else must have the mod.
    - Fixed clicks going through the menu after cutscenes (Hopefully).
    - Fixed Shiny Pals having the incorrect size.
    - Fixed an issue with trying to obtain certain Pals such as Bellanoir.
    - Added the ability to give items to other players.
    - Added a new 'Obtain as Egg' option in the Pal Editor window by holding Shift and then clicking on the 'Obtain' button. This will let you hatch a Pal with your selected custom stats!
    - Added background colors for different item rarities to improve clarity with items that have multiple tiers.
    - Added a max health multiplier slider that gets applied to spawned Pals only, this bonus disappears when the Pal is captured.
    - Added a one time tutorial pop-up for opening the menu that appears on the top-left corner of the screen, this won't appear again once completed.
    - Removed customizable keybind for now due to the issues caused by Lua keybinds. F1 and tilde opens the menu now.
    - Unreleased Pals have been hidden from the menu due to issues caused by them.

    UPDATE 0.1.0

    - Fixed giving of items being broken (Thanks MoxxyHaven for providing a fix).
    - Fixed 'You are not an admin' message displaying in single player worlds.
    - Replaced the flashbang white icons for unreleased items/pals with question marks.
    - Unreleased pals will now display their internal ID instead of en_text.
    - Some general optimizations.


    If you're having issues with the mod not working ensure that:

    1. You're on the latest version of UE4SS.

    2. If you're crashing, consider setting 'bUseUObjectArrayCache' in UE4SS-settings.ini to false.

    3. Update the mod to the latest version if you're on an older version.
  2. Okaetsu
    • premium
    • 21 kudos

    Game Pass (PC)

    Installing Mods for Palworld via Game Pass:

    Locating Palworld's installation folder:

    1. Open Xbox app, select Palworld.
    2. Click the three dots and select 'Manage'
    3. Select Files tab and click Browse there
    4. Navigate to Palworld\Pal\Binaries\WinGDK

    Install UE4SS:

    1. Get the latest UE4SS release from GitHub (3.0.1 Currently).
    2. Extract to Pal > Binaries > WinGDK: usually at C:\XboxGames\Palworld\Pal\Binaries\WinGDK
    3. Adjust 'UE4SS_Settings.ini' to have these values:
     bUseUObjectArrayCache = false
     ConsoleEnabled = 1

    Installing the Mod (Manual):

    1. Download CreativeMenu (Game Pass) and unzip the file.
    2. Drag the 'Pal' folder to the root folder of your Palworld installation (Should have something like Palworld and PocketpairInc with a bunch of numbers in the folder name).
    3. Done.

    NOTE: The above is an example and your path may differ based on where you installed your Palworld.

    Steam Version

    Locating Palworld's installation folder:

    1. Open Steam, right-click on Palworld.
    2. Hover over ‘Manage’.
    3. Click ‘Browse Local Files’.
    4. Navigate to Pal\Binaries\Win64

    Install UE4SS:

    1. Get the latest UE4SS release from GitHub (3.0.1 Currently).
    2. Extract to Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64
    3. Adjust 'UE4SS_Settings.ini' to have these values:
     bUseUObjectArrayCache = false
     ConsoleEnabled = 1

    Installing the Mod (Manual):

    1. Download CreativeMenu (Steam) and unzip the file.
    2. Drag the 'Pal' folder to 'Palworld' folder.
    3. Done.

    Installing the Mod on a Dedicated Server:

    1. Download and unzip 'CreativeMenu (Steam).zip'
    2. Drag the 'Pal' folder to 'PalServer' folder.

    That should be all you need to do, but if you're facing issues here are some steps you can do to fix them:

    Ensure BPModLoaderMod is set to 1 in mods.txt

    You may also be having an issue where none of the LogicMods are loading on the server, this is a UE4SS 3.0.1 and below issue and I have a temporary fix for it until a permanent fix is pushed to UE4SS itself. Once UE4SS updates to fix the issue, you should replace my version of BPModLoaderMod with the original file from UE4SS main branch.


    1. Download main.lua for BPModLoaderMod from my logicmod-temp-fix branch of UE4SS

    2. Navigate back to the Mods folder for your server and replace the main.lua in BPModLoaderMod with the main.lua you just downloaded.

    3. Done. Now once your server also has the mod it should be working and if it doesn't work and you're using an external host for your server, you might want to confirm if they support UE4SS or mods.

    Explanations for UE4SS settings:
    * bUseUObjectArrayCache set to false should reduce any potential crashes.
    * ConsoleEnabled = 1 lets you see the console window which inputs important data in case there is a need for troubleshooting.

    EDIT: If you're still having issues with the mod, ensure BPModLoaderMod is set to 1 in mods.txt inside Mods folder. Image

    BPModLoaderMod should ALWAYS be 1 in mods.txt by default when you install UE4SS and for some reason this is set to 0 by something people are using and I honestly have zero clue what that is.


    F1 and Tilde opens the menu.
  3. FrawstBerry
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    My coop world works with this mod, I just made a dedicated server, but nothing is happening when I try and spawn items in, a message pops up when I try to spawn in pals "not integrated into servers yet" or something like that. 
    1. CarryLeeS
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      me too
    2. Okaetsu
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      Dedicated servers have issues loading LogicMods at the moment due to UE4SS not loading LogicMods at the right time. I've brought up the issue and there's currently a permanent solution being worked on for it. I've implemented a temporary workaround on my fork of UE4SS if you want to give it a try and see if that fixes it. Just copy over the contents of BPModLoaderMod main.lua file or download the file itself. Only use this workaround on a Dedicated Server, do NOT use it as a client.

      Additional details if you care enough about it: UE4SS relies on PostLoadMap hook to initialize LogicMods and depending how full your world is in terms of buildings and other data, it will take longer to load. Empty or fresh worlds will load pretty much instantly which means the PostLoadMap event fires before it is registered in UE4SS and that results in LogicMods never loading. My workaround basically just implements a looping delay until it has confirmed that it was able to load all mods.

      Also sorry for the delay on new updates, I've been busy trying to debug why LogicMods weren't working on a Dedicated Server.
    3. FrawstBerry
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I have been scrolling through the comments here and there over the past couple of days, you seem very dedicated to making this work for everyone, I appreciate your responses, thank you.
    4. nhatlinh98
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      That's so great ! I did and it worked !! tks u
    5. FameQ
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i dont get it i do everything again any step and it still dont word on my own nitrado server ...
    6. fluidmate
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      how do i spawn stuff in
    7. Resumption
      • member
      • 0 kudos
    8. McNielian
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      explain i did it also and nada
    9. AkimboDK
      • supporter
      • 16 kudos
      Thank you for this temporary workaround, it worked wonders for me on Gportal Dedicated server hosting.
      Now I just need AdminEngine to work and I will be good with the 2 best spawning mods x) ! 
    10. JakGoesFast
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm stuck with the: "[14:40:04] CreateLogicModsDirectory: LogicMods directory not found. Creating LogicMods directory.
        [14:40:04] CreateLogicModsDirectory: LogicMods directory created."
      and F1 won't work. Can someone help me?
    11. JakGoesFast
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      F1 should do it.
    12. Okaetsu
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      You didn't install the mod properly. I can tell by the error message: "[14:40:04] CreateLogicModsDirectory: LogicMods directory not found. Creating LogicMods directory.
  4. Sibershadow
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    im having a problem pulling up the menu in single player mode i installed everything like it said but the f1 key or the ~ key isnt working please help!!
    1. Okaetsu
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      You definitely skipped something if it isn't working. Join the discord server and post the UE4SS.log there or use Vortex to install the mod since it handles everything for you.
  5. CaptainAwf
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Just updated to the newest version and now I don't work. Before, the menu would come up, but nothing changed, as in I tried giving myself ammo, but my ammo didn't go up. Realized I had updated the game, so I got on to get the most up to date version of the mod for Steam, and now it doesn't even open. Pushing F1 does nothing. What do? Did something change?
    1. Okaetsu
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      Should still work with the newest patch, atleast it does for me. Make sure the .pak is installed properly since the mod is heavily reliant on it.
    2. willhackforsoup
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      where is the .pak?
    3. Okaetsu
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      Inside the zip file for either version.
  6. Niki7245
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hallo, Ich hab ein problem mit der creative Mod im singleplayer funktioniert das menü einwandfrei, aber wenn ich das menü auf meinem server benutzen möchte kann ich keine Items oder Pals spawnen 
    1. Okaetsu
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
  7. tmp998411560
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Two suggestions:
    1: It would be nice if there was a way to input a custom name for a Pal when spawning or obtaining a Pal. 
    2: Could be useful if items that don't have a proper item name just showed the item ID (if possible) instead of "en Text" inside of the Creative Menu UI.
    1. Okaetsu
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      1 is already possible, just click on the Pal's name when in the editor.
      2 was planned for 0.2.0, but I forgot, oops.
    2. tmp998411560
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Oh, I had no idea. Perhaps you could add some kind of pencil icon or maybe put it in a box...? Just a thought.

      Another suggestion: An option to toggle between the boss variant and regular variant (if a BOSS_* variant exists for example) when in the Pal editor. Currently I do this manually by exporting the data and then adding or removing `BOSS_` from the beginning and then importing.
    3. Okaetsu
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      Yeah, I wasn't sure if people were going to use it much so I just left it as a hidden feature, but since people are actually using it, I might just add a pencil icon.

      Good suggestion regarding the boss toggle, will add it for the next version.
  8. wofo73
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hello so i might be a dumbass but the menu dosent show up when i press the F1 key and i have no idea what is the tilde key.
    1. tmp998411560
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Did you install UE4SS?
      Are you in a singleplayer world, non-dedicated (coop) or a dedicated multiplayer server?

      Not sure why it says the tilde key opens the menu; only F1 does for me. The tilde key is usually to the left of the 1 key and above the tab key.
  9. tmp998411560
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Any ideas why my friend can't open the Creative Menu in my dedicated server? It works for him in singleplayer, but once in my server it refuses to open at all for him. I have no issues with it on my end, as it works perfectly fine for me.

    Is it possible that this is caused by him not having the mod that increases the number of Palboxes you can place in the server installed client-side? Had him install that mod, but Creative Menu still doesn't open for him in my server...
    1. Okaetsu
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      Not sure why that's happening, is it possible to get your friend's log from after he has tried pressing F1 on your server?
    2. tmp998411560
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I could ask him to send it to me later.
    3. tmp998411560
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Wish I could just attach the file, but here's the entire log from UE4SS:

      First ran the admin password command, and then pressed F1 a few times. The menu doesn't appear at all for him.

      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Setting up mods...[2024-05-14 01:10:04] Cppsdk not present, cpp mods will not be loaded
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Starting mods (from mods.txt load order)...
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Starting mods (from enabled.txt, no defined load order)...
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Console created
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] UE4SS - v2.5.1 Beta #0 - Git SHA #1481302
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] WITH_CASE_PRESERVING_NAME: No

      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] No specific game configuration found, using default configuration file
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Config: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\UE4SS-settings.ini

      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] root directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] working directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] game executable directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] mods directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64\Mods
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] log directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] object dumper directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Palworld\Pal\Binaries\Win64

      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Deserialized FName::ToString address: 0x7ff679526640
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Deserialized StaticConstructObject_Internal address: 0x7ff6796beec0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Deserialized FName::FName address: 0x7ff679515570
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Deserialized GUObjectArray address: 0x7ff67f043970
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Deserialized GMalloc address: 0x1dac186d950
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.Class
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.Struct
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.Pawn
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.Character
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.Actor
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.Vector
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.Default__DefaultPawn
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.HitResult
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.Default__MaterialExpression
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.ActorComponent
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.OrientedBox
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.MovementComponent
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.HUD
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.PlayerController
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.PlayerCameraManager
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.EInterpCurveMode
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/Engine.ENetRole
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/MovieScene.MovieSceneEditorData
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/UMG.Widget
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/UMG.ComboBoxString
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.Interface
      [2024-05-14 01:10:04] Need to construct: /Script/CoreUObject.DynamicClass
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [1 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject.Class
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [2 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [3 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject.Struct
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [4 / 23]: /Script/Engine.Pawn
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [5 / 23]: /Script/Engine.Character
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [6 / 23]: /Script/Engine.Actor
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [7 / 23]: /Script/Engine.ActorComponent
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [8 / 23]: /Script/Engine.MovementComponent
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [9 / 23]: /Script/Engine.HUD
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [10 / 23]: /Script/Engine.PlayerController
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [11 / 23]: /Script/Engine.PlayerCameraManager
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [12 / 23]: /Script/UMG.Widget
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [13 / 23]: /Script/UMG.ComboBoxString
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [14 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject.Interface
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [15 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject.DynamicClass
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [16 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject.Vector
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [17 / 23]: /Script/Engine.Default__DefaultPawn
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [18 / 23]: /Script/Engine.HitResult
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [19 / 23]: /Script/Engine.Default__MaterialExpression
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [20 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject.OrientedBox
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [21 / 23]: /Script/CoreUObject.EInterpCurveMode
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [22 / 23]: /Script/Engine.ENetRole
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed [23 / 23]: /Script/MovieScene.MovieSceneEditorData
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] Constructed 23 of 23 objects
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] ProcessInternal address: 0x7ff67969d8d0 <- Built-in
      [2024-05-14 01:10:05] ProcessLocalScriptFunction address: 0x7ff67969d980 <- Built-in
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UnrealConfig.FExecVTableOffsetInLocalPlayer: 28
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06]
      ##### MEMBER OFFSETS START #####

      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::ClassPrivate = 0x10
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bFindCameraComponentWhenViewTarget = 0x5A
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::InternalIndex = 0xC
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::AutoReceiveInput = 0x153
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::ObjectFlags = 0x8
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::OnEndCursorOver = 0x1D6
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::CustomTimeDilation = 0x64
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::NamePrivate = 0x18
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::DetachFence = 0x280
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::CreationTime = 0x158
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bAllowTickBeforeBeginPlay = 0x5A
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bForceNetAddressable = 0x59
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::InputPriority = 0x154
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::OuterPrivate = 0x20
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::OnInputTouchEnd = 0x1DA
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bHasDeferredComponentRegistration = 0x5C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::AttachmentReplication = 0x70
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::DefaultUpdateOverlapsMethodDuringLevelStreaming = 0x5F
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::InitialLifeSpan = 0x60
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bAutoDestroyWhenFinished = 0x5A
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::Tags = 0x1C0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::InputComponent = 0x160
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::OnTakePointDamage = 0x1D1
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::LastRenderTime = 0x17C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::RemoteRole = 0x68
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::Layers = 0x1A8
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::MinNetUpdateFrequency = 0x174
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::TimerHandle_LifeSpanExpired = 0x1A0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::OnTakeAnyDamage = 0x1D0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::NetCullDistanceSquared = 0x168
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::OnActorEndOverlap = 0x1D4
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::NetDormancy = 0x151
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::NetDriverName = 0x148
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::NetTag = 0x16C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::NetPriority = 0x178
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::PrimaryActorTick = 0x28
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::NetUpdateFrequency = 0x170
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::OnClicked = 0x1D7
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::OnActorBeginOverlap = 0x1D3
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::OnActorHit = 0x1DD
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::OnBeginCursorOver = 0x1D5
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::OnDestroyed = 0x1DE
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::OnInputTouchEnter = 0x1DB
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::OnEndPlay = 0x1DF
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::OnInputTouchBegin = 0x1D9
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::OnInputTouchLeave = 0x1DC
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::OnReleased = 0x1D8
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::OnTakeRadialDamage = 0x1D2
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::ParentComponent = 0x1B8
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::RayTracingGroupId = 0x6C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bAsyncPhysicsTickEnabled = 0x5D
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::ReplicatedComponentsInfo = 0x1F0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::ReplicatedMovement = 0xD0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::UpdateOverlapsMethodDuringLevelStreaming = 0x5E
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::ReplicatedSubObjects = 0x1E0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::Role = 0x150
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::RootComponent = 0x198
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::SpawnCollisionHandlingMethod = 0x152
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bNetStartup = 0x58
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bActorIsBeingConstructed = 0x5D
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bActorBeginningPlayFromLevelStreaming = 0x5C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bAllowReceiveTickEventOnDedicatedServer = 0x5B
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bActorEnableCollision = 0x5C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bActorInitialized = 0x5C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bActorIsBeingDestroyed = 0x5D
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bActorSeamlessTraveled = 0x5B
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bActorWantsDestroyDuringBeginPlay = 0x5D
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bAlwaysRelevant = 0x58
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bBlockInput = 0x5A
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bCallPreReplication = 0x58
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bCallPreReplicationForReplay = 0x58
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bCanBeDamaged = 0x5A
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bCanBeInCluster = 0x5B
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bCollideWhenPlacing = 0x5A
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bHasRegisteredAllComponents = 0x5C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bEnableAutoLODGeneration = 0x5B
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bExchangedRoles = 0x59
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bGenerateOverlapEventsDuringLevelStreaming = 0x5A
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bHasFinishedSpawning = 0x5C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bHidden = 0x58
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bIgnoresOriginShifting = 0x5A
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bIsEditorOnlyActor = 0x5B
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bNetCheckedInitialPhysicsState = 0x5B
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bNetLoadOnClient = 0x59
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bNetTemporary = 0x58
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bNetUseOwnerRelevancy = 0x59
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bOnlyRelevantToOwner = 0x58
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bRelevantForLevelBounds = 0x59
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bRelevantForNetworkReplays = 0x59
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bReplayRewindable = 0x59
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bReplicateMovement = 0x58
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bReplicateUsingRegisteredSubObjectList = 0x5B
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bReplicates = 0x5B
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bRunningUserConstructionScript = 0x5C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bTearOff = 0x59
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UObjectBase::bTickFunctionsRegistered = 0x5C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UScriptStruct::StructFlags = 0xB0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UScriptStruct::CppStructOps = 0xB8
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UScriptStruct::bPrepareCppStructOpsCompleted = 0xB4
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UScriptStruct::ICppStructOps::Alignment = 0xC
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UScriptStruct::ICppStructOps::Size = 0x8
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FField::ClassPrivate = 0x8
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FField::NamePrivate = 0x28
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FField::FlagsPrivate = 0x30
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FField::Next = 0x20
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FField::Owner = 0x10
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FOutputDevice::bAutoEmitLineTerminator = 0x9
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FOutputDevice::bSuppressEventTag = 0x8
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FEnumProperty::Enum = 0x80
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FEnumProperty::UnderlyingProp = 0x78
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UStruct::DestructorLink = 0x80
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UStruct::Children = 0x48
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UStruct::ChildProperties = 0x50
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UStruct::PostConstructLink = 0x88
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UStruct::UnresolvedScriptProperties = 0xA0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UStruct::MinAlignment = 0x5C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UStruct::PropertiesSize = 0x58
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UStruct::PropertyLink = 0x70
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UStruct::RefLink = 0x78
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UStruct::Script = 0x60
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UStruct::ScriptAndPropertyObjectReferences = 0x90
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UStruct::SuperStruct = 0x40
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UFunction::EventGraphCallOffset = 0xD0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UFunction::EventGraphFunction = 0xC8
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UFunction::RPCId = 0xBA
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UFunction::FirstPropertyToInit = 0xC0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UFunction::Func = 0xD8
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UFunction::FunctionFlags = 0xB0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UFunction::NumParms = 0xB4
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UFunction::ParmsSize = 0xB6
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UFunction::RPCResponseId = 0xBC
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UFunction::ReturnValueOffset = 0xB8
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UField::Next = 0x28
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FProperty::ArrayDim = 0x38
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FProperty::DestructorLinkNext = 0x68
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FProperty::ElementSize = 0x3C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FProperty::NextRef = 0x60
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FProperty::Offset_Internal = 0x4C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FProperty::PostConstructLinkNext = 0x70
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FProperty::PropertyLinkNext = 0x58
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FProperty::PropertyFlags = 0x40
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FProperty::RepIndex = 0x48
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FProperty::RepNotifyFunc = 0x50
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::BlockTillLevelStreamingCompletedEpoch = 0x144
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bAllowAudioPlayback = 0x13E
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::ActiveLevelCollectionIndex = 0x190
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::AudioTimeSeconds = 0x678
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::CommittedPersistentLevelName = 0x700
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bInTick = 0x13B
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::CleanupWorldTag = 0x70C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::LWILastAssignedUID = 0x258
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::BuildStreamingDataTimer = 0x448
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::PauseDelay = 0x688
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::CachedViewInfoRenderedLastFrame = 0x120
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::ContentBundleManager = 0x6D0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::DeltaRealTimeSeconds = 0x680
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bSupportsMakingInvisibleTransactionRequests = 0xDA
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::DeltaTimeSeconds = 0x684
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bPlayersOnly = 0x13D
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::ExtraReferencedObjects = 0x68
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::PreparingLevelNames = 0x6F0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::IsInBlockTillLevelStreamingCompleted = 0x140
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bIsRunningConstructionScript = 0x13C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bAllowDeferredPhysicsStateCreation = 0x108
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::LastRenderTime = 0x130
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::LastTimeUnbuiltLightingWasEncountered = 0x658
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bHasEverBeenInitialized = 0x13F
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::NextSwitchCountdown = 0x6C0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bMaterialParameterCollectionInstanceNeedsDeferredUpdate = 0x13F
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::RealTimeSeconds = 0x670
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::NextURL = 0x6E0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::NumStreamingLevelsBeingLoaded = 0x6DA
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bPostTickComponentUpdate = 0x13B
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::RequestedOriginLocation = 0x69C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::OnWorldPartitionInitializedEvent = 0x4F8
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::OnWorldPartitionUninitializedEvent = 0x510
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bAggressiveLOD = 0x13C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::StreamingLevelsPrefix = 0xC8
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::OriginLocation = 0x690
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::PerModuleDataObjects = 0x78
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bIsDefaultLevel = 0x13C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::PlayerNum = 0x618
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bDoDelayedUpdateCullDistanceVolumes = 0x13C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::ServerStreamingLevelsVisibility = 0xC0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bIsLevelStreamingFrozen = 0x13B
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::StreamingVolumeUpdateDelay = 0x61C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bIsBuilt = 0x13B
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::TimeSeconds = 0x660
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::UnpausedTimeSeconds = 0x668
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bActorsInitialized = 0x13C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bIsTearingDown = 0x13D
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bAreConstraintsDirty = 0x13E
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bBegunPlay = 0x13D
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bDebugPauseExecution = 0x13D
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bRequestedBlockOnAsyncLoading = 0x13C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bDropDetail = 0x13C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bMatchStarted = 0x13D
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bIsCameraMoveableWhenPaused = 0x13E
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bShouldSimulatePhysics = 0x13C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bIsWorldInitialized = 0x13B
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bKismetScriptError = 0x13D
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bMarkedObjectsPendingKill = 0x708
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bPlayersOnlyPending = 0x13D
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bRequiresHitProxies = 0x13E
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bShouldForceUnloadStreamingLevels = 0x13E
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bShouldForceVisibleStreamingLevels = 0x13E
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bShouldTick = 0x13E
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bStartup = 0x13D
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bStreamingDataDirty = 0x13E
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bSupportsMakingVisibleTransactionRequests = 0xD8
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bTickNewlySpawned = 0x13B
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bTriggerPostLoadMap = 0x13B
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UWorld::bWorldWasLoadedThisTick = 0x13B
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UClass::bLayoutChanging = 0xD1
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UClass::ClassWithin = 0xE0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UClass::bCooked = 0xD0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UClass::ClassConfigName = 0xE8
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UClass::ClassConstructor = 0xB0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UClass::ClassDefaultObject = 0x110
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UClass::ClassFlags = 0xD4
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UClass::ClassUnique = 0xC8
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UClass::ClassVTableHelperCtorCaller = 0xB8
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UClass::CppClassStaticFunctions = 0xC0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UClass::FirstOwnedClassRep = 0xCC
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UClass::Interfaces = 0x1D0
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UClass::NetFields = 0x100
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UClass::SparseClassData = 0x118
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UClass::SparseClassDataStruct = 0x120
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UEnum::CppForm = 0x50
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UEnum::CppType = 0x30
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UEnum::EnumDisplayNameFn = 0x58
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UEnum::Names = 0x40
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UEnum::EnumFlags_Internal = 0x54
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] UEnum::EnumPackage = 0x60
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FObjectPropertyBase::PropertyClass = 0x78
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FDelegateProperty::SignatureFunction = 0x78
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FMulticastDelegateProperty::SignatureFunction = 0x78
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FSetProperty::ElementProp = 0x78
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FStructProperty::Struct = 0x78
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FArrayProperty::Inner = 0x78
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FMapProperty::KeyProp = 0x78
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FMapProperty::ValueProp = 0x80
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FBoolProperty::FieldMask = 0x7B
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FBoolProperty::ByteMask = 0x7A
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FBoolProperty::FieldSize = 0x78
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FBoolProperty::ByteOffset = 0x79
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FByteProperty::Enum = 0x78
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FClassProperty::MetaClass = 0x80
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FSoftClassProperty::MetaClass = 0x80
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FInterfaceProperty::InterfaceClass = 0x78
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] FFieldPathProperty::PropertyClass = 0x78
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06]
      ##### MEMBER OFFSETS END #####

      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] m_shared_functions: 0x7ff81c389300
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] Enabling custom events
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] Starting mods (from mods.txt load order)...
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] Starting Lua mod 'CheatManagerEnablerMod'
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] [RegisterHook] Registered native hook (1, 2) for Function /Script/Engine.PlayerController:ClientRestart
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] Mod 'ActorDumperMod' disabled in mods.txt.
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] Starting Lua mod 'ConsoleCommandsMod'
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] Mod 'ConsoleEnablerMod' disabled in mods.txt.
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] Mod 'SplitScreenMod' disabled in mods.txt.
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] Mod 'LineTraceMod' disabled in mods.txt.
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] Starting Lua mod 'BPModLoaderMod'
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] [Lua] FirstPersonMod == table: 000001DAE57CA320
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] [Lua] AssetPath == /Game/Mods/FirstPersonMod/ModActor
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] [Lua] AssetName == ModActor_C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] [Lua] AssetNameAsFName == FNameUserdata: 000001DAE5814A98
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] [Lua] CreativeMenu == table: 000001DAE57C9660
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] [Lua] AssetPath == /Game/Mods/CreativeMenu/ModActor
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] [Lua] AssetName == ModActor_C
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] [Lua] AssetNameAsFName == FNameUserdata: 000001DAE5814A98
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] Starting Lua mod 'Keybinds'
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] Starting mods (from enabled.txt, no defined load order)...
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] Mod 'CreativeMenu' has enabled.txt, starting mod.
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] [RegisterHook] Registered native hook (1, 2) for Function /Script/Pal.PalNetworkBaseCampComponent:Request_Server_void
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] [Lua] [Lua CreativeMenu] Finished loading!
      [2024-05-14 01:10:06] Event loop start
      [2024-05-14 01:10:07] [Lua] Loading mod: FirstPersonMod
      [2024-05-14 01:10:07] [Lua] Loading mod: CreativeMenu
      [2024-05-14 01:10:07] [Lua] Actor: ModActor_C /Game/Pal/Maps/Login/PL_Login.PL_Login:PersistentLevel.ModActor_C_2147482274
      [2024-05-14 01:10:07] [Lua] PreBeginPlay not valid
      [2024-05-14 01:10:07] [Lua] Actor: ModActor_C /Game/Pal/Maps/Login/PL_Login.PL_Login:PersistentLevel.ModActor_C_2147482273
      [2024-05-14 01:10:07] [Lua] PreBeginPlay not valid
      [2024-05-14 01:10:07] [Lua] PostBeginPlay not valid
      [2024-05-14 01:10:07] [Lua] PostBeginPlay not valid
      [2024-05-14 01:10:07] [Lua] [CreativeMenu] [Blueprint] Initializing CreativeMenu v0.2 by Okaetsu
      [2024-05-14 01:10:07] [Lua] [Lua CreativeMenu] Blueprint successfully configured!
      [2024-05-14 01:10:07] [Lua] [BP] [CreativeMenu] Blueprint Core Loaded
      [2024-05-14 01:10:07] [Lua] PostBeginPlay not valid
      [2024-05-14 01:10:07] [Lua] PostBeginPlay not valid
      [2024-05-14 01:10:08] [Lua] Loading mod: FirstPersonMod
      [2024-05-14 01:10:08] [Lua] Loading mod: CreativeMenu
      [2024-05-14 01:10:08] [Lua] Actor: ModActor_C /Game/Pal/Maps/Title/PL_Title.PL_Title:PersistentLevel.ModActor_C_2147482075
      [2024-05-14 01:10:08] [Lua] PreBeginPlay not valid
      [2024-05-14 01:10:08] [Lua] Actor: ModActor_C /Game/Pal/Maps/Title/PL_Title.PL_Title:PersistentLevel.ModActor_C_2147482074
      [2024-05-14 01:10:08] [Lua] PreBeginPlay not valid
      [2024-05-14 01:10:08] [Lua] PostBeginPlay not valid
      [2024-05-14 01:10:08] [Lua] PostBeginPlay not valid
      [2024-05-14 01:10:08] [Lua] [CreativeMenu] [Blueprint] Initializing CreativeMenu v0.2 by Okaetsu
      [2024-05-14 01:10:08] [Lua] [Lua CreativeMenu] Blueprint successfully configured!
      [2024-05-14 01:10:08] [Lua] [BP] [CreativeMenu] Blueprint Core Loaded
      [2024-05-14 01:10:08] [Lua] PostBeginPlay not valid
      [2024-05-14 01:10:08] [Lua] PostBeginPlay not valid
      [2024-05-14 01:10:24] [Lua] [CheatManager Creator] Constructed CheatManager [0x1DA8EEA43E0]
      [2024-05-14 01:10:24] [Lua] [CheatManager Creator] Enabled CheatManager
      [2024-05-14 01:10:24] [Lua] [CheatManager Creator] Constructed CheatManager [0x1DA8EEAF740]
      [2024-05-14 01:10:24] [Lua] [CheatManager Creator] Enabled CheatManager
    4. Okaetsu
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      Wait a second lmao, your friend needs to update his UE4SS. 3.0.1 is the newest one and I assume he used CurseForge in the past since it's showing his UE4SS is 2.5.1.

      Make sure to tell him to delete xinput1_3.dll in the Win64 folder of Palworld once he has updated to the newest version of UE4SS.
    5. tmp998411560
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Oh, so this is a compatibility issue with the server/client I'd assume? Interesting. 

      Never even occurred to me to check his version of UE4SS, especially considering the mod was working at all. I would've assumed he'd've installed the latest release.


      Good news: Outdated UE4SS was in fact the issue.
  10. xMors
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Ok ive installed and reinstalled this a bunch of times and I keep getting this error in the system when my dedicated server loads 

    May 11 03:24:17: 0048:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.May 11 03:24:17: 0048:err:winediag:nodrv_CreateWindow L"The explorer process failed to start."
    May 11 03:24:17: 0048:err:systray:initialize_systray Could not create tray window

    Ive even replaces the main.lua file. Im also asking my hosting site if this mod is supported but havent heard back from them yet. So figured Id ask here. I can enter the menu but cant generate anything. Id assume the Pak isnt loading properly
    1. Okaetsu
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      Yeah that doesn't seem to be your fault. I'm going to assume this message means the server provider is potentially blocking UE4SS from launching with the game, but it could be something else too.
    2. xMors
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I had a feeling as much. Weird thing is all the other mods seems to be working and loading just fine. Ill have to ask DatHost whats up.
    3. Okaetsu
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      That's even more weird because DatHost should work fine. I guess you'll have to wait for their response.
    4. xMors
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yeah ill drop a comment when they get back to me. your mod works perfectly for me anytime else so definitely something on their end 
    5. xMors
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ok so i think I found the problem the mods folder isnt showing the creative menu folders in it on the server side on DatHost but it also wont let me manually put them in so Im working with them right now to figure it out 
  11. Naquida
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    for some reason i cant get this mod to work on dedicated server from GTXgaming . any tips ?
    1. Okaetsu
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      I don't see a mention of mod support on their page, do other mods work on that server?
  12. syrex34
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    i have it on a dedicated server. it doesnw work. the window opens using F1 but when i try to spawn something or give an item, nothing happens. i am in the server and i entered the admin password.
    1. Okaetsu
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      Make sure to go through the "Installing the Mod on a Dedicated Server" in the second pinned comment fully, it has an important step regarding the BPModLoaderMod fix which is needed for 90%+ of dedicated server installations.
    2. tmp998411560
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I had the same issue. There's a patch you need to install as Okaetsu mentioned. This patch only needs to be installed on the server. 
  13. tmp998411560
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Do guests on a server need to have the mod installed, or can they connect to the server without it?
    1. Okaetsu
      • premium
      • 21 kudos
      They'll be able to connect just fine without the mod. The clients only need the mod if they actually want to make use of it.
    2. tmp998411560
      • member
      • 0 kudos