
Modding Fallout NV 'Ultimate Edition' part 6 : Weapon Animation Replacers

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Here is the sixth part of my 'Ultimate Edition' video tutorial series aimed at people who are new to modding but want to learn. In this video I cover the popular Weapons Animation Replacers mod, and how to make your own scripted installer to make trying out the various different options an easy process.

Download links:
Weapon Animation Replacers
Weapon Animation Replacers FOMOD


    • member
    • 0 kudos
    how do people find installing this difficult? it says in the installation .txt file and its pretty obvious anyway
  2. omgoblins
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Gopher you are the best man, keep it up! I posted a comment on your youtube page, but I would love to see you review a couple mods if you still have the desire when you finish these ultimate editon videos. Mainly having to due with NCR and Legion enhancements.

    Caesars New Regime - complete legion overhaul, freaking awesome.
    ADAM - NCR armor overhaul, but it has some tricky installation I think you could really help with, it doesn't have a scripted installer and is split into 3 seperate files.
    NCR Rearmament - a smaller NCR armor replacer
    NCR Doggy Buddies - upgrades their dogs with armor/stats
    Fort Meridius - new legion fort
    Increased Legion Presence - couple legion camps
    Legion Power armor - self explanatory.

    I don't know if you play as Legion or NCR, but these really enhance the experience and I was a bit surprised to find that you didn't mention anything about them at all in your videos (all of which are amazing btw). Take a look and see if they might interest you, I hope you might consider it, thanks very much.
  3. walrus2517
    • premium
    • 16 kudos
    You keep posting these great instructional videos just after I learn how to do it on my own. I just recently learned how to script a FOMOD for my own mod and here you come with a nice tutorial.

    Many thanks!